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PrintableCssIncludeTest.php in Printer and PDF versions for Drupal 8+ 8

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  1. 2.x tests/src/Unit/PrintableCssIncludeTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\printable\Unit;

use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\printable\PrintableCssInclude;

 * Tests the print format plugin.
 * @group Printable
class PrintableCssIncludeTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return [
      'name' => 'Printable CSS Include',
      'descriptions' => 'Tests the printable CSS include class.',
      'group' => 'Printable',

   * Tests getting the plugin label from the plugin.
   * @covers PrintableCssInclude::getCssIncludePath
   * @dataProvider providerTestGetCssIncludePath
  public function testGetCssIncludePath($include, $expected) {
    $config = $this
      'printable.settings' => [
        'css_include' => $include,
    $theme_info = [
      'bartik' => new \stdClass(),
    $theme_info['bartik']->uri = 'core/themes/bartik/';
    $theme_handler = $this
    $css_include = new PrintableCssInclude($config, $theme_handler);
      ->assertEquals($expected, $css_include

   * Data provider for testGetCssIncludePath().
  public function providerTestGetCssIncludePath() {
    return [



Namesort descending Description
PrintableCssIncludeTest Tests the print format plugin.