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private function MultichoiceQuestion::forgive in Quiz 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 question_types/multichoice/ \MultichoiceQuestion::forgive()
  2. 7.6 question_types/multichoice/ \MultichoiceQuestion::forgive()
  3. 7 question_types/multichoice/ \MultichoiceQuestion::forgive()
  4. 7.5 question_types/multichoice/ \MultichoiceQuestion::forgive()

Forgive some possible logical flaws in the user input.

1 call to MultichoiceQuestion::forgive()
MultichoiceQuestion::saveNodeProperties in question_types/multichoice/
Implementation of save


question_types/multichoice/, line 29
The main classes for the multichoice question type.


Extension of QuizQuestion.


private function forgive() {
  if ($this->node->choice_multi == 1) {
    for ($i = 0; isset($this->node->alternatives[$i]); $i++) {
      $short =& $this->node->alternatives[$i];

      // If the scoring data doesn't make sense, use the data from the "correct" checkbox to set the score data
      if ($short['score_if_chosen'] == $short['score_if_not_chosen'] || !is_numeric($short['score_if_chosen']) || !is_numeric($short['score_if_not_chosen'])) {
        if ($short['correct'] == 1) {
          $short['score_if_chosen'] = 1;
          $short['score_if_not_chosen'] = 0;
        else {
          if (variable_get('multichoice_def_scoring', 0) == 0) {
            $short['score_if_chosen'] = -1;
            $short['score_if_not_chosen'] = 0;
          elseif (variable_get('multichoice_def_scoring', 0) == 1) {
            $short['score_if_chosen'] = 0;
            $short['score_if_not_chosen'] = 1;
  else {

    // For questions with one, and only one, correct answer, there will be no points awarded for alternatives
    // not chosen.
    for ($i = 0; isset($this->node->alternatives[$i]); $i++) {
      $short =& $this->node->alternatives[$i];
      $short['score_if_not_chosen'] = 0;
      if (isset($short['correct']) && $short['correct'] == 1 && !_quiz_is_int($short['score_if_chosen'], 1)) {
        $short['score_if_chosen'] = 1;