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public function QuickBlockContent::render in Quick Tabs 7.3

Renders the content.


$hide_emtpy If set to true, then the renderer should return an empty: array if there is no content to display, for example if the user does not have access to the requested content.

$args Used during an ajax call to pass in the settings necessary to: render this type of content.

Overrides QuickContentRenderable::render


plugins/, line 30


Class for tab content of type "block" - this is for rendering a block as tab content.


public function render($hide_empty = FALSE, $args = array()) {
  if ($this->rendered_content) {
    return $this->rendered_content;
  $output = array();
  $item = $this->settings;
  if (!empty($args)) {

    // The args have been passed in from an ajax request.
    $qt_name = array_shift($args);
    list($item['bid'], $item['hide_title']) = $args;

    // Ensure the block is assigned to the requested quicktabs block. This test prevents
    // AJAX access to blocks that have not been added to an AJAX-enabled quicktabs block.
    $break = TRUE;
    $quicktabs = quicktabs_load($qt_name);

    // Ensure AJAX is enabled for the quicktabs block.
    if (!empty($quicktabs) && $quicktabs->ajax == 1) {

      // Ensure the requested tab has been added to the quicktabs block.
      foreach ($quicktabs->tabs as $quicktab) {
        if (isset($quicktab['bid']) && $quicktab['bid'] == $item['bid']) {
          $break = FALSE;
    if ($break == TRUE) {
      if (!$hide_empty) {
        $output['#markup'] = theme('quicktabs_tab_access_denied', $item);
      return $output;
  if (isset($item['bid'])) {
    if (module_exists('block')) {
      $pos = strpos($item['bid'], '_delta_');
      $module = drupal_substr($item['bid'], 0, $pos);
      $delta = drupal_substr($item['bid'], $pos + 7);

      // Make sure the user can access the block.
      if ($this
        ->accessBlock($module, $delta)) {
        $block = block_load($module, $delta);
        $block->region = 'quicktabs_tabpage';
        if ($block_arr = _block_render_blocks(array(
        ))) {
          if ($item['hide_title']) {
            $block_arr["{$block->module}_{$block->delta}"]->subject = FALSE;
          if (!empty($block_arr["{$block->module}_{$block->delta}"]->content)) {
            $build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_arr);
            $output = $build;
      elseif (!$hide_empty) {
        $output['#markup'] = theme('quicktabs_tab_access_denied', $item);
    elseif (!$hide_empty) {
      $output['#markup'] = t('Block module is not enabled, cannot display content.');
  $this->rendered_content = $output;
  return $output;