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protected_pages.settings.yml in Protected Pages 8



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  1. email:
  2. subject: 'Please visit this new page'
  3. body: "Dear friend,\n\nI just created a new page on my website and wanted to invite you to visit. The page is protected by password. Please find the details below:-\n\nPage Url = [protected-page-url]\n\nPage Password = password here\n\nThank you.\n[site-name]"
  4. password:
  5. protected_pages_session_expire_time: '0'
  6. per_page_or_global: 'per_page_or_global'
  7. others:
  8. protected_pages_title: 'Protected Page -- Enter password'
  9. protected_pages_description: 'The page you are trying to view is password protected. Please enter the password below to proceed.'
  10. protected_pages_password_fieldset_legend: 'Enter password'
  11. protected_pages_password_label: 'Enter password'
  12. protected_pages_submit_button_text: 'Authenticate'
  13. protected_pages_incorrect_password_msg: 'Incorrect password!'
  14. langcode: en