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privatemsg_limits.module in Privatemsg 7

Privatemsg Quota module


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 * @file
 * Privatemsg Quota module

 * Implements hook_permission()-
function privatemsg_limits_permission() {
  return array(
    'bypass recipient message limit' => array(
      'title' => t('Bypass recipient message limit'),
      'description' => t("Enables a user to send a message to a recipient even when the recipient's message/conversation maximum limit has already been reached. Without this permission, the message would ordinarily be blocked."),

 * Implements hook_menu().
function privatemsg_limits_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/messaging/privatemsg/limits'] = array(
    'title' => 'Limits',
    'description' => 'Configure limits',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer privatemsg settings',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_message_validate().
function privatemsg_limits_privatemsg_message_validate($message, $form = FALSE) {
  $errors = array();
  if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_recipients_enabled', FALSE)) {
    $amount = _privatemsg_limits_get_amount('recipients_amount', $message->author);
    if (!isset($message->thread_id) && $amount > 0 && count($message->recipients) > $amount) {
      $errors[] = t("You are not allowed to send a message to more than @number recipients.", array(
        '@number' => $amount,

  // Only check sending limit if enabled and if this is either not a reply or
  // messages should be checked and not threads. When the limit object are
  // threads, users can send an unlimited amount of replies.
  if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_send_enabled', FALSE) && (empty($message->thread_id) || variable_get('privatemsg_limits_send_object', 'message') == 'message')) {
    $amount = _privatemsg_limits_get_amount('send_amount', $message->author);
    $used = _privatemsg_limits_get_sent($message->author, variable_get('privatemsg_limits_send_timeframe', 3600));
    if ($amount > 0 && $used >= $amount) {
      $wait_time = _privatemsg_limits_get_oldest($message->author, variable_get('privatemsg_limits_send_timeframe', 3600));
      $period = format_interval(variable_get('privatemsg_limits_send_timeframe', 3600));
      if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message') {
        $errors[] = t("Your message was not sent because you have exceeded your sending limit. You are allowed to send %limit messages every @period. You can send your next message in in @wait_time.", array(
          '@wait_time' => $wait_time,
          '%limit' => $amount,
          '@period' => $period,
      else {
        $errors[] = t("Your message was not sent because you have exceeded your sending limit. You are allowed to start %limit conversations every @period. You can start your next conversation in in @wait_time.", array(
          '@wait_time' => $wait_time,
          '%limit' => $amount,
          '@period' => $period,
  if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_enabled', FALSE) && (empty($message->thread_id) || variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message')) {
    $amount = _privatemsg_limits_get_amount('receive_amount', $message->author);
    $used = _privatemsg_limits_get_received($message->author);
    if ($amount > 0 && $used >= $amount) {
      if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message') {
        $errors[] = t("Your message mailbox is currently full. You are allowed a maximum of %limit messages in your mailbox at one time. You won't be able to send or receive new messages until you delete some existing ones.", array(
          '%limit' => $amount,
      else {
        $errors[] = t("Your message mailbox is currently full. You are allowed a maximum of %limit conversations in your mailbox at one time. You won't be able to start or receive new conversations until you delete some existing ones.", array(
          '%limit' => $amount,

  // Blocks message sending if over number of messages per-thread.
  if (isset($message->thread_id) && variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread', 0) > 0) {

    // If we're not blocking the message.
    if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread_action', 'create-new') == 'block-message') {
      $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {pm_index} WHERE thread_id = :thread_id AND recipient = :recipient AND type IN ('hidden', 'user')";
      $messages = db_query($query, array(
        ':thread_id' => $message->thread_id,
        ':recipient' => $message->author->uid,
      if ($messages >= variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread', 0)) {

        // If the number of messages per-thread has been exceeded, block message
        // from being sent.
        $errors[] = t("This message cannot be sent because the thread already contains %limit messages (the maximum number of messages permitted per thread). To send this message, please create a new message thread.", array(
          '%limit' => variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread', 0),
  if (!empty($errors)) {
    if ($form) {
      foreach ($errors as $error) {
        form_set_error('recipient', $error);
    else {
      return array(
        'error' => $errors,

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_block_message().
function privatemsg_limits_privatemsg_block_message($author, $recipients, $context = array()) {
  if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_enabled', FALSE) && (empty($context['thread_id']) || variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message')) {
    $blocked = array();

    // Users that have the by-pass permission can send messages even if the
    // mailbox of the recipient is full.
    if (user_access('bypass recipient message limit', $author)) {
      return $blocked;
    foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {

      // Only user recipients are supported.
      if (!isset($recipient->type) || $recipient->type == 'user' || $recipient->type == 'hidden') {
        $amount = _privatemsg_limits_get_amount('receive_amount', $recipient);
        $used = _privatemsg_limits_get_received($recipient);
        if ($amount > 0 && $used >= $amount) {
          $blocked[] = array(
            'recipient' => privatemsg_recipient_key($recipient),
            'message' => t("This message cannot be sent to !name because !name's mailbox is full.", array(
              '!name' => theme('username', array(
                'account' => $recipient,
    return $blocked;

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_message_presave_alter().
function privatemsg_limits_privatemsg_message_presave_alter($message) {

  // Put message into new thread if over number of messages per-thread.
  if (isset($message->thread_id) && variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread', 0) > 0) {

    // If we're not creating a new thread.
    if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread_action', 'create-new') != 'create-new') {
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {pm_index} WHERE thread_id = :thread_id AND recipient = :recipient AND type IN ('hidden', 'user')";
    $result = db_query($query, array(
      ':thread_id' => $message->thread_id,
      ':recipient' => $message->author->uid,
    if ($result >= variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread', 0)) {

      // If the number of messages per-thread has been exceeded, force message into new thread.
      drupal_set_message(t("Your message would have exceeded our %limit messages per conversation limit. As a result, we've created a new conversation for your message.", array(
        '%limit' => variable_get('privatemsg_limits_messages_per_thread', 0),

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * Displays a limit info in the message listing.
function privatemsg_limits_form_privatemsg_list_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;
  $limit = _privatemsg_limits_get_amount('receive_amount', $form['account']['#value']);
  if ($limit > 0) {
    $used = _privatemsg_limits_get_received($form['account']['#value']);
    if ($used < $limit) {
      $percent = round($used / $limit * 100);
    else {
      $percent = 100;
      if ($user->uid == $form['account']['#value']->uid) {
        if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message') {
          $error = t("Your message mailbox is currently full. You are allowed a maximum of %limit messages in your mailbox at one time. You won't be able to send or receive new messages until you delete some existing ones.", array(
            '%limit' => $limit,
        else {
          $error = t("Your message mailbox is currently full. You are allowed a maximum of %limit conversations in your mailbox at one time. You won't be able to start or receive new conversations until you delete some existing ones.", array(
            '%limit' => $limit,
      else {
        if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message') {
          $error = t("This message mailbox is currently full. !user is allowed a maximum of %limit messages in his mailbox at one time. !user won't be able to send or receive new messages until you delete some existing ones.", array(
            '%limit' => $limit,
            '!user' => theme('username', array(
              'account' => $form['account']['#value'],
        else {
          $error = t("This message mailbox is currently full. !user is allowed a maximum of %limit conversations in his mailbox at one time. !user won't be able to start or receive new conversations until you delete some existing ones.", array(
            '%limit' => $limit,
            '!user' => theme('username', array(
              'account' => $form['account']['#value'],
      drupal_set_message($error, 'error');
    if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'message') {
      $message = format_plural($used, 'You are currently using %percent% (@count message) of your %limit messages limit.', 'You are currently using %percent% (@count messages) of your %limit messages limit.', array(
        '%percent' => $percent,
        '%used' => $used,
        '%limit' => $limit,
    else {
      $message = format_plural($used, 'You are currently using %percent% (@count conversation) of your %limit conversations limit.', 'You are currently using %percent% (@count conversations) of your %limit conversations limit.', array(
        '%percent' => $percent,
        '%used' => $used,
        '%limit' => $limit,
    $form['limit'] = array(
      '#markup' => $message,
      '#weight' => 15,

 * Loads the oldest message a user has written in the specified timeframe.
 * @param $account
 *   User object
 * @param $timeframe
 *   Defines how many seconds back should be considered.
function _privatemsg_limits_get_oldest($account, $timeframe) {
  $query = _privatemsg_assemble_query(array(
  ), $account, $timeframe);
  $timestamp = $query
  $wait_time = $timestamp - (REQUEST_TIME - $timeframe);
  return format_interval($wait_time, 6);

 * Loads the maximum value of a threshold value, takes roles into account.
 * @param $name
 *   Unique part of the name.
 * @param $account
 *   User object to get the limit for.
 * @return
 *   A specific number or 0 for unlimited.
function _privatemsg_limits_get_amount($name, $account) {

  // Don't limit uid 1.
  if ($account->uid == 1) {
    return 0;

  // $account might not be a fully loaded user account, fetch the roles in that
  // case.
  // @todo: Remove once privatemsg_user_load_multiple() is implemented.
  if (!isset($account->roles)) {
    $account->roles = array(
      DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => 'authenticated user',
    $account->roles += db_query('SELECT r.rid, FROM {role} r INNER JOIN {users_roles} ur ON ur.rid = r.rid WHERE ur.uid = :uid', array(
      ':uid' => $account->uid,
  $role_max = 0;
  foreach ($account->roles as $id => $role) {
    $new_max = variable_get("privatemsg_limits_{$name}_role_" . $id, NULL);
    if ($new_max == 'unlimited') {
      return 0;
    if ($new_max > $role_max) {
      $role_max = $new_max;
  if ($role_max == 0) {
    return variable_get('privatemsg_limits_' . $name, 0);
  return $role_max;

 * Returns the number of messages/threads a user has written.
 * @param user $account   User object
 * @param int  $timeframe How many seconds back should be considered
 * @return int Number of messages/threads
function _privatemsg_limits_get_sent($account, $timeframe) {
  $query = _privatemsg_assemble_query(array(
  ), $account, $timeframe);
  return $query

 * SQL Function for amount of messages/threads a user has written in a timeframe.
 * @param array $fragments Query array
 * @param user  $account   User object
 * @param int   $timeframe how many seconds to consider.
function privatemsg_limits_sql_sent($account, $timeframe) {
  $query = db_select('pm_message', 'pm');
  if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_send_object', 'message') == 'thread') {
      ->addExpression('MAX(pm.timestamp)', 'timestamp');
      ->join('pm_index', 'pmi', 'pmi.mid = pm.mid');
  else {
      ->addField('pm', 'timestamp');
  return $query
    ->condition('', $account->uid)
    ->condition('pm.timestamp', REQUEST_TIME - $timeframe, '>')
    ->orderBy('timestamp', 'ASC');

 * Returns the number of messages/threads a user has received.
 * @param user $account   User object
 * @param int  $timeframe How many seconds back should be considered
 * @return int Number of messages/threads
function _privatemsg_limits_get_received($account) {
  $query = _privatemsg_assemble_query(array(
  ), $account);
  return (int) $query

 * SQL Function for amount of messages/threads a users has.
 * @param array $fragments Query array
 * @param user  $account   User object
 * @param int   $timeframe how many seconds to consider.
function privatemsg_limits_sql_received($account) {
  $query = db_select('pm_index', 'pmi');
    ->join('pm_message', 'pm', 'pm.mid = pmi.mid');
    ->addExpression('MAX(pm.timestamp)', 'timestamp');
    ->condition('pmi.recipient', $account->uid)
    ->condition('pmi.deleted', 0)
    ->condition('pmi.type', array(
    ->orderBy('timestamp', 'ASC');
  if (variable_get('privatemsg_limits_receive_object', 'message') == 'thread') {
  else {
  return $query;


Namesort descending Description
privatemsg_limits_form_privatemsg_list_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
privatemsg_limits_menu Implements hook_menu().
privatemsg_limits_permission Implements hook_permission()-
privatemsg_limits_privatemsg_block_message Implements hook_privatemsg_block_message().
privatemsg_limits_privatemsg_message_presave_alter Implements hook_privatemsg_message_presave_alter().
privatemsg_limits_privatemsg_message_validate Implements hook_privatemsg_message_validate().
privatemsg_limits_sql_received SQL Function for amount of messages/threads a users has.
privatemsg_limits_sql_sent SQL Function for amount of messages/threads a user has written in a timeframe.
_privatemsg_limits_get_amount Loads the maximum value of a threshold value, takes roles into account.
_privatemsg_limits_get_oldest Loads the oldest message a user has written in the specified timeframe.
_privatemsg_limits_get_received Returns the number of messages/threads a user has received.
_privatemsg_limits_get_sent Returns the number of messages/threads a user has written.