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Functions in Quiz 8.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_quiz_delete_old_in_progress ./quiz.module Delete quiz responses for quizzes that haven't been finished. 1
_quiz_delete_question question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Delete the question node from the db, and mark its identifiers in the quiz linking table as "NEVER". This is safer than deleting them and allows for same tracing of what's happened if a question was deleted unintentionally. 2
_quiz_delete_results ./ Delete a single result, or all results for a given user and a given quiz. 1
_quiz_delete_users_results ./quiz.module Deletes all results associated with a given user. 1
_quiz_format_duration ./quiz.module Format a number of seconds to a hh:mm:ss format. 5
_quiz_format_mod ./quiz.module Modifies the format fieldset. 1
_quiz_form_prepare_date ./quiz.module Takes a time element and prepares to send it to form_date(). 2
_quiz_get_answers ./quiz.module Get answer data for a specific result. 3
_quiz_get_attempt_count modules/quiz_stats/ Computes quiz attempt count 1
_quiz_get_browser_content ./ Finds and returns all table rows with a certain class(HTML) in a table(HTML)
_quiz_get_duration_intervals ./ Returns an array with sql where clauses correscponding to the options in the duration filters. 1
_quiz_get_duration_options ./ Returns an array with options for the time filters.
_quiz_get_feedback_options ./quiz.module Get an array of feedback options. 1
_quiz_get_id_from_string ./ Searches for an id in the end of a string. 1
_quiz_get_interval_timestamps ./ Returns an array with sql where clauses correscponding to the options in the time filters. 3
_quiz_get_last_days modules/quiz_stats/ Get the timestamps for the last days 1
_quiz_get_last_table_rows ./ Finds and returns the last table rows(HTML) in a table(HTML)
_quiz_get_node_defaults ./quiz.module Returns default values for all quiz settings. 5
_quiz_get_num_always_questions ./quiz.module Get the number of compulsory questions for a quiz. 3
_quiz_get_questions_from_form_state ./ Returns the questions that was in the question list when the form was submitted using ajax. 1
_quiz_get_question_row ./ Helper function for theme_question_selection_table 1
_quiz_get_question_types ./quiz.module Retrieve list of question types. 7
_quiz_get_quizzes ./quiz.module Get a list of all available quizzes. 2
_quiz_get_quiz_name ./quiz.module Get the quiz name variable and set it as a constant so we don't have to keep calling it in every function. 1
_quiz_get_random_questions ./quiz.module Get an array list of random questions for a quiz. 1
_quiz_get_random_taxonomy_question_ids ./quiz.module Given a term ID, get all of the question nid/vids that have that ID. 2
_quiz_get_score_intervals ./ Returns an array with sql where clauses correscponding to the options in the score filters. 1
_quiz_get_score_options ./ Returns an array with options for the score filters. 1
_quiz_get_summary_text ./quiz.module Get the summary message for a completed quiz. 3
_quiz_get_time_interval_options ./ Returns list of options for the changed select box 2
_quiz_help ./ Handle help calls. 1
_quiz_insert_resultoptions ./quiz.module Insert call specific to result options. 2
_quiz_is_empty_html ./quiz.module Helper function used when figuring out if a textfield or textarea is empty. 1
_quiz_is_int ./quiz.module Helper function used when validating integers. 17
_quiz_is_last_question ./quiz.module Check if this is the last question of the quiz 1
_quiz_is_plain ./quiz.module Helper function used when validating plain text. 1
_quiz_is_taking_context ./quiz.module Tells whether a question node is being viewed inside/outside of quiz. 1
_quiz_limit_year_options ./quiz.module Limit the year options to the years 1970 - 2030 for form items of type date. 1
_quiz_load_user_settings ./quiz.module Returns the users default settings. 4
_quiz_maintain_results ./quiz.module Deletes results for a quiz according to the keep results setting 3
_quiz_mktime ./ Formats local time values to GMT timestamp using time zone offset supplied. All time values in the database are GMT and translated here prior to insertion. 1
_quiz_pick_result_option ./quiz.module Get summary text for a particular score from a set of result options. 1
_quiz_questions_store_filters ./ Store values for each browser filter in $_SESSION 1
_quiz_question_browser_add_filter_fields ./ adds filter fields to the question browser form 1
_quiz_question_browser_form ./ Creates the browser part of the quiz_questions_form 1
_quiz_question_browser_prepare_filter_sql ./ Returns sql to be added in where clause in the browsers select statement
_quiz_question_browser_submit ./ Takes care of the browser part of the submitted form values. 1
_quiz_question_get_implementations question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Get the information about various implementations of quiz questions. 13
_quiz_question_get_instance question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Get an instance of a quiz question. 4
_quiz_question_response_get_instance question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module Get an instance of a quiz question responce. 5


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