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Functions in Quiz 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_quiz_take_question ./ Theme a question page.
theme_quiz_take_summary ./ Theme the summary page after the quiz has been completed.
theme_quiz_user_summary ./ Theme the summary page for user results.
theme_quiz_view ./ Theme the node view for quizzes.
_multichoice_find_correct ./multichoice.module Find the correct answers in an array of answers. 1
_multichoice_get_response_answers ./multichoice.module Get the user's answers for a given exam, given only the question node and the result_id. This is used to keep things checked appropriately. 1
_multichoice_is_personality_question ./multichoice.module Find out if this question is a personality-style question. 1
_quiz_availability ./quiz.module Determine quiz availability status. 1
_quiz_date ./ Formats a GMT timestamp to local date values using time zone offset supplied. All timestamp values in event nodes are GMT and translated for display here. 1
_quiz_form_prepare_date ./quiz.module Takes a time element and prepares to send it to form_date(). 1
_quiz_get_answers ./quiz.module 3
_quiz_get_feedback_options ./quiz.module Get an array of feedback options. 2
_quiz_get_questions ./quiz.module Retrieve list of published questions assigned to quiz. 3
_quiz_get_question_types ./quiz.module Retrieve list of question types. 5
_quiz_get_quiz_name ./quiz.module Get the quiz name variable and set it as a constant so we don't have to keep calling it in every function. 1
_quiz_get_random_questions ./quiz.module 1
_quiz_get_random_taxonomy_question_ids ./quiz.module Given a term ID, get all of the question nid/vids that have that ID. 2
_quiz_get_results ./quiz.module 1
_quiz_get_summary_text ./quiz.module Get the summary message for a completed quiz. 3
_quiz_get_unused_questions ./quiz.module Retrieve list of published questions not assigned to quiz. 1
_quiz_get_vocabularies ./quiz.module Retrieve list of vocabularies for all quiz question types. 1
_quiz_help ./ Handle help calls. 1
_quiz_insert_resultoptions ./quiz.module Insert call specific to result options. 1
_quiz_insert_result_option ./quiz.module Insert one result option. 2
_quiz_mktime ./ Formats local time values to GMT timestamp using time zone offset supplied. All time values in the database are GMT and translated here prior to insertion. 1
_quiz_pick_result_option ./quiz.module Get summary text for a particular score from a set of result options. 1
_quiz_taxonomy_select ./quiz.module Prints a taxonomy selection form for each vocabulary. 1
_quiz_update_resultoptions ./quiz.module Modify result of option-specific updates. 1


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