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Administration file for Quiz stats Module


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 * @file
 * Administration file for Quiz stats Module

 * Page for selecting between several quiz revisions
 * @param $nid
 *  Quiz node id
 * @return
 *  Themed html
function quiz_stats_revision_selector_page($quiz) {
  $res = db_query('SELECT vid FROM {node_revision} WHERE nid = :nid ORDER BY vid', array(
    ':nid' => $quiz->nid,
  $count = 0;

  //uses this variable to slightly increase performance
  $vids = array();
  while ($res_o = $res
    ->fetch()) {
    $vids[] = $res_o->vid;
  if ($count < 1) {
    return t('Something went wrong. Please try again');
  elseif ($count == 1) {

    // If there is only one revision we jump directly to that revision
  else {
    $content = array();
    $content['explanation'] = t('There are !num revisions of this quiz that have been taken.
    Different revisions may have different scoring, difficulity and other differences affecting its statistics.
    Because of this you have to choose the revision you want to see statistics from.', array(
      '!num' => $count,
    $content['links'] = array();
    foreach ($vids as $key => $value) {
      $content['links'][] = 'node/' . $quiz->nid . '/statistics/' . $value;
    return theme('quiz_stats_revision_selector', array(
      'content' => $content,

 * Returns statistics for all available quizzes
 * @param $uid
 *   User id
 * @return
 *   HTML table
function quiz_stats_get_basic_stats($uid = 0) {
  $results = _quiz_get_quizzes($uid);
  return empty($results) ? t('No Statistics found.') : theme('quiz_stats_get_basic_stats', array(
    'results' => $results,

 * Get stats for a single quiz. Maybe also for a single user.
 * @param $vid
 *   quiz revision id
 * @param $uid
 *   User id
 * @return
 *   HTML page with charts/graphs
function quiz_stats_get_adv_stats($vid, $uid = 0) {
  $charts = array();
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz_stats') . '/quiz_stats.css', array(
    'type' => 'file',
    'weight' => CSS_THEME,
  $charts['takeup'] = _get_date_vs_takeup_count_chart($vid, $uid);

  // line chart/graph showing quiz takeup date along x-axis and count along y-axis
  $charts['status'] = _get_quiz_status_chart($vid, $uid);

  // 3D pie chart showing percentage of pass, fail, incomplete quiz status
  $charts['top_scorers'] = _get_quiz_top_scorers_chart($vid, $uid);

  // Bar chart displaying top scorers
  $charts['grade_range'] = _get_quiz_grade_range_chart($vid, $uid);
  return theme('quiz_stats_charts', array(
    'charts' => $charts,

 * Generates grade range chart
 * @param $uid
 *   User id
 * @param $vid
 *   revision id of quiz node
 * @return
 *   array with chart and metadata
function _get_quiz_grade_range_chart($vid, $uid = 0) {

  // @todo: make the ranges configurable
  $sql = 'SELECT SUM(score >= 0 && score < 20) AS zero_to_twenty,
    SUM(score >= 20 && score < 40) AS twenty_to_fourty,
    SUM(score >= 40 && score < 60) AS fourty_to_sixty,
    SUM(score >= 60 && score < 80) AS sixty_to_eighty,
    SUM(score >= 80 && score <= 100) AS eighty_to_hundred
    FROM {quiz_node_results}
    WHERE vid = :vid';
  $arg[':vid'] = $vid;
  if ($uid != 0) {
    $sql .= ' AND uid = :uid';
    $arg[':uid'] = $uid;
  $range = db_query($sql, $arg)
  $count = $range->zero_to_twenty + $range->twenty_to_fourty + $range->fourty_to_sixty + $range->sixty_to_eighty + $range->eighty_to_hundred;
  if ($count < 2) {
    return FALSE;

  // Get the charts
  $chart = '<div id="quiz_top_scorers" class="quiz-stats-chart-space">';
  $chart .= theme('quiz_grade_range', array(
    'range' => $range,
  $chart .= '</div>';

  // Return the chart with some meta data
  return array(
    'chart' => $chart,
    'title' => t('Distribution'),
    'explanation' => t('This chart shows the distribution of the scores on this quiz.'),

 * Generates the top scorers chart
 * @param $vid
 *   revision id of quiz node
 * @param $uid
 *   User id
 * @return
 *   array with chart and metadata
function _get_quiz_top_scorers_chart($vid, $uid = 0) {
  $top_scorers = array();
  $sql = 'SELECT name, score FROM {quiz_node_results} qnr
    LEFT JOIN {users} u ON (u.uid = qnr.uid)
    WHERE vid = :vid';
  $arg[':vid'] = $vid;
  if ($uid != 0) {
    $sql .= ' AND qnr.uid = :uid';
    $arg[':uid'] = $uid;
  $sql .= ' ORDER by score DESC';
  $results = db_query($sql, $arg);
  while ($result = $results
    ->fetchAssoc()) {
    $key = $result['name'] . '-' . $result['score'];
    $top_scorers[$key] = $result;
  if (count($top_scorers) == 0) {
    return FALSE;
  $chart = '<div id="quiz_top_scorers" class="quiz-stats-chart-space">';
  $chart .= theme('quiz_top_scorers', array(
    'scorer' => $top_scorers,
  $chart .= '</div>';
  return array(
    'chart' => $chart,
    'title' => t('Top scorers'),
    'explanation' => t('This chart shows what question takers have the highest scores'),

 * Generates a chart showing the status for all registered responses to a quiz
 * @param $vid
 *   revision id of quiz node
 * @param $uid
 *   User id
 * @return
 *   HTML to render to chart/graph
function _get_quiz_status_chart($vid, $uid = 0) {

  // get the pass rate of the given quiz by vid
  $pass_rate = db_query("SELECT pass_rate FROM {quiz_node_properties} WHERE vid = :vid", array(
    ':vid' => $vid,
  if (!$pass_rate) {

  // get the count value of results row above and below pass rate
  $quiz = db_query("SELECT SUM(score > {$pass_rate}) AS no_pass, SUM(score < {$pass_rate}) AS no_fail, SUM(score = 0) AS no_incomplete FROM {quiz_node_results} WHERE vid = :vid", array(
    ':vid' => $vid,
  if ($quiz['no_pass'] + $quiz['no_fail'] + $quiz['no_incomplete'] < 3) {
    return FALSE;

    // no sufficient data

  // generates quiz status chart 3D pie chart
  $chart = '<div id="get_quiz_status_chart" class="quiz-stats-chart-space">';
  $chart .= theme('get_quiz_status_chart', array(
    'quiz' => $quiz,
  $chart .= '</div>';
  return array(
    'chart' => $chart,
    'title' => t('Status'),
    'explanation' => t('This chart shows the status for all attempts made to answer this revision of the quiz.'),

 * Generates chart showing how often the quiz has been taken the last days
 * @param $uid
 *   user id
 * @param $vid
 *   revision id of quiz
 * @return
 *   HTML to display chart
function _get_date_vs_takeup_count_chart($vid, $uid = 0) {
  $start = 0;
  $end = 30;
  $takeup = array();
  $sql = "SELECT COUNT(result_id) AS count,\n            DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(time_start), '%Y.%m.%e') AS date\n            FROM {quiz_node_results}\n            WHERE vid = :vid";
  $sql_args[':vid'] = $vid;
  if ($uid != 0) {
    $sql .= " AND uid = :uid";
    $sql_args[':uid'] = $uid;
  $sql .= " GROUP BY date ORDER BY time_start DESC";
  $days = _quiz_get_last_days($end);
  $results = db_query($sql, $sql_args);
  $res_o = $results
  if (!is_object($res_o)) {
    return FALSE;
  foreach ($days as $date => &$value) {
    if (isset($res_o->date) && $date == $res_o->date) {
      $value->value = $res_o->count;
      if ($res_o->count > 0) {
        $valid_data = TRUE;
      $res_o = $results
  if (!$valid_data) {
    return FALSE;
  $chart = '<div id="date_vs_takeup_count" class="quiz-stats-chart-space">';

  // wrapping the chart output with div for custom theming.
  $chart .= theme('date_vs_takeup_count', array(
    'takeup' => $days,

  // generate date vs takeup count line chart
  $chart .= '</div>';
  return array(
    'chart' => $chart,
    'title' => t('Activity'),
    'explanation' => t('This chart shows how many times the quiz has been taken the last !days days.', array(
      '!days' => $end,

 * Computes quiz attempt count
 * @param $vid
 *   quiz node id
 * @param $uid
 *   user id for filtering
 * @return
 *   Integer containing number of times that a quiz has
 *   been attended, can be filtered by uid.
function _quiz_get_attempt_count($nid, $uid = 0) {
  $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(result_id) FROM {quiz_node_results} WHERE nid = :nid';
  $arg[':nid'] = $nid;
  if ($uid != 0) {
    $sql .= ' AND uid = :uid';
    $arg[':uid'] = $uid;
  return db_query($sql, $arg)

// Theme functions

 * Theme function for quiz grade range chart generates Chart using CHART API function
 * @param $range
 *   array containg quiz results data structure
 * @return
 *   HTML to render/display chart
function theme_quiz_grade_range($variables) {
  $range = $variables['range'];
  $chart_width = 600;
  $chart_height = 400;
  $chart = array(
    '#chart_id' => 'quiz_grade_range',
    '#type' => CHART_TYPE_BAR_V_GROUPED,
    '#size' => chart_size($chart_width, $chart_height),
    '#grid_lines' => chart_grid_lines(10, 10),
    '#bar_size' => chart_bar_size(20, 15),
    '#adjust_resolution' => TRUE,
    '#title' => '',

  // chart data
  $chart['#data'][][] = $range->eighty_to_hundred;
  $chart['#data'][][] = $range->sixty_to_eighty;
  $chart['#data'][][] = $range->fourty_to_sixty;
  $chart['#data'][][] = $range->twenty_to_fourty;
  $chart['#data'][][] = $range->zero_to_twenty;
  $max = max($range->zero_to_twenty, $range->twenty_to_fourty, $range->fourty_to_sixty, $range->sixty_to_eighty, $range->eighty_to_hundred);

  // chart color
  $chart['#data_colors'][] = '00ff00';
  $chart['#data_colors'][] = '66ff00';
  $chart['#data_colors'][] = 'ffff00';
  $chart['#data_colors'][] = 'ff6600';
  $chart['#data_colors'][] = 'ff0000';

  // chart x-axis label
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_X_BOTTOM][2][] = chart_mixed_axis_label(t('Quiz Grade Range'), 50);

  // chart y-axis label and data
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][1][] = chart_mixed_axis_label(t('Attempts'), 100);
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][0][] = chart_mixed_axis_range_label(0, $max);

  // chart description on the right side
  $chart['#legends'][] = t('80 to 100 % - ') . $range->eighty_to_hundred;
  $chart['#legends'][] = t('60 to 80 % - ') . $range->sixty_to_eighty;
  $chart['#legends'][] = t('40 to 60 % - ') . $range->fourty_to_sixty;
  $chart['#legends'][] = t('20 to 40 % - ') . $range->twenty_to_fourty;
  $chart['#legends'][] = t('0 to 20 % - ') . $range->zero_to_twenty;
  return theme('chart', array(
    'chart' => $chart,

 * generates a chart of quiz top scorers
 * @param $attendees
 *   array containing quiz data structure
 * @return
 *   HTML to render quiz top scorers chart
function theme_quiz_top_scorers($variables) {
  $attendees = $variables['scorer'];
  $chart = array(
    '#chart_id' => 'quiz_top_scorers',
    '#title' => t('Quiz Top Scorers'),
    '#type' => CHART_TYPE_BAR_V_GROUPED,
    '#size' => chart_size(600, 400),
    '#grid_lines' => chart_grid_lines(10, 10),
    '#bar_size' => chart_bar_size(20, 15),
  foreach ($attendees as $attendee) {
    $chart['#data'][][] = $attendee['score'];
    $chart['#data_colors'][] = chart_unique_color(count($chart['#data']));
    $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_X_BOTTOM][2][] = chart_mixed_axis_label(t('Quiz Attendees'), 50);
    $chart['#legends'][] = $attendee['name'] . ' ' . $attendee['score'] . ' %';
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][1][] = chart_mixed_axis_label(t('Score') . ' (%)', 100);
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][0][] = chart_mixed_axis_range_label(0, 100);
  return theme('chart', array(
    'chart' => $chart,

 * generates quiz status chart number of pass, fail, incomplete
 * @param $quiz
 *   array of quiz data structure
 * @return
 *   HTML to render quiz status chart
function theme_get_quiz_status_chart($variables) {
  $quiz = $variables['quiz'];
  $quiz['total'] = $quiz['no_pass'] + $quiz['no_fail'] + $quiz['no_incomplete'];
  $chart = array(
    '#chart_id' => 'quiz_status_chart',
    '#title' => t('Quiz Status Chart'),
    '#type' => CHART_TYPE_PIE_3D,
    '#size' => chart_size(500, 200),
    '#adjust_resolution' => TRUE,
  $chart['#data'] = array(
    'pass' => $quiz['no_pass'],
    'incomplete' => $quiz['no_incomplete'],
    'fail' => $quiz['no_fail'],
  $chart['#data_colors'] = array(
    'pass' => '00ff00',
    'incomplete' => 'ffff00',
    'fail' => 'ff0000',
  ini_set('precision', '3');
  $chart['#legends'] = array(
    'pass' => $quiz['no_pass'] / $quiz['total'] * 100 . t('% pass'),
    'incomplete' => $quiz['no_incomplete'] / $quiz['total'] * 100 . t('% incomplete'),
    'fail' => $quiz['no_fail'] / $quiz['total'] * 100 . t('% fail'),
  return theme('chart', array(
    'chart' => $chart,

 * Generates date vs takeup count chart
 * @param $takeup
 *   Array quiz data structure
 * @return
 *   HTML to render/display chart
function theme_date_vs_takeup_count($variables) {
  $days = $variables['takeup'];
  $days = array_reverse($days);
  $max_count = 0;
  $chart = array(
    '#chart_id' => 'test_chart',
    '#title' => '',
    '#type' => CHART_TYPE_LINE,
    '#size' => chart_size(600, 400),
    //'#chart_fill' => chart_fill('c', 'eeeeee'),
    '#grid_lines' => chart_grid_lines(10, 10, 1, 5),
    '#adjust_resolution' => TRUE,
  $interval = 1;
  foreach ($days as $date => $obj) {
    $count = $obj->value;
    $chart['#data'][] = $count;
    $x_label = '|';
    if ($interval == 7) {
      $x_label = chart_mixed_axis_label(format_date($obj->timestamp, 'custom', 'd M'));
      $interval = 0;
    $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_X_BOTTOM][0][] = $x_label;
    $max_count = $max_count > $count ? $max_count : $count;
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][0][] = chart_mixed_axis_range_label(0, $max_count);

  // The chart module has some bugs. If we have the time we should provide patches instead of tricking it to work...
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_Y_LEFT][1] = array(
  $chart['#mixed_axis_labels'][CHART_AXIS_X_BOTTOM][1] = array(
  return theme('chart', array(
    'chart' => $chart,

 * Generates table of results from quiz data structure.
 * @param @results
 *   Array containing quiz results data structure
 * @return
 *   HTML table containing quiz title, author, questions count, attempt count
function theme_quiz_stats_get_basic_stats($variables) {
  $results = $variables['results'];
  if (empty($results)) {
    return '<p>' . t('No questions were found.') . '</p>';
  $header = $rows = array();
  $header = array(
    'title' => t('Quiz'),
    'creator' => t('Author'),
    'created' => t('Created'),
  if (user_access('access author stats')) {
    $header['questions_count'] = t('Questions');
    $header['attempt_count'] = t('Attempts');
  $p = drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz_stats');
  $chart_icon = theme('image', array(
    'path' => "{$p}/chart.png",
    'width' => t('Charts'),
    'height' => t('See charts'),
  foreach ($results as $result) {
    $title_link = user_access('access author stats') ? 'node/' . $result['nid'] . '/statistics' : 'user/' . arg(1) . '/stats/';
    $row = array(
      'title' => l($chart_icon . ' ' . $result['title'], $title_link, array(
        'html' => TRUE,
      'creator' => l($result['name'], 'user/' . $result['uid']),
      'created' => format_date($result['created'], 'short'),
    if (user_access('access author stats')) {
      $row['questions_count'] = quiz_get_number_of_questions($result['vid']);
      $row['attempt_count'] = _quiz_get_attempt_count($result['nid']);
    $rows[] = $row;
  module_load_include('inc', 'quiz', 'quiz.pages');
  $cc = '<em>' . t('Chart icon from !url', array(
    '!url' => '',
  )) . '</em>';
  return theme('table', array(
    'header' => $header,
    'rows' => $rows,
    'attributes' => array(
      'id' => 'tablesorter',
  )) . $cc;

 * Get the timestamps for the last days
 * @param $num_days
 *  How many of the last days we need timestamps for
 * @return
 *  Array of objects with timestamp and value. The value has '0' as its default value.
function _quiz_get_last_days($num_days) {
  $to_return = array();
  $now = REQUEST_TIME;
  $one_day = 86400;
  for ($i = 0; $i < $num_days; $i++) {
    $timestamp = $now - $one_day * $i;
    $to_add = new stdClass();
    $to_add->timestamp = $timestamp;
    $to_add->value = '0';
    $to_return[date('Y.m.j', $timestamp)] = $to_add;
  return $to_return;


Namesort descending Description
quiz_stats_get_adv_stats Get stats for a single quiz. Maybe also for a single user.
quiz_stats_get_basic_stats Returns statistics for all available quizzes
quiz_stats_revision_selector_page Page for selecting between several quiz revisions
theme_date_vs_takeup_count Generates date vs takeup count chart
theme_get_quiz_status_chart generates quiz status chart number of pass, fail, incomplete
theme_quiz_grade_range Theme function for quiz grade range chart generates Chart using CHART API function
theme_quiz_stats_get_basic_stats Generates table of results from quiz data structure.
theme_quiz_top_scorers generates a chart of quiz top scorers
_get_date_vs_takeup_count_chart Generates chart showing how often the quiz has been taken the last days
_get_quiz_grade_range_chart Generates grade range chart
_get_quiz_status_chart Generates a chart showing the status for all registered responses to a quiz
_get_quiz_top_scorers_chart Generates the top scorers chart
_quiz_get_attempt_count Computes quiz attempt count
_quiz_get_last_days Get the timestamps for the last days