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public static function QuizQuestionResponse::viewsGetAnswers in Quiz 7.5

Get answers for a question in a result.

This static method assists in building views for the mass export of question answers.

It is not as easy as instantiating all the question responses and returning the answer. To do this in views scalably we have to gather the data carefully.

This base method provides a very poor way of gathering the data.

See also

views_handler_field_prerender_list for the expected return value.

MultichoiceResponse::viewsGetAnswers() for a correct approach

TrueFalseResponse::viewsGetAnswers() for a correct approach

3 methods override QuizQuestionResponse::viewsGetAnswers()
MatchingResponse::viewsGetAnswers in question_types/matching/
Get answers for a question in a result.
MultichoiceResponse::viewsGetAnswers in question_types/multichoice/
Get answers for a question in a result.
TrueFalseResponse::viewsGetAnswers in question_types/truefalse/
Get answers for a question in a result.


question_types/quiz_question/, line 915
Classes used in the Quiz Question module.


Each question type must store its own response data and be able to calculate a score for that data.


public static function viewsGetAnswers(array $result_answer_ids = array()) {
  $items = array();
  foreach ($result_answer_ids as $result_answer_id) {
    $ra = entity_load_single('quiz_result_answer', $result_answer_id);
    $question = node_load($ra->question_nid, $ra->question_vid);

    /* @var $ra_i QuizQuestionResponse */
    $ra_i = _quiz_question_response_get_instance($ra->result_id, $question);
    $items[$ra->result_id][] = array(
      'answer' => $ra_i
  return $items;