public function ProtectedNodePrivateFile::testUpload in Protected Node 1.0.x
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 tests/protected_node.private_file.test \ProtectedNodePrivateFile::testUpload()
Test function.
Test that an image uploaded with AJAX can be viewed before being saved.
- tests/
protected_node.private_file.test, line 193 - Test protected node behavior with private files.
- ProtectedNodePrivateFile
- Configure protected_node to use per node password and use private file field.
public function testUpload() {
// Log in as Admin.
// Go to the page creation form.
$temp_image_file = current($this
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
'files[private_image_und_0]' => drupal_realpath($temp_image_file->uri),
), array(
(string) 'private_image_und_0_upload_button' => (string) t('Upload'),
// Get the preview URL.
$image_url = NULL;
$image_preview = $this
/** @var SimpleXMLElement $html_node */
foreach ($image_preview as $html_node) {
$attributes = $html_node
if (isset($attributes['src'])) {
$image_url = $attributes['src'];
// Go to the preview image URL to check the access.
if (!is_null($image_url)) {
->assertResponse(200, 'Confirmed that the user has access to the image event if it is a private image as it is in temporary status.');
else {
->assertFalse($image_url, t('No image preview found.'), $this->group);