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QuizTrueFalseTestCase.php in Quiz 6.x


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namespace Drupal\Tests\quiz_truefalse\Functional;

use Drupal\quiz\Entity\QuizQuestion;
use Drupal\Tests\quiz\Functional\QuizQuestionTestBase;

 * Test class for true false questions.
 * @group QuizQuestion
class QuizTrueFalseTestCase extends QuizQuestionTestBase {
  public function getQuestionType() {
    return 'truefalse';
  public static $modules = [

   * Test adding a truefalse question.
  public function testCreateQuizQuestion($settings = []) {

    // Login as our privileged user.
    $question = QuizQuestion::create([
      'type' => 'truefalse',
      'title' => 'TF 1 title',
      'truefalse_correct' => [
        'value' => 1,
      'body' => 'TF 1 body text',
    ] + $settings);
    return $question;
  public function testTakeQuestion() {
    $question = $this

    // Link the question.
    $quiz = $this

    // Test that question appears in lists.
      ->assertText('TF 1 title');

    // Login as non-admin.

    // Take the quiz.
      ->assertNoText('TF 1 title');
      ->assertText('TF 1 body text');

    // Test validation.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Finish'));
      ->assertText('You must provide an answer.');

    // Test correct question.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "question[{$question->id()}][answer]" => 1,
    ], t('Finish'));
      ->assertText('You got 1 of 1 possible points.');

    // Test incorrect question.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "question[{$question->id()}][answer]" => 0,
    ], t('Finish'));
      ->assertText('You got 0 of 1 possible points.');

   * Test incorrect question with all feedbacks on.
  public function testQuestionFeedback() {

    // Login as our privileged user.

    // Create the quiz and question.
    $question = $this

    // Link the question.
    $quiz = $this

    // Login as non-admin.

    // Take the quiz.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "question[{$question->id()}][answer]" => 1,
    ], t('Finish'));
      ->assertRaw('quiz-score-icon correct');
      ->assertRaw('quiz-score-icon should');

    // Take the quiz.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "question[{$question->id()}][answer]" => 0,
    ], t('Finish'));
      ->assertRaw('quiz-score-icon incorrect');
      ->assertRaw('quiz-score-icon should');

   * Test that the question response can be edited.
  public function testEditQuestionResponse() {

    // Create & link a question.
    $question = $this
    $quiz = $this
      ->set('backwards_navigation', 1);
      ->set('allow_change', 1);
    $question2 = $this
      ->linkQuestionToQuiz($question2, $quiz);

    // Login as non-admin.

    // Take the quiz.

    // Test editing a question.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "question[{$question->id()}][answer]" => 0,
    ], t('Next'));
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "question[{$question->id()}][answer]" => 1,
    ], t('Next'));



Namesort descending Description
QuizTrueFalseTestCase Test class for true false questions.