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README.txt in Quick Edit 7


 * Introduction
 * Requirements
 * Installation
 * FAQ
 * Backporting Considerations


Current Maintainers:

 * Wim Leers <>
 * Devin Carlson <>

Quick Edit allows content to be edited in-place.


Quick Edit requires Drupal 7.22 or later. It has six dependencies and requires
two libraries.

Drupal core modules
 * Contextual
 * Field
 * Filter

Contributed modules
 * Chaos Tools
 * Entity API
 * Libraries - 2.x

 * Underscore.js - 1.5 or later (production version)
 * Backbone.js - 1.0 or later (production version)

Like Drupal 8's implementation of in-place editing, IE>=9 is supported.


* Download the Backbone.js and Underscore.js libraries, extract them and then
  place them in your site's libraries directory. Take care to ensure that the
  resulting folder names are 'backbone' and 'underscore' respectively.
* Install Quick Edit via the standard Drupal installation process:
* Grant the 'Access in-place editing' permission to your desired roles.
* Contextual links on nodes will now have a 'Quick edit' link. Clicking it will
  start in-place editing of that node.

Q: I can't see any contextual links, what now?
A: Your theme is probably stripping them. Your theme's templates must always
   print "$title_suffix".
Q: Quick Edit breaks my node titles!
A: This probably means you're using a theme that inappropriately uses the node
   title as a "title" attribute as well, without stripping any HTML used in the
   title. Within an attribute, HTML is pointless and potentially harmful.
   So if your theme's node.tpl.php does something like this:
     title="<?php print $title ?>"
   then please replace it with this:
     title="<?php print filter_xss($title, array()) ?>"
   This ensures that any HTML tags are stripped from the title.
   See for details.
Q: Why does Quick Edit add attributes to my HTML even for users that don't have
   the permission to use in-place editing?
A: First: precisely because these are just small bits of metadata, there is no
   harm; there is no security risk involved.
   Second: it is by design, this metadata is always added, to not break Drupal's
   render cache.
Q: The status report says "Quick Edit's attributes on entities are missing" or
   "Quick Edit's attributes on fields are missing.". How do I fix these?
A: Your theme is probably stripping them. Your theme's templates must always
   print "$attributes" for entities and fields. This implies that a wrapper for
   each field is a requirement. If you're not using a wrapper yet for e.g. your
   fields, you'll want to do something like this:
     -<?php print render($items); ?>
     +<div <?php print $attributes; ?>>
     +  <?php print render($items); ?>
Q: The status report says "The content region class is missing". How do I
   fix this?
A: Your theme is stripping either just the "region-content" class on the
   "content" region wrapper, or it is stripping that wrapper entirely. Edit
   depends on this.
   E.g. the Zen theme does this by default. Drupal user loopduplicate has posted
   a work-around, see and
Q: Why do I get a 'The filter "<filter name>" has no type specified!' error?
A: For Quick Edit module to allow for in-place editing of "processed text"
   fields (i.e. text passed through Drupal's filter system, via check_markup()),
   it needs to know about each filter what type of filter it is. For simpler
   text formats (i.e. with simpler filters), the unfiltered original may not
   have to be retrieved from the server. See for
Q: I want to disable in-place editing for a field.
A: Any field that has the #skip_quickedit property set on it will not be made
   in-place editable. You can add this property through
   hook_field_attach_view_alter(). e.g.:
     function MYMODULE_field_attach_view_alter(&$output, $context) {
       // Disable in-place editing for 'body' fields on 'node' entities.
       if ($context['entity_type'] === 'node' && isset($output['body'])) {
         $output['body']['#skip_quickedit'] = TRUE;
Q: Why do contextual links now appear on node pages?
A: Quick Edit module indeed enables contextual links on node pages as well, to
   allow users to in-place edit not only "teaser" nodes, but also "full" nodes.
   If you want to disable this behavior (which also means disabling in-place
   editing on node pages!), then you can undo the changes made by
   quickedit_node_view_alter() in another module, by either implementing
   hook_node_view_alter() yourself, or by implementing
   hook_module_implements_alter() to prevent quickedit_node_view_alter() from
   being executed.
Q: Can I let my custom code trigger in-place editing of an entity?
A: Absolutely! You can do something like this;
       entityID: 'node/1',
       entityInstanceID: '0'
     }).set('state', 'launching');
   Try it by copy/pasting and executing that code at /node/1 in your browser's
   console and you'll see that in-place editing starts immediately!


From a Drupal 8 perspective:

1.  Use the Libraries API module to depend on Underscore and Backbone.
2.  Drupal 8's build of CKEditor already includes the sharedspace plugin, in
    Drupal 7 we must ask users to create a custom CKEditor build.
3.  Analogously for the sourcedialog CKEditor plugin, except that is only
    necessary when one of the CKEditor module profiles is configured to use the
    "Source" button.
4.  `drupalSettings` is called `Drupal.settings`. The code was kept the same by
    aliasing `Drupal.settings` to `drupalSettings` in the file-level closures.
5.  `Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands` is fundamentally broken in Drupal 7, see and for an
    explanation plus work-around. That work-around is used in this codebase.
    See for details.
6.  Related: the equivalent of calling `Drupal.AjaxCommands.prototype.insert` in
    Drupal 8 is calling `Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands.insert` in Drupal 7.
7.  Drupal 7 does not ship with a modal dialog, so stick to Edit's own, that was
    removed in Drupal 8 in commit 690e51d5458aa770099412d4563ad4e38b35fa74.
8.  The CKEditor integration is directly included with Edit module and depends
    on ckeditor.module, whereas in Drupal 8 the Text Editor module
    (editor.module) provides a generic integration with Edit module, which
    Drupal 8's CKEditor module then uses to integrate with Edit without Edit-
    specific code. Such abstraction is unfortunately infeasible in Drupal 7.
9.  `Drupal.debounce()` only exists in Drupal 8. It is duplicated in
    `Drupal.edit.util` and then injected into the closure like in Drupal 8.
10. The `Drupal.url()` function does not exist in Drupal 7, so we must generate
    the AJAX URLs on the server side and pass them to the JS through
11. Drupal 8 introduced `hook_entity_view_alter()` to be able to add attributes
    to all entity types at once. That doesn't exist in Drupal 7, so we're
    condemned to simulate this on a per-entity type basis:
    `hook_preprocess_node()`, etc.
12. Drupal 7 only has two response content types: HTML and AJAX. To create a
    JSON response in 7, one must use `drupal_json_output()`, and no delivery
13. Apparently it's impossible to #attach assets directly to the `$page` render
    array in `hook_page_build()` in Drupal 7: such attached assets are ignored.
    One must attach them to one of the block regions. As a consequence, we must
    enable block.module in tests.
14. Drupal 7 ships with jQuery UI Position 1.8.7; Edit needs 1.10. Requiring an
    updated jQuery UI causes a lot of compatibility problems in general, so Edit
    ships with a monkey-patched version of it. See js/ducktape.position.js.
15. Contextual links have a different structure in Drupal 7 versus 8. Various
    selectors were adjusted.
16. There's a bizarre bug in jQuery 1.4.4 (the version of jQuery that Drupal 7
    ships with) where calling `.removeAttr('contentEditable')` fails and calling
    `.removeAttr('contenteditable')` works. So changed to the latter.
17. Hooks and internal functions that can pass only `EntityInterface $entity`
    in Drupal 8 need to pass `string $entity_type, stdClass $entity` in Drupal 7.
18. Only `WebTestBase`-based tests were backported from Drupal 8 to Drupal 7,
    since `DrupalUnitTestBase` does not exist in Drupal 7. This does cover the
    majority of Edit's functionality though!
19. The Ajax command classes like `AppendCommand` etc. in Drupal 8 don't exist
    in Drupal 7: array structures are used instead.
20. The `Unicode` class from Drupal 8 does not exist in Drupal 7, hence
    `Unicode::substr()` doesn't exist either; in Drupal 7 we must use
    `drupal_substr()` instead.
21. When calling `field_view_field()` with custom display settings automatically
    generates a view mode ID called '_custom' in Drupal 8, but '_custom_display'
    in Drupal 7.
22. The concurrent editing prevention from Drupal 8 is impossible to backport to
    Drupal 7. See and
23. To support Panels, and particularly the embedding of an existing node in a
    Panels Pane (which renders nodes using the default render pipeline), it was
    necessary to introduce a new "data-edit-contextual-region-for-entity" data-
    attribute, to allow the contextual links not to be set on the node entity
    DOM element itself, but on the Panels Pane. This has been forward-ported, to
    also allow the future Drupal 8 contrib version of Panels to do this.


View source
  2. ---------------------
  3. * Introduction
  4. * Requirements
  5. * Installation
  6. * FAQ
  7. * Backporting Considerations
  9. ------------
  10. Current Maintainers:
  11. * Wim Leers
  12. * Devin Carlson
  13. Quick Edit allows content to be edited in-place.
  15. ------------
  16. Quick Edit requires Drupal 7.22 or later. It has six dependencies and requires
  17. two libraries.
  18. Drupal core modules
  19. * Contextual
  20. * Field
  21. * Filter
  22. Contributed modules
  23. * Chaos Tools
  24. * Entity API
  25. * Libraries - 2.x
  26. Libraries
  27. * Underscore.js - 1.5 or later (production version)
  28. * Backbone.js - 1.0 or later (production version)
  29. Like Drupal 8's implementation of in-place editing, IE>=9 is supported.
  31. ------------
  32. * Download the Backbone.js and Underscore.js libraries, extract them and then
  33. place them in your site's libraries directory. Take care to ensure that the
  34. resulting folder names are 'backbone' and 'underscore' respectively.
  35. * Install Quick Edit via the standard Drupal installation process:
  36. ''.
  37. * Grant the 'Access in-place editing' permission to your desired roles.
  38. * Contextual links on nodes will now have a 'Quick edit' link. Clicking it will
  39. start in-place editing of that node.
  40. FAQ
  41. ---
  42. Q: I can't see any contextual links, what now?
  43. A: Your theme is probably stripping them. Your theme's templates must always
  44. print "$title_suffix".
  45. See
  46. Q: Quick Edit breaks my node titles!
  47. A: This probably means you're using a theme that inappropriately uses the node
  48. title as a "title" attribute as well, without stripping any HTML used in the
  49. title. Within an attribute, HTML is pointless and potentially harmful.
  50. So if your theme's node.tpl.php does something like this:
  51. title=""
  52. then please replace it with this:
  53. title=""
  54. This ensures that any HTML tags are stripped from the title.
  55. See for details.
  56. Q: Why does Quick Edit add attributes to my HTML even for users that don't have
  57. the permission to use in-place editing?
  58. A: First: precisely because these are just small bits of metadata, there is no
  59. harm; there is no security risk involved.
  60. Second: it is by design, this metadata is always added, to not break Drupal's
  61. render cache.
  62. Q: The status report says "Quick Edit's attributes on entities are missing" or
  63. "Quick Edit's attributes on fields are missing.". How do I fix these?
  64. A: Your theme is probably stripping them. Your theme's templates must always
  65. print "$attributes" for entities and fields. This implies that a wrapper for
  66. each field is a requirement. If you're not using a wrapper yet for e.g. your
  67. fields, you'll want to do something like this:
  68. -
  69. +
  70. +
  71. +
  • Q: The status report says "The content region class is missing". How do I
  • fix this?
  • A: Your theme is stripping either just the "region-content" class on the
  • "content" region wrapper, or it is stripping that wrapper entirely. Edit
  • depends on this.
  • E.g. the Zen theme does this by default. Drupal user loopduplicate has posted
  • a work-around, see and
  • Q: Why do I get a 'The filter "" has no type specified!' error?
  • A: For Quick Edit module to allow for in-place editing of "processed text"
  • fields (i.e. text passed through Drupal's filter system, via check_markup()),
  • it needs to know about each filter what type of filter it is. For simpler
  • text formats (i.e. with simpler filters), the unfiltered original may not
  • have to be retrieved from the server. See for
  • details.
  • Q: I want to disable in-place editing for a field.
  • A: Any field that has the #skip_quickedit property set on it will not be made
  • in-place editable. You can add this property through
  • hook_field_attach_view_alter(). e.g.:
  • function MYMODULE_field_attach_view_alter(&$output, $context) {
  • // Disable in-place editing for 'body' fields on 'node' entities.
  • if ($context['entity_type'] === 'node' && isset($output['body'])) {
  • $output['body']['#skip_quickedit'] = TRUE;
  • }
  • }
  • Q: Why do contextual links now appear on node pages?
  • A: Quick Edit module indeed enables contextual links on node pages as well, to
  • allow users to in-place edit not only "teaser" nodes, but also "full" nodes.
  • If you want to disable this behavior (which also means disabling in-place
  • editing on node pages!), then you can undo the changes made by
  • quickedit_node_view_alter() in another module, by either implementing
  • hook_node_view_alter() yourself, or by implementing
  • hook_module_implements_alter() to prevent quickedit_node_view_alter() from
  • being executed.
  • Q: Can I let my custom code trigger in-place editing of an entity?
  • A: Absolutely! You can do something like this;
  • Drupal.quickedit.collections.entities.findWhere({
  • entityID: 'node/1',
  • entityInstanceID: '0'
  • }).set('state', 'launching');
  • Try it by copy/pasting and executing that code at /node/1 in your browser's
  • console and you'll see that in-place editing starts immediately!
  • --------------------------
  • From a Drupal 8 perspective:
  • 1. Use the Libraries API module to depend on Underscore and Backbone.
  • 2. Drupal 8's build of CKEditor already includes the sharedspace plugin, in
  • Drupal 7 we must ask users to create a custom CKEditor build.
  • 3. Analogously for the sourcedialog CKEditor plugin, except that is only
  • necessary when one of the CKEditor module profiles is configured to use the
  • "Source" button.
  • 4. `drupalSettings` is called `Drupal.settings`. The code was kept the same by
  • aliasing `Drupal.settings` to `drupalSettings` in the file-level closures.
  • 5. `Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands` is fundamentally broken in Drupal 7, see
  • and for an
  • explanation plus work-around. That work-around is used in this codebase.
  • See for details.
  • 6. Related: the equivalent of calling `Drupal.AjaxCommands.prototype.insert` in
  • Drupal 8 is calling `Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands.insert` in Drupal 7.
  • 7. Drupal 7 does not ship with a modal dialog, so stick to Edit's own, that was
  • removed in Drupal 8 in commit 690e51d5458aa770099412d4563ad4e38b35fa74.
  • 8. The CKEditor integration is directly included with Edit module and depends
  • on ckeditor.module, whereas in Drupal 8 the Text Editor module
  • (editor.module) provides a generic integration with Edit module, which
  • Drupal 8's CKEditor module then uses to integrate with Edit without Edit-
  • specific code. Such abstraction is unfortunately infeasible in Drupal 7.
  • 9. `Drupal.debounce()` only exists in Drupal 8. It is duplicated in
  • `Drupal.edit.util` and then injected into the closure like in Drupal 8.
  • 10. The `Drupal.url()` function does not exist in Drupal 7, so we must generate
  • the AJAX URLs on the server side and pass them to the JS through
  • Drupal.settings.
  • 11. Drupal 8 introduced `hook_entity_view_alter()` to be able to add attributes
  • to all entity types at once. That doesn't exist in Drupal 7, so we're
  • condemned to simulate this on a per-entity type basis:
  • `hook_preprocess_node()`, etc.
  • See
  • 12. Drupal 7 only has two response content types: HTML and AJAX. To create a
  • JSON response in 7, one must use `drupal_json_output()`, and no delivery
  • callbacks.
  • 13. Apparently it's impossible to #attach assets directly to the `$page` render
  • array in `hook_page_build()` in Drupal 7: such attached assets are ignored.
  • One must attach them to one of the block regions. As a consequence, we must
  • enable block.module in tests.
  • 14. Drupal 7 ships with jQuery UI Position 1.8.7; Edit needs 1.10. Requiring an
  • updated jQuery UI causes a lot of compatibility problems in general, so Edit
  • ships with a monkey-patched version of it. See js/ducktape.position.js.
  • 15. Contextual links have a different structure in Drupal 7 versus 8. Various
  • selectors were adjusted.
  • 16. There's a bizarre bug in jQuery 1.4.4 (the version of jQuery that Drupal 7
  • ships with) where calling `.removeAttr('contentEditable')` fails and calling
  • `.removeAttr('contenteditable')` works. So changed to the latter.
  • See
  • 17. Hooks and internal functions that can pass only `EntityInterface $entity`
  • in Drupal 8 need to pass `string $entity_type, stdClass $entity` in Drupal 7.
  • 18. Only `WebTestBase`-based tests were backported from Drupal 8 to Drupal 7,
  • since `DrupalUnitTestBase` does not exist in Drupal 7. This does cover the
  • majority of Edit's functionality though!
  • 19. The Ajax command classes like `AppendCommand` etc. in Drupal 8 don't exist
  • in Drupal 7: array structures are used instead.
  • See
  • 20. The `Unicode` class from Drupal 8 does not exist in Drupal 7, hence
  • `Unicode::substr()` doesn't exist either; in Drupal 7 we must use
  • `drupal_substr()` instead.
  • 21. When calling `field_view_field()` with custom display settings automatically
  • generates a view mode ID called '_custom' in Drupal 8, but '_custom_display'
  • in Drupal 7.
  • 22. The concurrent editing prevention from Drupal 8 is impossible to backport to
  • Drupal 7. See and
  • 23. To support Panels, and particularly the embedding of an existing node in a
  • Panels Pane (which renders nodes using the default render pipeline), it was
  • necessary to introduce a new "data-edit-contextual-region-for-entity" data-
  • attribute, to allow the contextual links not to be set on the node entity
  • DOM element itself, but on the Panels Pane. This has been forward-ported, to
  • also allow the future Drupal 8 contrib version of Panels to do this.