protected_submissions.module in Protected Submissions 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Protected Submissions module.
protected_submissions.moduleView source
* @file
* Protected Submissions module.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormElementHelper;
* Implements hook_help().
function protected_submissions_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
case '':
return t('<h2>Description</h2>
Protected Submissions is a light-weight, non-invasive spam protection module
that enables rejection of node, comment, webform, user profile and contact form
submissions which contain undesired language characters or preset patterns.
<h2>How it works</h2>
If a user attempts to post a webform, node, comment or a contact form
containing a preset pattern in the name, subject or any other text type
field, the submission is rejected.
Roles can be configured to bypass the Protected Submissions validation.
The number of rejected submissions is shown on the
<a href="/admin/reports/status">Reports > Status report</a> page.
The rejected messages are logged and can be viewed on the
<a href="/admin/reports/dblog">Reports > Recent log messages</a> page.
Go to the <a href="/admin/config/content/protected_submissions">Configuration >
Content authoring > Protected Submissions</a> configuration page, select
allowed language scripts, set number of characters for linguistic validation,
the reject message text and the patterns to ban.
If you want to protect only anonymous submissions, then make sure to go
to <a href="/admin/people/permissions#module-protected_submissions">People
> Permissions</a> page and put a check mark for authenticated user role
next to the <i>Bypass Protected Submissions validation</i> option.
Report all the problems on <a href="">the project\'s issues</a> page.');
* Implements hook_form_alter().
function protected_submissions_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state, $form_id) {
$user = \Drupal::currentUser();
// Exit early if current user has permission to bypass the validation process.
if ($user
->hasPermission('bypass protected submissions validation') == FALSE) {
// Validate webform, contact and node forms.
if (strpos($form_id, 'user_') !== FALSE || strpos($form_id, 'node_') !== FALSE || strpos($form_id, 'comment_') !== FALSE || strpos($form_id, 'contact_message_') !== FALSE || strpos($form_id, 'webform_') !== FALSE) {
$form['#validate'][] = '_protected_submissions_validate';
* Validate the submitted text fields.
function _protected_submissions_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$check_text = NULL;
// Get user defined reject message.
$reject_message = \Drupal::config('protected_submissions.settings')
// Get submitted values.
$values = $form_state
// Concatenate text field values.
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
$form_element = FormElementHelper::getElementByName($key, $form);
if (!empty($form_element) && !empty($form_element['#type'])) {
// Webforms.
if ($form_element['#type'] == 'textfield' || $form_element['#type'] == 'textarea') {
$check_text .= ' ' . $values[$key];
elseif (isset($form[$key])) {
// Nodes, comments, user profile and contact forms.
if (isset($form[$key]['widget']['0']['value']['#type'])) {
if ($form[$key]['widget']['0']['value']['#type'] == 'textfield' || $form[$key]['widget']['0']['value']['#type'] == 'textarea') {
// Find all values.
foreach ($values[$key] as $var) {
if (is_array($var)) {
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'value' && !empty($value)) {
$check_text .= ' ' . $value;
* Check if random UTF characters from the text belong to allowed
* language scripts.
$stripped = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $check_text);
$stripped = preg_replace('/[[:punct:]]+/', '', trim($stripped));
$stripped = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $stripped);
// Get user defined language script.
$allowed_scripts_raw = \Drupal::config('protected_submissions.settings')
// Clean up the array.
foreach ($allowed_scripts_raw as $key => $value) {
if ($value != FALSE) {
$allowed_scripts[] = $value;
// Only some languages work with the method
// $match = preg_match("/\p{$lang_script}/u", $randomChar); PCRE
// as explained on,
// so we use the Unicode Character Ranges per
$language_scripts = [
'Adlam' => [
'1E900 - 1E95F',
'Ahom' => [
'11700 - 1173F',
'Anatolian Hieroglyphs' => [
'14400 - 1467F',
'Arabic' => [
'0600 - 06FF',
'0750 - 077F',
'08A0 - 08FF',
'FB50 - FDFF',
'FE70 - FEFF',
'10A80 - 10A9F',
'10A60 - 10A7F',
'Aramaic' => [
'10840 - 1085F',
'Armenian' => [
'0530 - 058F',
'FB00 - FB4F',
'Avestan' => [
'10B00 - 10B3F',
'Balinese' => [
'1B00 - 1B7F',
'Bamum' => [
'A6A0 - A6FF',
'16800 - 16A3F',
'Bassa Vah' => [
'16AD0 - 16AFF',
'Batak' => [
'1BC0 - 1BFF',
'Bengali and Assamese' => [
'0980 - 09FF',
'Bhaiksuki' => [
'11C00 - 11C6F',
'Bopomofo' => [
'3100 - 312F',
'31A0 - 31BF',
'Brahmi' => [
'11000 - 1107F',
'Buginese' => [
'1A00 - 1A1F',
'Buhid' => [
'1740 - 175F',
'Canadian Aboriginal' => [
'1400 - 167F',
'18B0 - 18FF',
'Carian' => [
'102A0 - 102DF',
'Caucasian Albanian' => [
'10530 - 1056F',
'Chakma' => [
'11100 - 1114F',
'Cham' => [
'AA00 - AA5F',
'Cherokee' => [
'13A0 - 13FF',
'AB70 - ABBF',
'Chorasmian' => [
'10FB0 - 10FDF',
'CJK' => [
'2E80 - 2EFF',
'2F00 - 2FDF',
'2FF0 - 2FFF',
'3000 - 303F',
'31C0 - 31EF',
'3200 - 32FF',
'3300 - 33FF',
'3400 - 4DBF',
'4E00 - 9FFC',
'F900 - FAFF',
'FE30 - FE4F',
'20000 - 2A6DD',
'2A700 - 2B734',
'2B740 - 2B81D',
'2B820 - 2CEA1',
'2CEB0 - 2EBE0',
'2F800 - 2FA1F',
'30000 - 3134A',
'Coptic' => [
'2C80 - 2CFF',
'0370 - 03FF',
'102E0 - 102FF',
'Cuneiform' => [
'12000 - 123FF',
'12400 - 1247F',
'12480 - 1254F',
'103A0 - 103DF',
'10380 - 1039F',
'Currency Symbols' => [
'20A0 - 20CF',
'Cypriot Syllabary' => [
'10800 - 1083F',
'Cyrillic' => [
'0400 - 04FF',
'0500 - 052F',
'2DE0 - 2DFF',
'1C80 - 1C8F',
'Deseret' => [
'10400 - 1044F',
'Devanagari' => [
'0900 - 097F',
'A8E0 - A8FF',
'Dives Akuru' => [
'11900 - 1195F',
'Dogra' => [
'11800 - 1184F',
'Egyptian Hieroglyphs' => [
'13000 - 1342F',
'13430 - 1343F',
'Elbasan' => [
'10500 - 1052F',
'Elymaic' => [
'10FE0 - 10FFF',
'Ethiopic' => [
'1200 - 137F',
'1380 - 139F',
'2D80 - 2DDF',
'AB00 - AB2F',
'Georgian' => [
'10A0 - 10FF',
'1C90 - 1CBF',
'2D00 - 2D2F',
'Glagolitic' => [
'2C00 - 2C5F',
'1E000 - 1E02F',
'Gothic' => [
'10330 - 1034F',
'Grantha' => [
'11300 - 1137F',
'Greek' => [
'0370 - 03FF',
'1F00 - 1FFF',
'10140 - 1018F',
'Gujarati' => [
'0A80 - 0AFF',
'Gunjala Gondi' => [
'11D60 - 11DAF',
'Gurmukhi' => [
'0A00 - 0A7F',
'Hangul Jamo' => [
'1100 - 11FF',
'A960 - A97F',
'D7B0 - D7FF',
'3130 - 318F',
'FF00 - FFEF',
'Hangul Syllables' => [
'AC00 - D7AF',
'Hanifi Rohingya' => [
'10D00 - 10D3F',
'Hanunoo' => [
'1720 - 173F',
'Hatran' => [
'108E0 - 108FF',
'Hebrew' => [
'0590 - 05FF',
'FB00 - FB4F',
'Hiragana' => [
'3040 - 309F',
'Javanese' => [
'A980 - A9DF',
'Kaithi' => [
'11080 - 110CF',
'Kana' => [
'1B100 - 1B12F',
'1B000 - 1B0FF',
'1B130 - 1B16F',
'Kanbun' => [
'3190 - 319F',
'Kannada' => [
'0C80 - 0CFF',
'Katakana' => [
'30A0 - 30FF',
'31F0 - 31FF',
'FF00 - FFEF',
'Kayah Li' => [
'A900 - A92F',
'Kharoshthi' => [
'10A00 - 10A5F',
'Khitan Small Script' => [
'18B00 - 18CFF',
'Khmer' => [
'1780 - 17FF',
'19E0 - 19FF',
'Khojki' => [
'11200 - 1124F',
'Khudawadi' => [
'112B0 - 112FF',
'Lao' => [
'0E80 - 0EFF',
'Latin' => [
'0000 - 007F',
'0080 - 00FF',
'0100 - 017F',
'0180 - 024F',
'0250 - 02AF',
'02B0 - 02FF',
'1D00 - 1D7F',
'1D80 - 1DBF',
'1E00 - 1EFF',
'2070 - 209F',
'2100 - 214F',
'2150 - 218F',
'2C60 - 2C7F',
'A720 - A7FF',
'AB30 - AB6F',
'FB00 - FB4F',
'FF00 - FFEF',
'2000 - 206F',
'Lepcha' => [
'1C00 - 1C4F',
'Limbu' => [
'1900 - 194F',
'Lisu' => [
'A4D0 - A4FF',
'11FB0 - 11FBF',
'Lycian' => [
'10280 - 1029F',
'Lydian' => [
'10920 - 1093F',
'Mahajani' => [
'11150 - 1117F',
'Makasar' => [
'11EE0 - 11EFF',
'Malayalam' => [
'0D00 - 0D7F',
'Mandaic' => [
'0840 - 085F',
'Manichaean' => [
'10AC0 - 10AFF',
'Marchen' => [
'11C70 - 11CBF',
'Masaram Gondi' => [
'11D00 - 11D5F',
'Medefaidrin' => [
'16E40 - 16E9F',
'Meetei Mayek' => [
'ABC0 - ABFF',
'AAE0 - AAFF',
'Mende Kikaku' => [
'1E800 - 1E8DF',
'Meroitic' => [
'109A0 - 109FF',
'10980 - 1099F',
'Miao' => [
'16F00 - 16F9F',
'Modi' => [
'11600 - 1165F',
'Modifier Letters' => [
'A700 - A71F',
'02B0 - 02FF',
'Mongolian' => [
'1800 - 18AF',
'11660 - 1167F',
'Mro' => [
'16A40 - 16A6F',
'Myanmar' => [
'1000 - 109F',
'AA60 - AA7F',
'A9E0 - A9FF',
'Multani' => [
'11280 - 112AF',
'Nabataean' => [
'10880 - 108AF',
'Nandinagari' => [
'119A0 - 119FF',
'New Tai Lue' => [
'1980 - 19DF',
'Newa' => [
'11400 - 1147F',
'Nko' => [
'07C0 - 07FF',
'Nushu' => [
'1B170 - 1B2FF',
'Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong' => [
'1E100 - 1E14F',
'Ogham' => [
'1680 - 169F',
'Ol Chiki' => [
'1C50 - 1C7F',
'Old Hungarian' => [
'10C80 - 10CFF',
'Old Italic' => [
'10300 - 1032F',
'Old Permic' => [
'10350 - 1037F',
'Old Persian' => [
'103A0 - 103D',
'Old Sogdian' => [
'10F00 - 10F2F',
'Old Turkic' => [
'10C00 - 10C4F',
'Oriya' => [
'0B00 - 0B7F',
'Osage' => [
'104B0 - 104FF',
'Osmanya' => [
'10480 - 104AF',
'Pahawh Hmong' => [
'16B00 - 16B8F',
'Pahlavi' => [
'10B60 - 10B7F',
'10B80 - 10BAF',
'Palmyrene' => [
'10860 - 1087F',
'Parthian' => [
'10B40 - 10B5F',
'Pau Cin Hau' => [
'11AC0 - 11AFF',
'Phags Pa' => [
'A840 - A87F',
'Phoenician' => [
'10900 - 1091F',
'Rejang' => [
'A930 - A95F',
'Runic' => [
'16A0 - 16FF',
'Samaritan' => [
'0800 - 083F',
'Saurashtra' => [
'A880 - A8DF',
'Sharada' => [
'11180 - 111DF',
'Shavian' => [
'10450 - 1047F',
'Siddham' => [
'11580 - 115FF',
'Sinhala' => [
'0D80 - 0DFF',
'111E0 - 111FF',
'Sogdian' => [
'10F30 - 10F6F',
'Sora Sompeng' => [
'110D0 - 110FF',
'Soyombo' => [
'11A50 - 11AAF',
'Sundanese' => [
'1B80 - 1BBF',
'1CC0 - 1CCF',
'Superscripts and Subscripts' => [
'2070 - 209F',
'Syloti Nagri' => [
'A800 - A82F',
'Syriac' => [
'0700 - 074F',
'0860 - 086F',
'Tagalog' => [
'1700 - 171F',
'Tagbanwa' => [
'1760 - 177F',
'Tai Le' => [
'1950 - 197F',
'Tai Tham' => [
'1A20 - 1AAF',
'Tai Viet' => [
'AA80 - AADF',
'Takri' => [
'11680 - 116CF',
'Tamil' => [
'0B80 - 0BFF',
'11FC0 - 11FFF',
'Tangut' => [
'17000 - 187F7',
'18800 - 18AFF',
'18D00 - 18D08',
'Telugu' => [
'0C00 - 0C7F',
'Thaana' => [
'0780 - 07BF',
'Thai' => [
'0E00 - 0E7F',
'Tibetan' => [
'0F00 - 0FFF',
'Tifinagh' => [
'2D30 - 2D7F',
'Tirhuta' => [
'11480 - 114DF',
'Ugaritic' => [
'10380 - 1039F',
'Vai' => [
'A500 - A63F',
'Vedic Extensions' => [
'1CD0 - 1CFF',
'Wancho' => [
'1E2C0 - 1E2FF',
'Warang Citi' => [
'118A0 - 118FF',
'Yezidi' => [
'10E80 - 10EBF',
'Yi' => [
'A000 - A48F',
'A490 - A4CF',
'Yijing' => [
'4DC0 - 4DFF',
'Zanabazar Square' => [
'11A00 - 11A4F',
// Get user defined number of characters to validate.
$check_quantity = \Drupal::config('protected_submissions.settings')
// Check if the rejected submissions are logged or not.
$log_rejected = \Drupal::config('protected_submissions.settings')
$language_failed = FALSE;
for ($i = 0; $i < $check_quantity; $i++) {
// Get a random letter from text stripped of all special characters.
$random_char = mb_substr($stripped, rand(0, mb_strlen($stripped) - 1), 1);
if (!empty(trim($random_char))) {
if ($i < $check_quantity) {
if (protected_submissions_if_char_allowed($random_char, $allowed_scripts, $language_scripts) == FALSE) {
->setErrorByName("user", $reject_message);
$rejected = \Drupal::state()
$rejected = $rejected + 1;
// Save the new value.
->set('protected_submissions.rejected', $rejected);
// Log the rejected submission.
if ($log_rejected == TRUE) {
\Drupal::logger('protected submissions')
->info('Rejected language:<em>' . $check_text . '</em>');
// Since the first pattern is found, break the loop.
$language_failed = TRUE;
// Get list of user defined trigger patterns.
$reject_patterns = \Drupal::config('protected_submissions.settings')
// Turn multiline string into a single comma separated string.
$reject_patterns = str_replace([
], ",", $reject_patterns);
$reject_patterns = str_replace(',,', ',', $reject_patterns);
// Turn to array.
$reject_patterns = explode(",", $reject_patterns);
// Trim white spaces of array values in php.
$reject_patterns = array_map('trim', $reject_patterns);
// Remove empty array members.
$reject_patterns = array_filter($reject_patterns);
// Search for reject patterns in the concatenated text.
if ($language_failed == FALSE) {
$check_text = strtolower($check_text);
foreach ($reject_patterns as $pattern) {
if (preg_match("@\\b{$pattern}\\b@i", $check_text)) {
->setErrorByName("user", $reject_message);
$rejected = \Drupal::state()
$rejected = $rejected + 1;
// Save the new value.
->set('protected_submissions.rejected', $rejected);
// Log the rejected submission.
if ($log_rejected == TRUE) {
\Drupal::logger('protected submissions')
->info('Rejected pattern:<em>' . $check_text . '</em>');
// Since the first pattern is found, break the loop.
* Helper function to check if character belongs to allowed language scripts.
* @param string $random_char
* A character.
* @param array $allowed_scripts
* An array of allowed scripts.
* @param array $language_scripts
* An array of language scripts.
* @return bool
* Return true if char is allowed.
function protected_submissions_if_char_allowed($random_char, array $allowed_scripts, array $language_scripts) {
$char = mb_convert_encoding($random_char, 'UCS-2LE', 'UTF-8');
$char = ord(substr($char, 1, 1)) * 256 + ord(substr($char, 0, 1));
foreach ($allowed_scripts as $lang_script) {
// Iterate through only allowed scripts.
if ($lang_script != FALSE) {
foreach ($language_scripts[$lang_script] as $range) {
$range = explode(' - ', $range);
// Turn first and last Unicode hex to decimals and make the comparison.
if (hexdec($range[0]) < $char && $char < hexdec($range[1])) {
$found = TRUE;
if (isset($found) && $found == TRUE) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
Name![]() |
Description |
protected_submissions_form_alter | Implements hook_form_alter(). |
protected_submissions_help | Implements hook_help(). |
protected_submissions_if_char_allowed | Helper function to check if character belongs to allowed language scripts. |
_protected_submissions_validate | Validate the submitted text fields. |