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printable.settings.yml in Printer and PDF versions for Drupal 8+ 2.x

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 config/install/printable.settings.yml


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  1. printable_entities:
  2. - node
  3. - comment
  4. - user
  5. open_target_blank: TRUE
  6. css_include: ''
  7. extract_links: ''
  8. save_pdf: FALSE
  9. pdf_tool: ''
  10. paper_size: 'A4'
  11. page_orientation: 'Portrait'
  12. path_to_binary: ''
  13. pdf_location: ''
  14. send_to_printer: FALSE
  15. close_window: FALSE
  16. list_attribute: FALSE
  17. printable_print_link_locations:
  18. - node
  19. printable_pdf_link_locations:
  20. - ''
  21. print_pdf_use_xvfb_run: FALSE
  22. path_to_xvfb_run: ''