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Privatemsg API Documentation


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 * @file
 * Privatemsg API Documentation

 * @mainpage Privatemsg API Documentation
 * This is the API documentation of Privatemsg.
 * - Topics:
 *  - @link api API functions @endlink
 *  - @link sql Query builder and related hooks @endlink
 *  - @link message_hooks Message hooks @endlink
 *  - @link generic_hooks Generic hooks @endlink
 *  - @link theming Theming @endlink
 *  - @link types Types of recipients @endlink

 * @defgroup sql Query Builder
 * Query builder and related hooks
 * Privatemsg uses SelectQuery combined with custom tags to allow to customize
 * almost all SELECT queries. For more information about SelectQuery, see
 * and
 * Arguments to a given query is stored in the metadata, with numerical keys
 * (arg_%d) according to the position of the argument.

 * @addtogroup sql
 * @{

 * Query to search for autocomplete usernames.
 * @param $query
 *   Query object
 * @see privatemsg_sql_autocomplete()
 * @see hook_query_alter()
function hook_query_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter($query) {
  global $user;
  $search = $query
  $names = $query

  // For example, add a join on a table where the user connections are stored
  // and specify that only users connected with the current user should be
  // loaded.
    ->innerJoin('my_table', 'm', 'm.user1 = u.uid AND m.user2 = :user2', array(
    ':user2' => $user->uid,

 * Display a list of threads.
 * @param $query
 *   Query object
 * @see privatemsg_sql_list()
 * @see hook_query_alter()
function hook_query_privatemsg_sql_list_alter($query) {
  $account = $query

 * Query definition to load messages of one or multiple threads.
 * @param $query
 *   Query object
 * @see privatemsg_sql_messages()
 * @see hook_query_alter()
function hook_query_privatemsg_messages_alter($query) {
  $threads = $query
  $account = $query
  $load_all = $query

 * Alter the query that loads the participants of a thread.
 * @param $query
 *   Query object
 * @see privatemsg_sql_participants()
 * @see hook_query_alter()
function hook_query_privatemsg_participants_alter($query) {
  $thread_id = $query
  $account = $query

 * Loads all unread messages of a user (only the count query is used).
 * @param $query
 *   Query object
 * @see privatemsg_sql_unread_count()
 * @see hook_query_alter()
function hook_query_privatemsg_unread_count_alter($query) {
  $account = $query

 * Alter the query that loads deleted messages to flush them.
 * @param $query
 *   Query object
 * @see privatemsg_sql_deleted()
 * @see hook_query_alter()
function hook_query_privatemsg_deleted_alter($query) {
  $days = $query
  $max = $query

 * @}

 * @defgroup api API functions
 * There are two different functions to send messages.
 * Either by starting a @link privatemsg_new_thread new thread @endlink
 * or @link privatemsg_reply reply @endlink to an existing thread.
 * There is also a function which returns a link to the privatemsg new message
 * form with the recipient pre-filled if the user is allowed to.
 * privatemsg_get_link().

 * @defgroup message_hooks Message hooks
 * All message-level hooks look like hook_privatemsg_message_op,
 * where op is one of the following:
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_load load @endlink: Called when a full
 *   message is loaded similiar to nodeapi_load, new values can be returned and
 *   will be added to $message, parameter: $message
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_validate validate @endlink: Validation,
 *   before the message is sent/saved. Return validation errors as array,
 *   parameter: $message, $form = FALSE
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_presave_alter presave_alter @endlink: Last
 *   changes to $message before the message is saved, parameter: $message
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_insert insert @endlink: message has been
 *   saved, $message has been updated with the mid and thread_id,
 *   parameter: $message
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_delete delete @endlink: the message is
 *   going to be deleted, parameter: $message
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_view_alter view_alter @endlink: the message
 *   is going to be displayed, parameter: $vars
 * - @link hook_privatemsg_message_recipient_change recipient changed @endlink:
 *   a recipient is added or removed from/to a message.
 * In hooks with _alter suffix, $message is by reference.
 * $message is an array, with all the relevant information about the message.
 * The information in there can be changed/extended by modules, but looks
 * typically like this:
 * @code
 * array (
 *   'mid' => 3517, // message id, identifies a message
 *   'author' => 27, // author id
 *   'subject' => 'raclebugav', // Message subject
 *   'body' => 'bla bla', // Body of the message
 *   'timestamp' => 351287003, // unix timestamp, creation time
 *   'is_new' => 0, // If the message has been read by the user
 *   'thread_id' => 3341, // thread id, this is actually the mid from the first
 *                           message of the thread
 * )
 * @endcode

 * @addtogroup message_hooks
 * @{

 * Is called when a message is flushed.
 * The message will be deleted from the database, remove any related data here.
 * @param $message
 *   Message array
function hook_privatemsg_message_flush($message) {

 * Validate a message before it is sent/saved in the database.
 * Validation errors can be returned, either as a string or as array when there
 * are multiple errors. If the $form flag is set, errors should be reported
 * with form_set_error instead.
 * @todo adapt api return value changes
 * @param $message
 *   Message array
function hook_privatemsg_message_validate($message, $form = FALSE) {
  global $_privatemsg_invalid_recipients;
  $_privatemsg_invalid_recipients = array();
  $errors = array();
  foreach ($message->recipients as $recipient) {
    if ($recipient->name == 'blocked user') {
      $_privatemsg_invalid_recipients[] = $recipient->uid;
      $errors[] = t('%name has chosen to not recieve any more messages from you.', array(
        '%name' => privatemsg_recipient_format($recipient, array(
          'plain' => TRUE,

 * Change the message before it is stored.
 * Alter the message, for example remove recipients that have been detected as
 * invalid or forbidden in the validate hook.
 * @param $message
 *   Message array
function hook_privatemsg_message_presave_alter(&$message) {

  // delete recipients which have been marked as invalid
  global $_privatemsg_invalid_recipients;
  foreach ($_privatemsg_invalid_recipients as $invalid) {

 * Act on the $vars before a message is displayed.
 * This is called in the preprocess hook of the privatemsg-view template.
 * The $message data is available in $vars['message'].
 * @param $var
 *   Template variables
function hook_privatemsg_message_view_alter(&$vars) {

  // add a link to each message
  $vars['message_links'][] = array(
    'title' => t('My link'),
    'href' => '/path/to/my/action/' . $vars['message']['mid'],

 * This hook is executed after the message has been saved.
 * $message is updated with mid and thread id. Use this hook to store data,
 * that needs to point to the saved message for example attachments.
 * @param $message
 *   Message array
function hook_privatemsg_message_insert($message) {

 * This hook is invoked when a recipient is added to a message.
 * Since the hook might be invoked hundreds of times during batch or cron, only
 * ids are passed and not complete user/message objects.
 * @param $mid
 *   Id of the message.
 * @param $thread_id
 *   Id of the thread the message belongs to.
 * @param $recipient
 *   Recipient id, a user id if type is user or hidden.
 * @param $type
 *   Type of the recipient.
 * @param $added
 *   TRUE if the recipient is added, FALSE if he is removed.
function hook_privatemsg_message_recipient_changed($mid, $thread_id, $recipient, $type, $added) {
  if ($added && ($type == 'user' || $type == 'hidden')) {
    ), variable_get('privatemsg_filter_inbox_tag', ''), (object) array(
      'uid' => $recipient,

 * @}

 * @defgroup generic_hooks Generic Hooks
 * @{
 * Some generic hooks that can't be categorized.

 * Check if the author can send a message to the recipients.
 * This can be used to limit who can write whom based on other modules and/or
 * settings.
 * @param $author
 *   Author of the message to be sent
 * @param $recipients
 *   Recipient of the message
 * @param $context
 *   Additional information. Can contain the thread_id to indicate that this is
 *   a reply on an existing thread.
 * @return
 *   An indexed array of arrays with the keys recipient ({type}_{key}) and
 *   message (The reason why the recipient has been blocked).
function hook_privatemsg_block_message($author, $recipients, $context = array()) {
  $blocked = array();
  foreach ($recipients as $recipient_id => $recipient) {

    // Deny/block if the recipient type is role and the account does not have
    // the necessary permission.
    if ($recipient->type == 'role' && $recipient->recipient == 2) {
      $blocked[] = array(
        'recipient' => $recipient_id,
        'message' => t('Not allowed to write private messages to the role authenticated user'),
  return $blocked;

 * Add content to the view thread page.
 * @param $content
 *   Render-able array, contains the thread object in #thread.
function hook_privatemsg_view_alter($content) {
  if (privatemsg_user_access('tag private messages')) {
    $content['tags'] = privatemsg_filter_show_tags($content['#thread']['thread_id'], !empty($_GET['show_tags_form']));

 * List of possible templates.
function hook_privatemsg_view_template() {

 * Expose operations/actions which can be executed on threads.
 * Return an array of operations to privatemsg, the key of each operation is the
 * operation key or name.
 * @see _privatemsg_action_form()
 * @see privatemsg_list_submit()
function hook_privatemsg_thread_operations() {
  return array(
    'operation key' => array(
      'label' => 'Label of the operation. Only use this if the operation
                  should be displayed automatically in the action form',
      'callback' => 'privatemsg_thread_change_status',
      // Function callback that will be executed.
      'callback arguments' => array(
        'status' => PRIVATEMSG_READ,
      // Additional arguments to above function
      'undo callback' => 'privatemsg_thread_change_status',
      // Provide a function which can "undo" the operation. Optional.
      'undo callback arguments' => array(
        'status' => PRIVATEMSG_UNREAD,

 * Allows response to a status change.
 * @param $pmid
 *   Message id.
 * @param $status
 * @param $account
 *   User object, defaults to the current user.
 * @see privatemsg_message_change_status()
function hook_privatemsg_message_status_changed($pmid, $status, $account) {

 * @}

 * @defgroup types Types of recipients
 * It is possible to define other types of recipients than the usual single
 * user. These types are defined through a hook and a few callbacks and are
 * stored in the {pm_index} table for each recipient entry.
 * Because of that, only the combination of type and recipient (was uid in older
 * versions) defines a unique recipient.
 * This feature is usually used to define groups of recipients. Privatemsg
 * comes with the privatemsg_roles sub-module, which allows to send messages to
 * all members of a specific group.
 * When sending a new message with a recipient type other than user, Privatemsg
 * only inserts a single entry for that recipient type. However, when looking
 * for messages for a user, Privatemsg only looks for recipient types user and
 * hidden. To fill the gap, Privatemsg defines three ways how a non-user
 * type is converted to hidden recipient entries.
 * - For small recipient types (by default <100 recipients, configurable), the
 *   entries are added directly after saving the original private message.
 * - When sending messages through the UI, bigger recipient types are handled
 *   with batch API.
 * - For messages sent by the API, the hidden recipients are generated during
 *   cron runs.
 * Once all hidden recipients are added, the original recipient type is marked
 * as read so Privatemsg knows that he has been processed.
 * Privatemsg defines the following types:
 * - user: This is the default recipient type which is used for a single user.
 * - hidden: Used to add internal recipient entries for other recipient types.
 * - role: The sub-module privatemsg_roles defines an additional type called
 *   role. This allows to send messages to all members of a role.
 * To implement a new type, the following hooks need to be implemented. Note
 * that most of these hooks can also be used alone for other functionality than
 * defining recipient types.
 * - hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info() - Tell Privatemsg about your
 *   recipient type(s).
 * - hook_privatemsg_name_lookup() - Convert a string to an
 *   recipient object
 * Additionally, there is also a hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info_alter() that
 * allows to alter recipient type definitions.

 * @addtogroup types
 * @{

 * This hook is used to tell privatemsg about the recipient types defined by a
 * module. Each type consists of an array keyed by the internal recipient type
 * name and the following keys must be defined.
 * * name: Translated name of the recipient type.
 * * description: A short description of how to send messages to to that
 *   recipient type. This is displayed below the To: field when sending a
 *   message.
 * * load: A callback function that can load recipients based on their id,
 *   example: privatemsg_roles_load_multiple().
 * * format: Theme function to format the recipient before displaying. Must be
 *   defined with hook_theme(), example: theme_privatemsg_roles_format().
 * * autocomplete: Function callback to return possible autocomplete matches,
 *   example: privatemsg_roles_autocomplete().
 * * generate recipients: Function callback to return user ids which belong to a
 *   recipient type, example: privatemsg_roles_load_recipients().
 * * max: Function callback to return the highest user id of a recipient type,
 *   example: privatemsg_roles_count_recipients().
 * * write access: Optionally define a permission which controls write access
 *   to that recipient type.
 * * write callback: Optionally define a callback function that returns an
 *   access decision (allow = TRUE, deny = FALSE) for whether the current user
 *   can write to recipients of the given recipient type.
 * * view access: Optionally define a permission which controls if the user is
 *   able to see the recipient when he is looking at a thread.
 * * view callback: Optionally define a callback function that returns an
 *   access decision (allow = TRUE, deny = FALSE) for whether the current user
 *   can see recipients of the given recipient type.
function hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info() {
  return array(
    'role' => array(
      'name' => t('Role'),
      'description' => t('Enter the name of a role to write a message to all users which have that role. Example: authenticated user.'),
      'load' => 'privatemsg_roles_load_multiple',
      'format' => 'privatemsg_roles_format',
      'autocomplete' => 'privatemsg_roles_autocomplete',
      'generate recipients' => 'privatemsg_roles_load_recipients',
      'count' => 'privatemsg_roles_count_recipients',
      'write callback' => 'privatemsg_roles_write_access',
      'view access' => 'view roles recipients',

 * Hook which allows to look up a user object.
 * You can try to look up a user object based on the information passed to the
 * hook. The first hook that successfully looks up a specific string wins.
 * Therefore, it is important to only return something if you can actually look
 * up the string.
function hook_privatemsg_name_lookup($string) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT *, rid AS recipient FROM {role} WHERE name = '%s'", trim($string));
  if ($role = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $role->type = 'role';
    return $role;

 * Allows to alter the defined recipient types.
 * @param $types
 *   Array with the recipient types.
 * @see hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info()
function hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info_alter(&$types) {

 * Allows to alter the found autocomplete suggestions.
 * @param $matches
 *   Array of matching recipient objects.
 * @param $names
 *   Array of names that are already in the list.
 * @param $fragment
 *   Fragment that is currently searched for.
function hook_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter(&$matches, $names, $fragment) {

  // Remove all types other than user if accessed through
  // messages/user/autocomplete.
  if (arg(1) == 'user') {
    foreach ($matches as $id => $match) {
      if ($match->type != 'user') {

 * Allows to alter found recipient types for a given string.
 * @param $matches
 *   Array of matching recipient objects.
 * @param $string
 *   String representation of the recipient.
function hook_privatemsg_name_lookup_matches(&$matches, $string) {

 * Allows response to a successful operation.
 * @param $operation
 *   The operation that was executed.
 * @param $threads
 *   An array which contains the thread ids on which the operation
 *   has been executed.
 * @param $account
 *   An user account object if an other user than the currently logged in is
 *   affected.
 * @see privatemsg_operation_execute()
 * @see hook_privatemsg_thread_operations()
function hook_privatemsg_operation_executed($operation, $threads, $account = NULL) {

 * @}


Namesort descending Description
hook_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter Allows to alter the found autocomplete suggestions.
hook_privatemsg_block_message Check if the author can send a message to the recipients.
hook_privatemsg_message_flush Is called when a message is flushed.
hook_privatemsg_message_insert This hook is executed after the message has been saved.
hook_privatemsg_message_presave_alter Change the message before it is stored.
hook_privatemsg_message_recipient_changed This hook is invoked when a recipient is added to a message.
hook_privatemsg_message_status_changed Allows response to a status change.
hook_privatemsg_message_validate Validate a message before it is sent/saved in the database.
hook_privatemsg_message_view_alter Act on the $vars before a message is displayed.
hook_privatemsg_name_lookup Hook which allows to look up a user object.
hook_privatemsg_name_lookup_matches Allows to alter found recipient types for a given string.
hook_privatemsg_operation_executed Allows response to a successful operation.
hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info This hook is used to tell privatemsg about the recipient types defined by a module. Each type consists of an array keyed by the internal recipient type name and the following keys must be defined.
hook_privatemsg_recipient_type_info_alter Allows to alter the defined recipient types.
hook_privatemsg_thread_operations Expose operations/actions which can be executed on threads.
hook_privatemsg_view_alter Add content to the view thread page.
hook_privatemsg_view_template List of possible templates.
hook_query_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter Query to search for autocomplete usernames.
hook_query_privatemsg_deleted_alter Alter the query that loads deleted messages to flush them.
hook_query_privatemsg_messages_alter Query definition to load messages of one or multiple threads.
hook_query_privatemsg_participants_alter Alter the query that loads the participants of a thread.
hook_query_privatemsg_sql_list_alter Display a list of threads.
hook_query_privatemsg_unread_count_alter Loads all unread messages of a user (only the count query is used).