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README.txt in PrintFriendly & PDF 7.5

The #1 Print and PDF button for your Drupal site. Printer Friendly pages
without coding, css, or print.css. Fast, easy, and professional.

== Description ==

The Print Friendly & PDF button saves paper and ink when printing or creating a
PDF. It's fast, easy, and looks great when printed. Add the button now, and
your users will see the difference.

== How Print Friendly & PDF Works ==

The Print Friendly & PDF button automatically creates printer friendly and PDF
versions of your pages without the hassle of having to create a print CSS file.
No coding, hacking or programming required. Simply install the Print Friendly &
PDF plugin, activate (don't forget to setup permissions), and choose settings 
for full customization. It also gives your user the ability to remove images 
and paragraphs of text, so they really only have to print exactly what they

== Cool Features For You: ==

* Get a Printer Friendly and PDF button for your users.
* Fully Customizable! Choose your favorite print and PDF button.
* On-Page-Lightbox. Have you noticed that other printer friendly buttons open
  new windows, or tabs? Not with Print Friendly & PDF button. It opens in a
  Lightbox so you your users stay on the page, and your drupal website.
* More repeats and new users. Your brand/URL are printed on the page or saved
  in the PDF so users remember your site and new users can find you.

== Cool Print Features for Users: ==

* Optimizes pages for printing and PDF so you save money and the environment.
* You can Print or get a PDF.
* Edit the page before printing or getting a PDF: remove the images and
  paragraphs you don't need to save ink!

PrintFriendly and PDF is the #1 print optimization technology, as featured in
Mashable: & makeuseof:

Give PrintFriendly & PDF a test drive at


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  1. The #1 Print and PDF button for your Drupal site. Printer Friendly pages
  2. without coding, css, or print.css. Fast, easy, and professional.
  3. == Description ==
  4. The Print Friendly & PDF button saves paper and ink when printing or creating a
  5. PDF. It's fast, easy, and looks great when printed. Add the button now, and
  6. your users will see the difference.
  7. == How Print Friendly & PDF Works ==
  8. The Print Friendly & PDF button automatically creates printer friendly and PDF
  9. versions of your pages without the hassle of having to create a print CSS file.
  10. No coding, hacking or programming required. Simply install the Print Friendly &
  11. PDF plugin, activate (don't forget to setup permissions), and choose settings
  12. for full customization. It also gives your user the ability to remove images
  13. and paragraphs of text, so they really only have to print exactly what they
  14. want.
  15. == Cool Features For You: ==
  16. * Get a Printer Friendly and PDF button for your users.
  17. * Fully Customizable! Choose your favorite print and PDF button.
  18. * On-Page-Lightbox. Have you noticed that other printer friendly buttons open
  19. new windows, or tabs? Not with Print Friendly & PDF button. It opens in a
  20. Lightbox so you your users stay on the page, and your drupal website.
  21. * More repeats and new users. Your brand/URL are printed on the page or saved
  22. in the PDF so users remember your site and new users can find you.
  23. == Cool Print Features for Users: ==
  24. * Optimizes pages for printing and PDF so you save money and the environment.
  25. * You can Print or get a PDF.
  26. * Edit the page before printing or getting a PDF: remove the images and
  27. paragraphs you don't need to save ink!
  28. PrintFriendly and PDF is the #1 print optimization technology, as featured in
  29. Lifehacker:
  31. Mashable: & makeuseof:
  33. Give PrintFriendly & PDF a test drive at