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print_pdf_mpdf.module in Printer, email and PDF versions 7.2

Generate a PDF for the print_pdf module using the mPDF library.


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 * @file
 * Generate a PDF for the print_pdf module using the mPDF library.
 * @ingroup print

 * Implements hook_pdf_tool_info().
function print_pdf_mpdf_pdf_tool_info() {
  $info = array(
    'name' => 'mPDF',
    'min_version' => '7.1.0',
    'url' => '',
    'expand_css' => FALSE,
    'public_dirs' => array(
  $pdf_tool = explode('|', variable_get('print_pdf_pdf_tool', PRINT_PDF_PDF_TOOL_DEFAULT));

  // Only for versions less than 7.0.0, without calling the version() function.
  if (isset($pdf_tool[1]) && strpos($pdf_tool[1], 'mpdf.php')) {
    $info['tool_dirs'] = array(
  return $info;

 * Implements hook_pdf_tool_version().
function print_pdf_mpdf_pdf_tool_version($pdf_tool) {
  if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $pdf_tool)) {
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $pdf_tool;

  // Version 5.x and 6.x
  if (defined('mPDF_VERSION')) {
    return mPDF_VERSION;
  else {
    if (class_exists('\\Mpdf\\Mpdf')) {
      $version = \Mpdf\Mpdf::VERSION;
      if (!empty($version)) {
        return $version;
  return 'unknown';

 * Implements hook_print_pdf_available_libs_alter().
function print_pdf_mpdf_print_pdf_available_libs_alter(&$pdf_tools) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'print', 'includes/print');
  $tools = _print_scan_libs('mpdf', '!^mpdf.php$!');
  foreach ($tools as $tool) {
    $pdf_tools['print_pdf_mpdf|' . $tool] = 'mPDF (' . dirname($tool) . ')';

  // mPDF >= 7.0 uses a composer autoloader.
  $tools = _print_scan_libs('mpdf', '!^autoload.php$!');
  foreach ($tools as $tool) {
    if (preg_match('!mpdf.*?/vendor/autoload.php$!', $tool)) {
      $pdf_tools['print_pdf_mpdf|' . $tool] = 'mPDF (' . dirname(dirname($tool)) . ')';

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