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6 calls to QuizQuestionResponse::getScore() in Quiz 7.4

LongAnswerResponse::getReportFormScore in question_types/long_answer/
Implementation of getReportFormScore
QuizQuestionResponse::getReport in question_types/quiz_question/
Get data suitable for reporting a user's score on the question. This expects an object with the following attributes:
QuizQuestionResponse::getReportFormScore in question_types/quiz_question/
Get the score part of the report form
QuizQuestionResponse::isCorrect in question_types/quiz_question/
Check to see if the answer is marked as correct.
QuizQuestionResponse::toBareObject in question_types/quiz_question/
Represent the response as a stdClass object.
ShortAnswerResponse::getReportFormScore in question_types/short_answer/
Implementation of getReportFormScore