You are here in Quiz 6.6

Classes used in the Quiz Question module.

The core of the Quiz Question module is a set of interfaces and abstract classes that can be used to quickly and efficiently create new question types.

Why OO? Drupal has a long history of avoiding many of the traditional OO structures and metaphors. However, with PHP 5, there are many good reasons to use OO principles more broadly.

The case for Quiz question types is that question types all share common structure and logic. Using the standard hook-only Drupal metaphor, we are forced to copy and past large amounts of repetitive code from question type to question type. By using OO principles and construction, we can easily encapsulate much of that logic, while still making it easy to extend the existing content.

Where do I start? To create a new question type, check out the True/False type that is included in this module.


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 * Classes used in the Quiz Question module.
 * The core of the Quiz Question module is a set of interfaces and abstract
 * classes that can be used to quickly and efficiently create new question
 * types.
 * Why OO?
 * Drupal has a long history of avoiding many of the traditional OO structures
 * and metaphors. However, with PHP 5, there are many good reasons to use OO
 * principles more broadly.
 * The case for Quiz question types is that question types all share common
 * structure and logic. Using the standard hook-only Drupal metaphor, we are
 * forced to copy and past large amounts of repetitive code from question
 * type to question type. By using OO principles and construction, we can
 * easily encapsulate much of that logic, while still making it easy to
 * extend the existing content.
 * Where do I start?
 * To create a new question type, check out the True/False type that is included
 * in this module.
 * @file

 * A Quiz Question.
 * There should be an implementation of this interface for every question type support
 * by Quiz.
interface QuizQuestion {

   * Construct a new quiz question.
  public function __construct($node);

   * Responsible for handling insert/update of question-specific data.
   * This is typically called from within the Node API, so there is no need
   * to save the node. This function is only responsible for saving data
   * specific to the implement ation.
   * The $is_new flag is set to TRUE whenever the node is being initially
   * created.
   * A save function is required to handle the following three situations:
   * - A new node is created ($is_new is TRUE)
   * - A new node *revision* is created ($is_new is NOT set, because the
   *   node itself is not new).
   * - An existing node revision is modified.
   * @param $is_new
   *  TRUE when the node is initially created.
  public function save($is_new = FALSE);

   * Provides validation for question before it is created.
   * When a new question is created and initially submited, this is
   * called to validate that the settings are acceptible.
   * @param $node
   *  The node storing the question.
   * @param $form
   *  The processed form.
  public function validate($node, &$form);

   * Deletes a question from the database.
   * @param $only_this_version
   *  If the $only_this_version flag is TRUE, then only the particular
   *  nid/vid combo should be deleted. Otherwise, all questions with the
   *  current nid can be deleted.
  public function delete($only_this_version = FALSE);

   * Retrieve information relevant for viewing the node.
   * This data is generally added to the node's extra field.
  public function view();

   * Retrieve information about the question and add it to the node.
  public function load();

   * Get the form that will be displayed to the test-taking user.
   * @param $node
   *  The question node.
   * @param $context
   *  The form context.
   * @return
   *  Must return a FAPI array.
  public function getQuestionForm($node, $context = NULL);

   * Get the form that contains admin settings for this question type.
   * @return
   *  Must return a FAPI array.
  public function getAdminForm($edit = NULL);

   * Get the form used to create a new question.
   * @return
   *  Must return a FAPI array.
  public function getCreationForm($edit);

   * Get the maximum possible score for this question.
  public function getMaximumScore();


 * Each question type must store its own response data and be able to calculate a score for
 * that data.
interface QuizQuestionResponse {

   * Create a new user response.
   * @param $rid
   *  The result ID for the user's result set. There is one result ID per time
   *  the user takes a quiz.
   * @param $question
   *  The question node.
   * @param $answer
   *  The answer (dependent on question type).
  public function __construct($rid, $question, $answer);

   * Save the current response.
  public function save();

   * Delete the response.
  public function delete();

   * Calculate the score for the response.
  public function score();

   * Determine whether the score is a passing score.
  public function isCorrect();

   * Indicate whether the response has been evaluated (scored) yet.
   * Questions that require human scoring (e.g. essays) may need to manually
   * toggle this.
  public function isEvaluated();

   * Get the user's response.
  public function getResponse();

   * Get data suitable for reporting a user's score on the question.
   * This expects an object with the following attributes:
   *  answer_id; // The answer ID
   *  answer; // The full text of the answer
   *  is_evaluated; // 0 if the question has not been evaluated, 1 if it has
   *  score; // The score the evaluator gave the user; this should be 0 if is_evaluated is 0.
   *  question_vid
   *  question_nid
   *  result_id
  public function getReport();

   * Return an HTML marked-up report for displaying the results of this question.
   * @return
   *  An HTML string.
  public function formatReport($showPoints, $showFeedback);

   * Get the integer score.
  public function getScore();

   * Repesent the response as a stdClass object.
   * Convert data to an object that has the following properties:
   * - $score
   * - $rid
   * - $nid
   * - $vid
   * - $is_correct
  public function toBareObject();


 * A base implementation of QuizQuestionResponse.
abstract class AbstractQuizQuestionResponse {

  // These are only public until we can
  // adjust all of Quiz. DO NOT EXPECT THESE
  public $rid = 0;
  public $is_correct = FALSE;
  protected $evaluated = TRUE;
  protected $question = NULL;
  protected $answer = NULL;
  protected $score;

  public function __construct($rid, $question, $answer) {
    $this->rid = $rid;
    $this->question = $question;
    $this->answer = $answer;
  public function isEvaluated() {
    return $this->evaluated;

   * Check to see if the answer is marked as correct.
   * This default version returns TRUE iff the score is equal to the maximum possible score.
  function isCorrect() {
    $possible = _quiz_question_get_instance($this->question)
    $actual = $this
    return $possible == $actual;
  function getScore() {
    if (!isset($this->score)) {
      $this->score = $this
    return $this->score;
  function toBareObject() {
    $obj = new stdClass();
    $obj->score = $this

    // This can be 0 for unscored.
    $obj->nid = $this->question->nid;
    $obj->vid = $this->question->vid;
    $obj->rid = $this->rid;
    $obj->is_correct = $this
    $obj->is_evaluated = $this
    $obj->is_skipped = FALSE;
    return $obj;
  public function getReport() {

    // Basically, we encode internal information in a
    // legacy array format for Quiz.
    $report = array(
      'answer_id' => 0,
      // <-- Stupid vestige of multichoice.
      'answer' => $this->answer,
      'is_evaluated' => $this
      'is_correct' => $this
      'score' => $this
      'question_vid' => $this->question->vid,
      'question_nid' => $this->question->nid,
      'result_id' => $this->rid,
    return $report;



Namesort descending Description
AbstractQuizQuestionResponse A base implementation of QuizQuestionResponse.


Namesort descending Description
QuizQuestion A Quiz Question. There should be an implementation of this interface for every question type support by Quiz.
QuizQuestionResponse Each question type must store its own response data and be able to calculate a score for that data.