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INSTALL.txt in Quiz 6.4


1. Copy the entire quiz/ folder into your modules directory.

2. Log in to your site as an administrator, and go to the Administer >> Site building >> Modules
   section. Enable both the Quiz module, the Quiz Question module and at least one question type module
   (for example, Multichoice).


1. Create a user role with the appropriate permissions.
   The role can be created under Administer >> User management >> Roles and the rights can be assigned to the role under Administer >> User management >> Access control.
   Assigning users to this role allows users other than the administrator to 
   create questions and quizzes.
2. Add the "access quiz" permission to roles under Administer >> User management >> Access control that should be allowed to take the quizzes.

How to create a quiz

1. Begin by creating a series of questions that you would like to include in 
   the quiz. Go to Create content >> <question type> (for example, Multichoice).
2. Next, create a basic quiz by going to Create content >> Quiz. You will have 
   the opportunity to set numerous options such as the number of questions, 
   whether or not to shuffle question order, etc. When finished, click "Submit."
3. Finally, add questions to the quiz by clicking the "Manage questions" tab. Here you can
   also edit the order of the questions, and the max score for each question.

Q. I'm getting tons of errors when I try to install this module! Why?
A. Make sure you've installed this module with PHP 5.x and Drupal 6.x. 


View source
  1. Installation
  2. ------------
  3. 1. Copy the entire quiz/ folder into your modules directory.
  4. 2. Log in to your site as an administrator, and go to the Administer >> Site building >> Modules
  5. section. Enable both the Quiz module, the Quiz Question module and at least one question type module
  6. (for example, Multichoice).
  7. Configuration
  8. -------------
  9. 1. Create a user role with the appropriate permissions.
  10. The role can be created under Administer >> User management >> Roles and the rights can be assigned to the role under Administer >> User management >> Access control.
  11. Assigning users to this role allows users other than the administrator to
  12. create questions and quizzes.
  13. 2. Add the "access quiz" permission to roles under Administer >> User management >> Access control that should be allowed to take the quizzes.
  14. How to create a quiz
  15. --------------------
  16. 1. Begin by creating a series of questions that you would like to include in
  17. the quiz. Go to Create content >> (for example, Multichoice).
  18. 2. Next, create a basic quiz by going to Create content >> Quiz. You will have
  19. the opportunity to set numerous options such as the number of questions,
  20. whether or not to shuffle question order, etc. When finished, click "Submit."
  21. 3. Finally, add questions to the quiz by clicking the "Manage questions" tab. Here you can
  22. also edit the order of the questions, and the max score for each question.
  23. FAQ
  24. ---
  25. Q. I'm getting tons of errors when I try to install this module! Why?
  26. A. Make sure you've installed this module with PHP 5.x and Drupal 6.x.