You are here in Quiz 6.4

The theme file for multichoice.

Sponsored by: Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine Code: falcon

Theming functions for the multichoice question type.


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 * The theme file for multichoice.
 * Sponsored by: Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine
 * Code: falcon
 * @file
 * Theming functions for the multichoice question type.
function theme_multichoice_creation_form($form) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'multichoice') . '/multichoice.js';
  drupal_add_js($path, 'module');

  // We open the settings fieldset if there is errors involving the choice_multi setting
  $errors = form_get_errors();
  if (isset($errors['choice_multi'])) {
    $form['settings']['#collapsed'] = FALSE;

  // We open the alternative fieldsets if errors have been reported
  if ($errors) {
    for ($i = 0; is_array($form[$i]); $i++) {
      if (drupal_strlen(strip_tags($_POST['alternatives'][$i]['answer'])) > 0) {
        $form[$i]['#collapsed'] = FALSE;
  return drupal_render($form);

 * Theme the answer part of the node view
 * @param $alternatives
 *  Array of alternatives. Each alternative is also an array with all the
 *  data for each alternative.
 * @param $show_correct
 *  True if the user is allowed to view the solution
function theme_multichoice_answer_node_view($alternatives, $show_correct) {
  $header = array(
  foreach ($alternatives as $i => $short) {
    $answer_markup = check_markup($short['answer'], $short['answer_format'], FALSE);

    // Find the is_correct status
    $is_correct = $short['score_if_chosen'] > $short['score_if_not_chosen'];
    $p = drupal_get_path('module', 'multichoice');
    $image = $is_correct ? 'correct' : 'wrong';
    if (!$show_correct) {
      $image = 'unknown';
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => theme('image', "{$p}/theme/images/{$image}.png", t($image), $show_correct ? t('Score if chosen: @sc Score if not chosen: @nc', array(
          '@sc' => $short['score_if_chosen'],
          '@nc' => $short['score_if_not_chosen'],
        )) : t('You are not allowed to view the solution for this question')),
        'width' => 35,
  return theme('table', $header, $rows);

 * Theme function for the multichoice report
 * @param $data
 *  Array of data to be presented in the report
function theme_multichoice_response($data) {
  $rows = array();
  $p = drupal_get_path('module', 'multichoice') . '/theme/images';
  foreach ($data as $id => $alternative) {
    $cols = array();
    $rowspan = drupal_strlen($alternative['feedback']) > 0 ? 2 : 1;
    $not = '';
    if ($alternative['is_chosen']) {
      switch ($alternative['is_correct']) {
        case 0:
          $cols[] = array(
            'data' => theme('image', "{$p}/wrong.png", t('Wrong'), t('This answer is wrong'), array(
              'class' => 'feedback-icon',
            'width' => 35,
            'rowspan' => $rowspan,
            'class' => 'selector-td',
        case 1:
          $cols[] = array(
            'data' => theme('image', "{$p}/almost.png", t('Almost correct'), t('This answer is correct, but there is an answer that gives a higher score'), array(
              'class' => 'feedback-icon',
            'width' => 35,
            'rowspan' => $rowspan,
            'class' => 'selector-td',
        case 2:
          $cols[] = array(
            'data' => theme('image', "{$p}/correct.png", t('Correct'), t('This answer is correct'), array(
              'class' => 'feedback-icon',
            'width' => 35,
            'rowspan' => $rowspan,
            'class' => 'selector-td',
    else {
      if ($alternative['is_correct'] == 2) {
        $cols[] = array(
          'data' => theme('image', "{$p}/should.png", t('Should have chosen'), t("This answer is correct, but you didn't choose it"), array(
            'class' => 'feedback-icon',
          'width' => 35,
          'rowspan' => $rowspan,
          'class' => 'selector-td',
      else {
        $cols[] = array(
          'data' => '',
          'width' => 35,
          'rowspan' => $rowspan,
          'class' => 'selector-td',
    $cols[] = $alternative['answer'];
    $rows[] = $cols;
    if ($rowspan == 2) {
      $rows[] = array(
        '<strong>' . t('Feedback:') . '</strong><div class="quiz_answer_feedback">' . $alternative['feedback'] . '</div>',
  return theme('table', NULL, $rows);


Namesort descending Description
theme_multichoice_answer_node_view Theme the answer part of the node view
theme_multichoice_creation_form The theme file for multichoice.
theme_multichoice_response Theme function for the multichoice report