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Theme functions for privatemsg.

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 * @file
 * Theme functions for privatemsg.

 * @defgroup theming Theming documentation
 * It is possible to theme every aspect of privatemsg with theme functions.
 * For the thread list, so called theme patterns are used to allow flexible
 * theming of the table and its columns (including columns added by other
 * modules).
 * Three requirements have to be fulfilled so a new column, with data, is
 * displayed in the private message list:
 *  - A field needs to be returned by the list query, see @link sql Query Builder @endlink.
 *  - A header theme pattern needs to exist for the field.
 *  - A field theme pattern needs to exist for the field.
 * For each field in the query, Privatemsg will try to call a theme pattern for
 * the header. That theme function can return a table header definition and
 * has the following structure: theme_privatemsg_list_header_fieldname.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_header()
 * Privatemsg will then do the same for each row, with the field theme pattern.
 * That theme function should return a table field compatible structure, either
 * just a string or an array. The theme function has to have the following
 * name: theme_privatemsg_list_field_fieldname.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_field()
 * To override an already existing theme function, use the following structure:
 * themename_privatemsg_list_field_fieldname. It is not necessary to
 * overwrite the header theme function unless that information needs to be
 * changed too.
 * Modules can use the hook_form_alter() hook to alter the data. The form with
 * id "privatemsg_list" will contain the header, raw and themed field data in
 * the following form:
 * @code
 * $form['#headers']['field_name'] = $header // Array with the header definition;
 * $form['#data']['thread_id'] = $data // Raw data of that thread
 * $form['#rows']['thread_id'] = $row // Themed fields of that thread
 * @endcode
 * Note that the information in #data can be used to populate #rows, but it will
 * not be used by the default theme function theme_privatemsg_list().

 * @addtogroup theming
 * @{

 * Default theme function for field theme.
 * To hide all fields that don't have an explicit theme pattern defined, this
 * theme doesn't return anything.
 * @param $thread
 *   Thread row returned by the list query.
 * @return
 *   A theme_table() compatible field definition.
function theme_privatemsg_list_field($thread) {

 * Theme the participants field.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_field()
function theme_privatemsg_list_field__participants($variables) {
  $thread = $variables['thread'];
  $participants = _privatemsg_generate_user_array($thread['participants'], -4);
  $field = array();
  $field['data'] = _privatemsg_format_participants($participants, 3, TRUE);
  $field['class'][] = 'privatemsg-list-participants';
  return $field;

 * Theme the subject of the thread.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_field()
function theme_privatemsg_list_field__subject($variables) {
  $thread = $variables['thread'];
  $field = array();
  $options = array();
  $is_new = '';
  if (!empty($thread['is_new'])) {
    $is_new = theme('mark', array(
      'type' => MARK_NEW,
    $options['fragment'] = 'new';
  $subject = $thread['subject'];
  if ($thread['has_tokens']) {
    $message = privatemsg_message_load($thread['thread_id']);
    $subject = privatemsg_token_replace($subject, array(
      'privatemsg_message' => $message,
    ), array(
      'sanitize' => TRUE,
      'privatemsg-show-span' => FALSE,
  $field['data'] = l($subject, 'messages/view/' . $thread['thread_id'], $options) . $is_new;
  $field['class'][] = 'privatemsg-list-subject';
  return $field;

 * Theme the replies field.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_field()
function theme_privatemsg_list_field__count($variables) {
  $thread = $variables['thread'];
  $field = array();
  $field['data'] = $thread['count'];
  $options = array();
  if (!empty($thread['is_new']) && $thread['is_new'] < $thread['count']) {
    $options['fragment'] = 'new';
    $field['data'] .= '<br />' . l(format_plural($thread['is_new'], '(1 new)', '(@count new)'), 'messages/view/' . $thread['thread_id'], $options);
  $field['class'][] = 'privatemsg-list-count';
  return $field;

 * Theme the last updated column.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_field()
function theme_privatemsg_list_field__last_updated($variables) {
  $thread = $variables['thread'];
  $field['data'] = privatemsg_format_date($thread['last_updated']);
  $field['class'][] = 'privatemsg-list-date';
  return $field;

 * Theme the thread started column.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_field()
function theme_privatemsg_list_field__thread_started($variables) {
  $thread = $variables['thread'];
  $field = array();
  $field['data'] = privatemsg_format_date($thread['thread_started']);
  $field['class'][] = 'privatemsg-list-date-started';
  return $field;

 * Define the table header for a specific column.
 * This default theme function is used to ignore columns that should not be
 * displayed. Only columns with a specific theme pattern function are displayed.
 * @return
 *   A theme_table() compatible table header definition. Additionally, the key
 *   "key" should be used to specify which row column should be displayed in
 *   this column.
function theme_privatemsg_list_header() {

 * Define the subject header.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_header()
function theme_privatemsg_list_header__subject() {
  return array(
    'data' => t('Subject'),
    'field' => 'subject',
    'class' => array(
    '#weight' => -40,

 * Define the answers column.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_header()
function theme_privatemsg_list_header__count() {
  return array(
    'data' => t('Messages'),
    'class' => array(
    '#weight' => -25,

 * Define the participants column.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_header()
function theme_privatemsg_list_header__participants() {
  return array(
    'data' => t('Participants'),
    'class' => array(
    '#weight' => -30,

 * Define the last updated column.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_header()
function theme_privatemsg_list_header__last_updated() {
  return array(
    'data' => t('Last Updated'),
    'field' => 'last_updated',
    'sort' => 'desc',
    'class' => array(
    '#weight' => -20,

 * Define the thread started column.
 * @see theme_privatemsg_list_header()
function theme_privatemsg_list_header__thread_started() {
  return array(
    'data' => t('Started'),
    'field' => 'thread_started',
    'class' => array(
    '#weight' => -15,

 * Theme a block which displays the number of new messages a user has.
function theme_privatemsg_new_block($count) {
  $count = $count['count'];
  if ($count == 0) {
    $text = t('Click here to go to your messages.');
  else {
    $text = format_plural($count, 'You have a new message! Click here to read it.', 'You have @count new messages! Click here to read them.');
  return l($text, 'messages', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'id' => 'privatemsg-new-link',

 * Used to theme and display user recipients.
 * Wrapper for theme_username() with a few additional options.
function theme_privatemsg_username($variables) {
  $recipient = $variables['recipient'];
  $options = $variables['options'];
  if (!isset($recipient->uid)) {
    $recipient->uid = $recipient->recipient;
  if (!empty($options['plain'])) {
    $name = strip_tags(format_username($recipient));
    if (!empty($options['unique'])) {
      $name .= ' [user]';
    return $name;
  else {
    return theme('username', array(
      'account' => $recipient,

 * @}


Namesort descending Description
theme_privatemsg_list_field Default theme function for field theme.
theme_privatemsg_list_field__count Theme the replies field.
theme_privatemsg_list_field__last_updated Theme the last updated column.
theme_privatemsg_list_field__participants Theme the participants field.
theme_privatemsg_list_field__subject Theme the subject of the thread.
theme_privatemsg_list_field__thread_started Theme the thread started column.
theme_privatemsg_list_header Define the table header for a specific column.
theme_privatemsg_list_header__count Define the answers column.
theme_privatemsg_list_header__last_updated Define the last updated column.
theme_privatemsg_list_header__participants Define the participants column.
theme_privatemsg_list_header__subject Define the subject header.
theme_privatemsg_list_header__thread_started Define the thread started column.
theme_privatemsg_new_block Theme a block which displays the number of new messages a user has.
theme_privatemsg_username Used to theme and display user recipients.