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8 calls to privatemsg_recipient_get_type() in Privatemsg 7.2

privatemsg_cron in ./privatemsg.module
Implements hook_cron().
privatemsg_groups_privatemsg_name_lookup in privatemsg_groups/privatemsg_groups.module
Implements hook_privatemsg_name_lookup().
privatemsg_load_recipients in ./
Batch processing function for rebuilding the index.
privatemsg_recipient_access in ./privatemsg.module
This function is used to test if the current user has write/view access for a specific recipient type.
privatemsg_recipient_format in ./privatemsg.module
Format a single participant.
_privatemsg_generate_user_array in ./privatemsg.module
Generate array of user objects based on a string.
_privatemsg_handle_recipients in ./privatemsg.module
Handle the non-user recipients of a new message.
_privatemsg_load_thread_participants in ./privatemsg.module
Load all participants of a thread.