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public static function QuickSet::ajaxRenderContent in Quick Tabs 7.3

Static method to retrieve content from an ajax call. This is called by the quicktabs_ajax() callback in quicktabs.module.

1 call to QuickSet::ajaxRenderContent()
quicktabs_ajax in ./quicktabs.module
Ajax callback for tab content.


./, line 103


A QuickSet object is an unrendered Quicktabs instance, essentially just a container of content items, as defined by its configuration settings and the array of content items it contains.


public static function ajaxRenderContent($type, $args) {
  if ($renderer = self::getContentRenderer(array(
    'type' => $type,
  ))) {
    $output = $renderer
      ->render(FALSE, $args);
    return !empty($output) ? drupal_render($output) : '';
  return '';