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ProfileDefaultTest.php in Profile 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\profile\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\profile\Entity\Profile;

 * Tests "default" functionality via the UI.
 * @group profile
class ProfileDefaultTest extends ProfileTestBase {

   * Profile entity storage.
   * @var \Drupal\profile\ProfileStorageInterface
  public $profileStorage;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->adminUser = $this
      'access user profiles',
      'administer profile',
      'administer profile types',
      'access administration pages',

   * Tests the entity.profile.set_default route.
  public function testSetDefaultRoute() {
    $id = $this->type
    $test_user = $this
      "view own {$id} profile",
      "create {$id} profile",
      "update own {$id} profile",
      "delete own {$id} profile",
    $profile1 = Profile::create([
      'type' => $id,
      'uid' => $test_user
      'profile_fullname' => 'Frederick Pabst',
    $profile2 = Profile::create([
      'type' => $id,
      'uid' => $test_user
      'profile_fullname' => 'Frederick Miller',
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('profile.user_page.multiple', [
      'user' => $test_user
      'profile_type' => $id,
      ->pageTextContains('Frederick Pabst');
      ->pageTextContains('Frederick Miller');
      ->linkExists('Mark as default');
      ->clickLink('Mark as default');
      ->responseContains((string) t('The %label profile has been marked as default.', [
      '%label' => $profile2

   * Test profile display options on user entity display mode.
  public function testProfileFieldOnUserDisplayConfig() {
    $id = $this->type

    // Check that profile field is configurable on user diplay mode.
    $field_label = $this->type
      ->label() . ' profiles';
    $edit = [
      "fields[{$id}_profiles][label]" => 'inline',
    $edit = [
      "fields[{$id}_profiles][type]" => 'entity_reference_entity_view',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));



Namesort descending Description
ProfileDefaultTest Tests "default" functionality via the UI.