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namespace Drupal\Tests\purge_users\Functional in Auto Purge Users 8.3

Classsort descending Location Description
BlockedDeleteTest tests/src/Functional/BlockedDeleteTest.php Purge users who have been blocked for a specific period.
BlockedSitePolicyDeleteTest tests/src/Functional/BlockedSitePolicyDeleteTest.php Site policy applied.
InactiveDeleteNotificationTest tests/src/Functional/InactiveDeleteNotificationTest.php Purge users whose account has not been activated for a specific period.
InactiveDeleteTest tests/src/Functional/InactiveDeleteTest.php Purge users whose account has not been activated for a specific period.
NeverLoggedBlockTest tests/src/Functional/NeverLoggedBlockTest.php Purge users who have never logged in for a specific period.
NotificationBeforeUserDeletionTest tests/src/Functional/NotificationBeforeUserDeletionTest.php Notification is sent before users are purged.
NotLoggedBlockedUnpublishTest tests/src/Functional/NotLoggedBlockedUnpublishTest.php Purge users who did not log in for a specific period.
NotLoggedBlockTest tests/src/Functional/NotLoggedBlockTest.php Purge users who have not logged in for a specific period.
NotLoggedDeleteAnonymizeTest tests/src/Functional/NotLoggedDeleteAnonymizeTest.php Purge users who did not log in for a specific period.
NotLoggedDeleteSkipBlockedTest tests/src/Functional/NotLoggedDeleteSkipBlockedTest.php Purge users who did not log in for a specific period.
SettingsBase tests/src/Functional/SettingsBase.php Base class for purge users testing.
SettingsFormTest tests/src/Functional/SettingsFormTest.php Tests submission of Purge Users form.