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qpcache.module in QueryPath 6

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  1. 7.3 qpcache/qpcache.module
  2. 7.2 qpcache/qpcache.module

The main file for qpcache.

QPCache is an cache structure optimized for storing items with large(-ish) keys and very large values.

The underlying table makes use of a combination digest/hashkey key that can make key lookups very fast.

A multi-value index uses the CRC32 and MD5 values in combination. Since CRC32 is very fast for databases to look up (it's a 32-bit integer), this narrows down potential matches very quickly. But CRC has a large collision space, so we use MD5 hashes to reduce collision space while still avoiding the need to pull a potentially large key out of the datastore (we can still store an MD5 hash in the index).

The cache is pruned on cron. However, there is no "clear all" button for this cache, as it is not intended to be used that way. You can use QPCache::clear() to do this if you must. But normallyl apps are assumed to take care of their own data.


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 * The main file for qpcache.
 * QPCache is an cache structure optimized for storing items with large(-ish) keys
 * and very large values.
 * The underlying table makes use of a combination digest/hashkey key that can
 * make key lookups very fast.
 * A multi-value index uses the CRC32 and MD5 values in combination. Since CRC32 is 
 * very fast for databases to look up (it's a 32-bit integer), this narrows down 
 * potential matches very quickly. But CRC has a large collision space, so we use 
 * MD5 hashes to reduce collision space while still avoiding the need to pull a 
 * potentially large key out of the datastore (we can still store an MD5 hash in
 * the index).
 * The cache is pruned on cron. However, there is no "clear all" button for this cache,
 * as it is not intended to be used that way. You can use QPCache::clear() to do this
 * if you must. But normallyl apps are assumed to take care of their own data.
 * @file

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function qpcache_help($path, $args) {
  if ($path == 'admin/help#qpcache') {
    return t('QPCache is a caching stystem for large text docments with complex keys.
    This module provides a development API. It has QueryPath bindings as well as general caching bindings.');

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * Periodically prune dead entries from the cache.
function qpcache_cron() {

 * Check if given key exists.
 * @return 
 *   Boolean TRUE if the key exists and is not expired, FALSE otherwise.
function qpcache_has($key) {
  return QPCache::has($key);

 * Convenience function for preparing a key.
 * Keys can be objects or arrays, but in such cases we need to do some
 * special preparation before using these.
function _qpcache_format_key($key) {
  if (is_resource($key)) {

    //drupal_set_message('Resource cannot be used as a key.', 'status');
    watchdog('qpcache', 'Resources cannot be used as keys.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

  // Complex objects need to be serialized before they can be stored as
  // keys.
  if (is_array($key) || is_object($key)) {
    $key = serialize($key);
  return $key;

 * Retrieve an object from the cache.
 * Object with both a matching key and an unexpired date will be returned.
 * @return 
 *   Returns the object or NULL if no object is retrieved.
function qpcache_get($key) {
  $key = _qpcache_format_key($key);
  if (!isset($key)) {
  return QPCache::get($key);

 * Set an object in the cache.
 * Cache this item. Optionally, you may set the expiration date.
 * Cache entries will replace existing records with the same key.
 * @param $key
 *   The cache key. This can be anything but a PHP resource. Typcically, unique strings are used.
 *   Since the storage engine optimizes the key for performance, there is no need to worry
 *   about key lengths or hashing or anything like that.
 * @param $body
 *   The text content to cache.
 * @param $expire
 *   The date on which this expires. Date can be in any format that strtotime() can
 *   parse (meaning you can do things like '+2 weeks'). If expire is set to 0 (the
 *   default) then the document will never be expired.
function qpcache_set($key, $body, $expire = 0) {
  $key = _qpcache_format_key($key);
  if (!isset($key)) {
  return QPCache::set($key, $body, $expire);

 * Remove an item from the cache.
 * The item will be removed whether it has been expired or not.
 * @param $key
 *   The key of the item to remove.
function qpcache_remove($key) {
  $key = _qpcache_format_key($key);
  if (!isset($key)) {
  return QPCache::remove($key);

 * Factory for creating a QueryPath object.
 * This should be used only when retrieving remote files. Do not use it
 * on local content or DOM/SimpleXML objects.
 * This factory builds the QueryPath using a key. If the key exists in the 
 * database and has not expired, then the document in the database is used.
 * Otherwise, the source is retrieved and parsed.
 * @param $key
 *   The key to retrieve. Typically this is a URL. It can be any data type
 *   but a resource (which is unserializable).
 * @param $ttl
 *   Time to live. This will be run through strtotime().
 * @param $query
 *   CSS query to run on the object. Defaults to NULL.
 * @param $options
 *   Array of options to pass to qp(). Defaults to NULL.
function qpcache_qp($key, $ttl = '+2 weeks', $query = NULL, $options = array()) {
  $data = QPCache::get($key);
  if (empty($data)) {
    $qp = qp($key, $query, $options);
    QPCache::set($key, $qp
      ->xml(), strtotime($ttl));
  else {
    try {
      $xml = $data->xml;
      $dom = new DOMDocument();

      // TODO: Find out why QP will not load a DB file directly.
      $qp = qp($dom);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      drupal_set_message('Error: ' . check_plain($e
        ->getMessage()), 'status');
  return $qp;

 * This is a special-purpose XML cache.
 * It performs a different role than the built-in Drupal cache. It caches
 * XML documents for any given period. It is not cleared with the Drupal
 * cache. It uses a hashkey for optimal search speed across multiple database
 * types.
 * The qpcache_* functions in this module are not mere wrappers around the 
 * methods here. They add substantial logic on top of the bare caching layer.
 * Part of the logic is the key encoding logic. The QPCache class assumes that 
 * keys are strings. The qpcache_* functions provide facilities for use objects
 * and arrays as keys, too.
class QPCache {

   * Return true if the cache has this key.
  public static function has($key) {
    list($crc, $hash) = self::genMultiKey($key);
    $now = time();
    $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(hashkey) FROM {qpcache_xmlcache} WHERE crckey=%d AND hashkey=\'%s\' AND (expire = 0 OR expire > %d)';
    return db_result(db_query($sql, $crc, $hash, $now)) > 0;

   * Return the value of the given key, if it exists in the database.
   * If no value is found, this will return NULL.
  public static function get($key) {
    list($crc, $hash) = self::genMultiKey($key);
    $now = time();

    // if (is_array($key)) {
    //       drupal_set_message('Retrieval key is array.', 'status');
    //     }
    $sql = 'SELECT clearkey, expire, body FROM {qpcache_xmlcache} WHERE crckey=%d AND hashkey=\'%s\' AND (expire = 0 OR expire > %d)';
    $object = db_fetch_object(db_query($sql, $crc, $hash, $now));
    if (empty($object)) {
    $object->xml = $object->body;
    return $object;

   * Put a value in the cache.
   * This will overwrite any existing entry with the same key.
   * @param $key
   *   A string value.
   * @param $body
   *   The text value to store.
   * @param $expire
   *   An expiration date in UNIX timestamp format.
  public static function set($key, $body, $expire = 0) {
    list($crckey, $hashkey) = self::genMultiKey($key);

    // foreach (array($key, $body, $expire) as $f) {
    //       if (is_array($f)) {
    //         drupal_set_message('WARNING: Array: ' . print_r($f, TRUE), 'status');
    //       }
    //     }
    db_query("DELETE FROM {qpcache_xmlcache} WHERE hashkey = '%s'", $hashkey);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {qpcache_xmlcache} (crckey, hashkey, clearkey, body, expire) \n      VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $crckey, $hashkey, $key, $body, $expire);

   * Remove a single entry from the cache.
   * This will remove the item whether it has expired or note.
   * @param $key
   *   The key of the item to be removed.
  public static function remove($key) {
    list($crckey, $hashkey) = self::genMultiKey($key);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {qpcache_xmlcache} WHERE hashkey = '%s'", $hashkey);

   * Remove expired keys.
  public static function prune() {
    $now = time();
    db_query('DELETE FROM {qpcache_xmlcache} WHERE expire BETWEEN 1 AND %d', $now);

   * Empty the cache.
  public static function clear() {
    db_query('TRUNCATE TABLE {qpcache_xmlcache}');

   * Given the original key, generate a multi-key.
   * For performance reasons, we use a composite key for retrieving entries.
   * This key uses a CRC-32 checksum against the original key plus an MD5 of
   * the original key. A CRC can be looked up in the database about 30 times faster
   * than an MD5. However, it has a much broader collision space.
   * So if indexing is done correctly, we can use the CRC to very quickly narrow,
   * and then use the MD5 to select the appropriate result from a very small set.
   * @return
   *   List where position 0 is CRC and 1 is MD5
  protected function genMultiKey($key) {
    return array(



Namesort descending Description
qpcache_cron Implements hook_cron().
qpcache_get Retrieve an object from the cache.
qpcache_has Check if given key exists.
qpcache_help Implementation of hook_help().
qpcache_qp Factory for creating a QueryPath object.
qpcache_remove Remove an item from the cache.
qpcache_set Set an object in the cache.
_qpcache_format_key Convenience function for preparing a key.


Namesort descending Description
QPCache This is a special-purpose XML cache.