public function ProtectedNodePageDisplay::testGlobalDescriptionOnly in Protected Node 1.0.x
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 tests/protected_node.page_text.test \ProtectedNodePageDisplay::testGlobalDescriptionOnly()
Test function.
Test that the password page description site config setting works.
- tests/
protected_node.page_text.test, line 81 - Test protected node password page display options.
- ProtectedNodePageDisplay
- Configure protected_node to use per node password.
public function testGlobalDescriptionOnly() {
$global_description = $this
$protected_node_settings = array(
'protected_node_use_global_password' => PROTECTED_NODE_PER_NODE_PASSWORD,
'protected_node_description' => $global_description,
->drupalPost('admin/config/content/protected_node', $protected_node_settings, t('Save configuration'));
// $show_title_option_available is false since there is a custom description
// set.
$node = $this
// User sees the set global text.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
->assertText($global_description, "Custom global text is displayed on the enter password page", $this->group);