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public function MultichoiceTestCase::testMultipleAnswers in Quiz 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.6 question_types/multichoice/multichoice.test \MultichoiceTestCase::testMultipleAnswers()

Test multiple answers.


question_types/multichoice/multichoice.test, line 111
Test suite for choice Questions type module.


Test class for multichoice questions.


public function testMultipleAnswers() {
  $question_node = $this
    'choice_multi' => 1,
  $quiz_node = $this
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
    "question[{$question_node->nid}][answer][user_answer][1]" => 1,
    "question[{$question_node->nid}][answer][user_answer][3]" => 3,
  ), t('Finish'));

  // 0 of 1, because user picked a correct answer and an incorrect answer.
    ->assertText('You got 0 of 1 possible points.');
    ->assertText('Your score: 0%');
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
    "question[{$question_node->nid}][answer][user_answer][1]" => 1,
  ), t('Finish'));

  // 1 of 1, because user picked a correct answer and not an incorrect answer.
    ->assertText('You got 1 of 1 possible points.');
    ->assertText('Your score: 100%');