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7 uses of POTX_STRING_INSTALLER in Translation template extractor 8

PotxCommands::potx in src/Commands/PotxCommands.php
Extract translatable strings from Drupal source code.
PotxTest::testDrupal5 in tests/src/Kernel/PotxTest.php
Test parsing of Drupal 5 module.
PotxTest::testDrupal6 in tests/src/Kernel/PotxTest.php
Test parsing of Drupal 6 module.
PotxTest::testDrupal7 in tests/src/Kernel/PotxTest.php
Test parsing of Drupal 7 module.
potx_drush_extract in ./
Drush command callback.
_potx_parse_php_file in ./
Parse a PHP file for translatables.
_potx_save_string in ./
Default $save_callback used by the potx system.