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15 calls to _privatemsg_assemble_query() in Privatemsg 7.2

privatemsg_cron in ./privatemsg.module
Implements hook_cron().
privatemsg_filter_form in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
Form to show and allow modification of tagging information for a conversation.
privatemsg_filter_form_privatemsg_list_alter in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() to add a filter widget to the message listing pages.
privatemsg_filter_show_tags in privatemsg_filter/privatemsg_filter.module
privatemsg_filter_tags_autocomplete in privatemsg_filter/
Return autocomplete results for tags.
privatemsg_get_setting in ./privatemsg.module
Retrieve a user setting.
privatemsg_list in ./
privatemsg_rules_thread_has_tag in privatemsg_rules/
Check if a thread has a specific tag.
privatemsg_thread_load in ./privatemsg.module
Load a thread with all the messages and participants.
privatemsg_user_autocomplete in ./privatemsg.module
Implements callback_recipient_autocomplete().
_privatemsg_limits_get_oldest in privatemsg_limits/privatemsg_limits.module
Loads the oldest message a user has written in the specified timeframe.
_privatemsg_limits_get_received in privatemsg_limits/privatemsg_limits.module
Returns the number of messages/threads a user has received.
_privatemsg_limits_get_sent in privatemsg_limits/privatemsg_limits.module
Returns the number of messages/threads a user has written.
_privatemsg_load_thread_participants in ./privatemsg.module
Load all participants of a thread.
_privatemsg_send in ./privatemsg.module
Internal function to save a message.