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publishcontent.test in Publish Content 7

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Unit tests for Publish Content module.


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 * @file
 * Unit tests for Publish Content module.

 * We test to ensure we are not messing up with the default Drupal
 * access for view node  i.e. a owner of a node can view it even if unpublished.
abstract class PublishContentWebTestBase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Perform a GET operation on a node.
   * This will check the response to access some operation via
   * the URL of a node. In the case of 'publish' or 'unpublish'
   * it will first visit the view of a node so that the relevant
   * tabs can be generated.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node nid
   * @param string $op
   *   An operation such as 'view', 'edit', 'publish', 'unpublish'
   * @param int $expected_response
   *   The expexted response code. If the user should not be able to
   *   see the 'publish' or 'unpublish' tabs, set this to 403, otherwise
   *   200.
   * @param string $msg
   *   (optional) An assertion log message.
  public abstract function assertNodeOperationAccess($nid, $op, $expected_response, $msg = '');

   * Allow content type to be used with publish content.
  public function enablePublishContentForContentType($types) {
    if (!is_array($types)) {
      $types = array(
    foreach ($types as $type) {
      variable_set('publishcontent_' . $type, TRUE);

    // Rebuild SimpleTests permissions cache.
      ->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);

   * Assert the status of a given node.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node nid to check
   * @param int $status
   *   Either 1 for published or 0 for unpublished
  public function assertNodeStatus($nid, $status, $msg = '') {
    $node = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE);
    $msg = !empty($msg) ? $msg : t('Node status is @actual, expecting @expected', array(
      '@actual' => $node->status,
      '@expected' => $status,
      ->assertEqual($node->status, $status, $msg);

   * Set the status of a node.
   * @param node|int $node
   *   A loaded node object or node nid
   * @param int $status
   *   The status to set, 1 for published, 0 for unpublished.
  public function setNodeStatus($node, $status, $msg = '') {
    $node = is_object($node) ? $node : node_load($node);
    if ($node->status != $status) {
      $node->status = $status;

   * Check the current user session forbids publish of a given node.
   * @param node $node
   *   The node object to test against.
  public function assertCurrentUserCannotPublish($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
    $username = $this->loggedInUser->name;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 1, 'Start test with a published node');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'publish', 403, $username . ' cannot publish the published node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 1, 'node should be still published');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 200, $username . ' can view the published node');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0);
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'publish', 403, $username . ' cannot publish the unpublished node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 0, 'node should be still unpublished');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset the nodes status');

   * Check the current user session cannot unpublish a given node.
   * @param node $node
   *   The node object to test against.
  public function assertCurrentUserCannotUnpublish($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
    $username = $this->loggedInUser->name;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 1, 'Start test with a published node');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'unpublish', 403, $username . ' cannot unpublish the published node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 1, 'node should be still published');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 200, $username . ' can view the published node');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0);
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'unpublish', 403, $username . ' cannot unpublish an unpublished node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 0, 'node should be still unpublished');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset the nodes status');

   * Check the current user session can publish a given node.
   * @param node $node
   *   The node object to test against.
  public function assertCurrentUserCanPublish($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
    $username = $this->loggedInUser->name;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 1, 'Start test with a published node');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'publish', 403, $username . ' cannot access the publish callback for a node which is already published.');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 200, $username . ' can view the published node');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0);
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 200, $username . ' can view unpublished node');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'publish', 200, $username . ' can access publish callback on an unpublished node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 1, 'node should now be published');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset the nodes status');

   * Check the current user session can unpublish a node.
   * @param node $node
   *   The node to test against.
  public function assertCurrentUserCanUnpublish($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
    $username = $this->loggedInUser->name;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 1, 'Start test with a published node');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'unpublish', 200, $username . ' can access unpublish callback on a published node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 0, 'Node should now be unpublished');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 200, $username . ' can view the unpublished node.');
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'unpublish', 403, $username . ' cannot access the unpublish callback of an unpublished node');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 0, 'Node should still be unpublished');
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset the nodes status');

   * Assert the current user can publish a node from the listing test page.
  public function assertCanPublishFromLinksPage($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0, 'Start test with an unpublished node');
      ->assertLink('publish-' . $node->nid);
      ->assertNoLink('unpublish-' . $node->nid);
      ->clickLink('publish-' . $node->nid);

    // Submit the confirmation form.
      ->drupalPost($this->url, array(), 'Confirm');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 1);
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset status');

   * Assert the current user cannot publish a node from the listing test page.
  public function assertCannotPublishFromLinksPage($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0, 'Start test with an unpublished node');
      ->assertNoLink('publish-' . $node->nid);
      ->assertNoLink('unpublish-' . $node->nid);
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset status');

   * Assert the current user can unpublish a node from the listing test page.
  public function assertCanUnpublishFromLinksPage($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 1, 'Start test with a published node');
      ->assertLink('unpublish-' . $node->nid);
      ->assertNoLink('publish-' . $node->nid);
      ->clickLink('unpublish-' . $node->nid);

    // Submit the confirmation form.
      ->drupalPost($this->url, array(), 'Confirm');
      ->assertNodeStatus($node->nid, 0);
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset status');

   * Assert the current user cannot unpublish a node from the listing test page.
  public function assertCannotUnpublishFromLinksPage($node) {
    $status = $node->status;
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 1, 'Start test with a published node');
      ->assertNoLink('publish-' . $node->nid);
      ->assertNoLink('unpublish-' . $node->nid);
      ->setNodeStatus($node, $status, 'Reset status');

   * Check no publish permission by node owner.
  public function testNoPublishPermissionByOwner() {
    $web_user = $this
      'access content',
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'page',
      'uid' => $web_user->uid,
      'status' => 1,
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0);
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 403, 'Node is not accessible by its owner when unpublished.');

   * Check publishcontent module does not interfere with the normal Drupal.
  public function testNoPermissionAndNotOwner() {
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'page',
      'uid' => 0,
      'status' => 1,
      'access content',
      ->setNodeStatus($node, 0);
      ->assertNodeOperationAccess($node->nid, 'view', 403, 'Node is not viewable by non owner when unpublished by a user without publish or unpublish permissions');

   * Test the combination of publish but not unpublish permissions.
  public function testPublishNotUnpublish() {
    $type = 'page';
    $web_user = $this
      'access content',
      'publish editable ' . $type . ' content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'edit own ' . $type . ' content',
    $node = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'uid' => $web_user->uid,
      'status' => 0,
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit');

   * Test the combination of unpublish but not publish.
  public function testNotPublishUnpublish() {
    $type = 'page';
    $web_user = $this
      'access content',
      'unpublish any ' . $type . ' content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'edit own ' . $type . ' content',
    $node = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'uid' => $web_user->uid,
      'status' => 1,

   * Test the combination of both publish and unpublish.
  public function testPublishUnpublish() {
    $type = 'page';
    $web_user_1 = $this
      'access content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'edit any ' . $type . ' content',
      'publish any content',
    $node1 = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'uid' => $web_user_1->uid,
      'status' => 1,
    $web_user_2 = $this
      'access content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'edit any ' . $type . ' content',
      'unpublish any content',
    $node2 = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'uid' => $web_user_2->uid,
      'status' => 1,
    $web_user_3 = $this
      'access content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'edit any ' . $type . ' content',
      'publish any content',
      'unpublish any content',
    $node3 = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'uid' => $web_user_3->uid,
      'status' => 1,

   * Test basic publish ability using the publishcontent_test module.
  public function testBasicPublishCallback() {
    $type = 'page';
    $web_user_1 = $this
      'access content',
      'publish any content',
    $web_user_2 = $this
      'access content',
      'unpublish any content',
    $web_user_3 = $this
      'access content',
      'publish any content',
      'unpublish any content',
    $web_user_4 = $this
      'access content',
      'publish any ' . $type . ' content',
    $web_user_5 = $this
      'access content',
      'unpublish any ' . $type . ' content',
    $web_user_6 = $this
      'access content',
      'publish any ' . $type . ' content',
      'unpublish any ' . $type . ' content',
    $web_user_7 = $this
      'access content',
      'publish any article content',
      'unpublish any article content',
    $node = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'uid' => 1,
      'status' => 0,
      ->assertCanPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish any content can publish page node');
      ->assertCannotUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish any content cannot unpublish page node');
      ->assertCannotPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with unpublish any content cannot publish page node');
      ->assertCanUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with unpublish any content can unpublish page node');
      ->assertCanPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish and unpublish any content can publish page node');
      ->assertCanUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish and unpublish any content can unpublish page node');
      ->assertCanPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish any page nodes can publish a page node');
      ->assertCannotUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish any page nodes cannot unpublish page node');
      ->assertCannotPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with unpublish any page node cannot publish a page node');
      ->assertCanUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with unpublish any page node can unpublish a page node');
      ->assertCanPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish and unpublish any page node can publish a page node');
      ->assertCanUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish and unpublish any page node can unpublish a page node');
      ->assertCannotPublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with publish any article content cannot publish page content');
      ->assertCannotUnpublishFromLinksPage($node, 'Someone with unpublish any article content cannot unpublish page content');


 * Test permissions with the tab method.
class PublishContentTabTests extends PublishContentWebTestBase {

   * Drupal SimpleTest method: return metadata about the test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Publish Content: Tab Tests'),
      'description' => t('Executes test suite for Publish Content module with the tab method.'),
      'group' => t('Publish Content'),

   * Test setup instructions.
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('publishcontent', 'publishcontent_test');
    variable_set('publishcontent_method', PUBLISHCONTENT_METHOD_TABS);

   * Perform a GET operation on a node.
   * This will check the response to access some operation via
   * the URL of a node. In the case of 'publish' or 'unpublish'
   * it will first visit the view of a node so that the relevant
   * tabs can be generated.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node nid
   * @param string $op
   *   An operation such as 'view', 'edit', 'publish', 'unpublish'
   * @param int $expected_response
   *   The expexted response code. If the user should not be able to
   *   see the 'publish' or 'unpublish' tabs, set this to 403, otherwise
   *   200.
   * @param string $msg
   *   (optional) An assertion log message.
  public function assertNodeOperationAccess($nid, $op, $expected_response, $msg = '') {
    if (in_array($op, array(
    ))) {
      $tab_link_text = ucfirst($op);

      // Visit the edit page first to generate the tab.
      $view_response = curl_getinfo($this->curlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
      if ($view_response != 200) {
        $msg .= t('Could not view the node. Response code: @response', array(
          '@response' => $view_response,
          ->assert($expected_response == $view_response, $msg);

      // Check the tab exists.
      $links = $this
        ->xpath('//a[normalize-space(text())=:label]', array(
        ':label' => $tab_link_text,
      if (!isset($links[0])) {

        // No tab.
        $msg .= t('Could not find a tab called @tab', array(
          '@tab' => $tab_link_text,
          ->assert($expected_response != 200, $msg);

      // Now visit the tab.

      // Submit the confirmation form.
        ->drupalPost($this->url, array(), 'Confirm');
      $node = node_load($nid);
      if ($op == 'publish') {
          ->assertText(_publishcontent_get_message($node->nid, $node->title, TRUE), 'Publish content message is visible.');
      else {
          ->assertText(_publishcontent_get_message($node->nid, $node->title, FALSE), 'Unpublish message is visible.');
    else {
      $url = $op == 'view' ? "node/{$nid}" : "node/{$nid}/{$op}";
      ->assertResponse($expected_response, $msg);


 * Test permissions with the button method.
class PublishContentButtonTests extends PublishContentWebTestBase {

   * Drupal SimpleTest method: return metadata about the test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Publish Content: Button Tests'),
      'description' => t('Executes test suite for Publish Content module with the button method.'),
      'group' => t('Publish Content'),

   * Test setup instructions.
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('publishcontent', 'publishcontent_test');
    variable_set('publishcontent_method', PUBLISHCONTENT_METHOD_BUTTON);

   * Perform a GET operation on a node.
   * This will check the response to access some operation via
   * the URL of a node. In the case of 'publish' or 'unpublish'
   * it will first visit the view of a node so that the relevant
   * tabs can be generated.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node nid
   * @param string $op
   *   An operation such as 'view', 'edit', 'publish', 'unpublish'
   * @param int $expected_response
   *   The expected response code. If the user should not be able to
   *   see the 'publish' or 'unpublish' tabs, set this to 403, otherwise
   *   200.
   * @param string $msg
   *   (optional) An assertion log message.
  public function assertNodeOperationAccess($nid, $op, $expected_response, $msg = '') {
    if (in_array($op, array(
    ))) {
      $button_text = t(ucfirst($op));

      // Visit the edit page first to generate the tab.
      $view_response = curl_getinfo($this->curlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
      if ($view_response != 200) {
        $msg .= t('Could not view the node. Response code: @response', array(
          '@response' => $view_response,
          ->assert($expected_response == $view_response, $msg);

      // Find the button.
      $buttons = $this
        ->xpath('//input[@value=:label]', array(
        ':label' => $button_text,
      if (!isset($buttons[0])) {

        // No button.
        $msg .= t('Could not find a button called @button', array(
          '@button' => $button_text,
          ->assert($expected_response != 200, $msg);

      // Submit the form.
        ->drupalPost("node/{$nid}/edit", array(), $button_text);
    else {
      $url = $op == 'view' ? "node/{$nid}" : "node/{$nid}/{$op}";
      ->assertResponse($expected_response, $msg);


 * Test permissions with the tab method.
class PublishContentCheckboxTests extends PublishContentWebTestBase {

   * Drupal SimpleTest method: return metadata about the test.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Publish Content: Checkbox Tests'),
      'description' => t('Executes test suite for Publish Content module with the checkbox method.'),
      'group' => t('Publish Content'),

   * Test setup instructions.
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('publishcontent', 'publishcontent_test');
    variable_set('publishcontent_method', PUBLISHCONTENT_METHOD_NONE);

   * Perform a GET operation on a node.
   * This will check the response to access some operation via
   * the URL of a node. In the case of 'publish' or 'unpublish'
   * it will first visit the view of a node so that the relevant
   * tabs can be generated.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node nid
   * @param string $op
   *   An operation such as 'view', 'edit', 'publish', 'unpublish'
   * @param int $expected_response
   *   The expected response code. If the user should not be able to
   *   see the 'publish' or 'unpublish' tabs, set this to 403, otherwise
   *   200.
   * @param string $msg
   *   (optional) An assertion log message.
  public function assertNodeOperationAccess($nid, $op, $expected_response, $msg = '') {
    if (in_array($op, array(
    ))) {

      // Visit the edit page first to check for the published checkbox.
      $view_response = curl_getinfo($this->curlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
      if ($view_response != 200) {
        $msg .= t('Could not edit the node. Response code: @response', array(
          '@response' => $view_response,
          ->assert($expected_response == $view_response, $msg);

      // Check the checkbox exists.
      $elements = $this
        ->xpath('//input[@id=:id]', array(
        ':id' => 'edit-status',
      if (!isset($elements[0])) {

        // No checkboxes.
        $msg .= t('Published status checkbox is not accessible.');
          ->assert($expected_response != 200, $msg);

      // At this point the response code for checkboxes is irrelevant, if
      // they can access the edit page and see the checkbox, they can edit it.
      $expected_response = 200;

      // Tick or untick the published checkbox and submit the form.
      $edit_status = $op == 'publish';
        ->drupalPost("node/{$nid}/edit", array(
        'status' => $edit_status,
      ), t('Save'));
    else {
      $url = $op == 'view' ? "node/{$nid}" : "node/{$nid}/{$op}";
      ->assertResponse($expected_response, $msg);

   * Test access to the node add page is working.
  public function testAccessNodeAdd() {
    $type = 'page';
    $web_user_1 = $this
      'access content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'create ' . $type . ' content',
      'publish editable content',
      'unpublish editable content',
      ->drupalGet('node/add/' . $type);
      ->assertFieldChecked('edit-status', t('Ensure the publish checkbox is available.'));



Namesort descending Description
PublishContentButtonTests Test permissions with the button method.
PublishContentCheckboxTests Test permissions with the tab method.
PublishContentTabTests Test permissions with the tab method.
PublishContentWebTestBase We test to ensure we are not messing up with the default Drupal access for view node i.e. a owner of a node can view it even if unpublished.