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7 calls to purl_path_elements() in Persistent URL 6

purl_domain::parse in includes/
Simply match our 'q' (aka domain) against an allowed value.
purl_extension::parse in includes/
Detects processor in the passed 'value'.
purl_pair::parse in includes/
Tear apart the path and iterate thought it looking for valid values.
purl_path::parse in includes/
Tear apart the path and iterate thought it looking for valid values.
purl_querystring::parse in includes/
Tear apart the path and iterate thought it looking for valid values.
purl_subdomain::parse in includes/
Detects processor in the passed 'value'.
purl_useragent::parse in includes/
See a valid value is present in the HTTP_USER_AGENT. Note: we're using stripos() which makes this check relatively easy to pass..