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namespace Drupal\profile in Profile 8

Classsort descending Location Description
EntityOwnerTrait src/EntityOwnerTrait.php Provides a trait for entities that have an owner.
ProfileAccessControlHandler src/ProfileAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the profile entity type.
ProfileListBuilder src/ProfileListBuilder.php List controller for profiles.
ProfileStorage src/ProfileStorage.php Defines the entity storage for profile.
ProfileStorageInterface src/ProfileStorageInterface.php Defines an interface for profile entity storage.
ProfileStorageSchema src/ProfileStorageSchema.php Defines the profile schema handler.
ProfileTestTrait src/ProfileTestTrait.php Provides methods to create additional profiles and profile_types.
ProfileTypeListBuilder src/ProfileTypeListBuilder.php Defines the list builder for profile types.
ProfileViewBuilder src/ProfileViewBuilder.php Render controller for profile entities.