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6 methods override QuickContentRenderable::getType() in Quick Tabs 7.3

QuickBlockContent::getType in plugins/
Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 'prerendered'.
QuickCallbackContent::getType in plugins/
Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 'prerendered'.
QuickNodeContent::getType in plugins/
Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 'prerendered'.
QuickPreRenderedContent::getType in ./
Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 'prerendered'.
QuickQtabsContent::getType in plugins/
Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 'prerendered'.
QuickViewContent::getType in plugins/
Returns the short type name of the content plugin, e.g. 'block', 'node', 'prerendered'.