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choice-alternative.tpl.php in Quiz 6.6

Handles the layout of the choice creation form.

Variables available:

  • $form


View source

 * @file
 * Handles the layout of the choice creation form.
 * Variables available:
 * - $form
$p = drupal_get_path('module', 'choice');
drupal_add_css($p . '/theme/choice.css', 'module', 'all');
if ($form['#taking_quiz']) {
  print "\n<script type=text/javascript>Drupal.behaviors.choiceAlternativeBehavior = function(context) {\n  \$('.choice_row')\n  .filter(':has(:checkbox:checked)')\n  .addClass('selected')\n  .end()\n  .click(function(event) {\n    \$(this).toggleClass('selected');\n    if ( !== 'checkbox') {\n      \$(':checkbox', this).attr('checked', function() {\n        return !this.checked;\n      });\n      \$(':radio', this).attr('checked', true);\n      if (\$(':radio', this).html() != null) {\n        \$('.choice_row').removeClass('selected');\n    \t  \$(this).addClass('selected');\n      }\n    }\n  });\n};</SCRIPT>";

  //drupal_add_js can't be used with ajax quiz :/

  //drupal_add_js($p .'/theme/choice-alternative.js', 'module');
$options = $form['#options'];
$fullOptions = array();
$titles = array();
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
  $fullOptions[$key] = $form[$key];
  $titles[$key] = $form[$key]['#title'];
  $fullOptions[$key]['#title'] = '';
print drupal_render($form);
foreach ($titles as $key => $value) {
  $row = array();
  if ($form['#taking_quiz']) {
    $row[] = array(
      'data' => drupal_render($fullOptions[$key]),
      'width' => 35,
  else {
    if ($form['#correct_choice'][$key]) {
      $row[] = array(
        'data' => theme('image', "{$p}./theme/images/correct.png", t('Correct'), t('This alternative is correct')),
        'width' => 35,
    else {
      $row[] = array(
        'data' => theme('image', "{$p}./theme/images/wrong.png", t('Wrong'), t('This alternative is wrong')),
        'width' => 35,
  $row[] = $value;
  $rows[] = array(
    'data' => $row,
    'class' => 'choice_row',
print theme('table', NULL, $rows);