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aiken_example.txt in Quiz 6.6

# This is a sample aiken import file. It allows you to create a bulk of quiz questions from a text file.
# Instructions
# 1. Lines starts with # symbol are comment. These lines will be ignore.
# 2. First line of a question must be a question type (multichoice, matching, true_false, long_answer, short_answer or quiz_directions)
# 3. Use nil, if you have no feedbacks.
# 4. You must use A. B. C. .... or A) B) C) ... to represent multichoice question options.
# 5. End of the question is represented by a line space.
# We encourage you to reports bugs and feature request here

# Multichoice Format

# Type
# Question
# A. Choice 1
# feedback
# B. Choice 2
# feedback
# C. Choice 3
# feedback
# D. Choice 4
# feedback
# Answer: D

# Multichoice Example

What is the correct answer to this question?
A. Is it this one?
B. Maybe this answer?
C. Possibly this one?
D. Must be this one!

Which LMS has the most quiz import formats?
A) Moodle
moodle sucks
B) ATutor
sorry no idea
C) Claroline
D) Blackboard
good but evil
E) WebCT
no idea
F) Ilias
what is it ?

# True or False Format

# question type
# Question
# true/false
# feedback or reason

# True or False Example

is Moodle better than Drupal for blogging site ?
moodle is a LMS not suitable for blogging

# Short Answer Format

# Question
# Answer
# max score
# Evaluation type (case sensitive match, case insensitive match, regular expression match, manually score match)

# Short Answer Example

what does PHP stands for ?
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
case insensitive match

#Long Answers Format

# Question
# Max Score

# Long answer Example

Write an essay on Drupal.


View source
  1. # This is a sample aiken import file. It allows you to create a bulk of quiz questions from a text file.
  2. #
  3. # Instructions
  4. # 1. Lines starts with # symbol are comment. These lines will be ignore.
  5. # 2. First line of a question must be a question type (multichoice, matching, true_false, long_answer, short_answer or quiz_directions)
  6. # 3. Use nil, if you have no feedbacks.
  7. # 4. You must use A. B. C. .... or A) B) C) ... to represent multichoice question options.
  8. # 5. End of the question is represented by a line space.
  9. #
  10. # We encourage you to reports bugs and feature request here
  11. # Multichoice Format
  12. # Type
  13. # Question
  14. # A. Choice 1
  15. # feedback
  16. # B. Choice 2
  17. # feedback
  18. # C. Choice 3
  19. # feedback
  20. # D. Choice 4
  21. # feedback
  22. # Answer: D
  23. # Multichoice Example
  24. multichoice
  25. What is the correct answer to this question?
  26. A. Is it this one?
  27. nil
  28. B. Maybe this answer?
  29. nil
  30. C. Possibly this one?
  31. nil
  32. D. Must be this one!
  33. nil
  34. ANSWER: D
  35. multichoice
  36. Which LMS has the most quiz import formats?
  37. A) Moodle
  38. moodle sucks
  39. B) ATutor
  40. sorry no idea
  41. C) Claroline
  42. nil
  43. D) Blackboard
  44. good but evil
  45. E) WebCT
  46. no idea
  47. F) Ilias
  48. what is it ?
  49. ANSWER: A
  50. # True or False Format
  51. # question type
  52. # Question
  53. # true/false
  54. # feedback or reason
  55. # True or False Example
  56. true_false
  57. is Moodle better than Drupal for blogging site ?
  58. false
  59. moodle is a LMS not suitable for blogging
  60. # Short Answer Format
  61. # Question
  62. # Answer
  63. # max score
  64. # Evaluation type (case sensitive match, case insensitive match, regular expression match, manually score match)
  65. # Short Answer Example
  66. short_answer
  67. what does PHP stands for ?
  68. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
  69. 1
  70. case insensitive match
  71. #Long Answers Format
  72. # Question
  73. # Max Score
  74. # Long answer Example
  75. long_answer
  76. Write an essay on Drupal.
  77. 1