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quiz_h5p.module in Quiz 7.4

The main file for quiz_h5p.


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 * @file
 * The main file for quiz_h5p.

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
 * When in a quiz context access cannot be checked by node_access
 * because users may not be able to view the question outside the quiz
function quiz_h5p_menu_alter(&$items) {
  if (isset($items['h5p-ajax/setFinished']['access callback'])) {
    $items['h5p-ajax/setFinished']['access callback'] = 'quiz_h5p_access_set_finished';
  if (isset($items['h5p-ajax/set-finished.json']['access callback'])) {
    $items['h5p-ajax/set-finished.json']['access callback'] = 'quiz_h5p_access_set_finished';
  if (isset($items['h5p-ajax/content-user-data/%/%/%']['access callback'])) {
    $items['h5p-ajax/content-user-data/%/%/%']['access callback'] = 'quiz_h5p_content_user_data_access';

 * Access callback for the setFinished feature
function quiz_h5p_access_set_finished() {
  $id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'contentId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
  return $id ? quiz_h5p_content_access($id) : FALSE;

 * Check current user's access to content user data.
 * @param {int} $id
 * @return {boolean}
function quiz_h5p_content_user_data_access($id) {
  global $user;

  // Only logged in users can have user data
  return $user->uid ? quiz_h5p_content_access($id) : FALSE;

 * Determine user access to h5p content.
 * @param {int} $id h5p content identifier
 * @param {string} [$op='view'] node operation
 * @return {boolean}
function quiz_h5p_content_access($id, $op = 'view') {
  if ($id === '0') {

    // No content. Check if access to H5P content type.
    return node_access('create', 'h5p_content');
  if (variable_get('h5p_revisioning', 1)) {

    // We got vid, but we need nid. Let's ask DB
    $id = (int) db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node_revision} WHERE vid = :vid', array(
      ':vid' => $id,
  if ($op == 'view') {
    $quizzes = db_query('SELECT parent_nid FROM {quiz_node_relationship} WHERE child_nid = :nid', array(
      ':nid' => $id,
      ->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0);
    foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
      if (node_access('view', node_load($quiz))) {
        return TRUE;
  return node_access($op, node_load($id));

 * Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
function quiz_h5p_quiz_question_info() {
  return array(
    'h5p_content' => array(
      'name' => t('H5P question'),
      'description' => t('Quiz questions using H5P. NOTE: It is possible for computer savvy users to cheat and submit a full score for a test without actually doing the test.'),
      'question provider' => 'QuizQuestionH5P',
      'response provider' => 'QuizQuestionH5PResponse',
      'node' => FALSE,
      'module' => 'quiz_question',

 * Implements hook_theme().
function quiz_h5p_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz_h5p') . '/theme';
  return array(
    'quiz_h5p_response' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'data' => array(),
      'path' => $path,
      'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
 * Fixes scoring issue for h5p in quiz context
function quiz_h5p_form_quiz_questions_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $form['submit']['#submit'][] = 'quiz_h5p_quiz_questions_form_submit';

 * Additional submit callback to quiz_questions_form().
function quiz_h5p_quiz_questions_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['max_scores'])) {
    foreach ($form_state['values']['max_scores'] as $key => $max_score) {
      list($nid, $vid) = explode('-', $key);
      $question = node_load($nid);
      if ($question->type == 'h5p_content') {

        // If H5P question.
        $query = db_select('quiz_question_properties', 'qqp')
          ->fields('qqp', array(
          ->condition('vid', $vid)
          ->condition('nid', $nid);
        $result = $query

        // Check if exists in table.
        if (isset($result)) {

          // If exists.
            'max_score' => $max_score,
            ->condition('vid', $vid)
            ->condition('nid', $nid)
        else {

          // If new.
            'vid' => $vid,
            'nid' => $nid,
            'max_score' => $max_score,


Namesort descending Description
quiz_h5p_access_set_finished Access callback for the setFinished feature
quiz_h5p_content_access Determine user access to h5p content.
quiz_h5p_content_user_data_access Check current user's access to content user data.
quiz_h5p_form_quiz_questions_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter Fixes scoring issue for h5p in quiz context
quiz_h5p_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter(). When in a quiz context access cannot be checked by node_access because users may not be able to view the question outside the quiz
quiz_h5p_quiz_questions_form_submit Additional submit callback to quiz_questions_form().
quiz_h5p_quiz_question_info Implements hook_quiz_question_info().
quiz_h5p_theme Implements hook_theme().