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PostalCodeValidationTestCase.test in Postal Code Validation 7

Tests for postal_code_validation.


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 * @file
 * Tests for postal_code_validation.

 * Tests for postal_code_validation.
class PostalCodeValidationTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return [
      'name' => t('Postal Code Validation'),
      'description' => t('Test the Postal Code Validation module.'),
      'group' => t('Location'),

   * The tests.
  public function test() {
    include_once __DIR__ . '/../postal_code_validation.module';
    $supported_countries = postal_code_validation_get_supported_countries();
    $countries_without_codes = postal_code_validation_get_countries_without_codes();
    $dependencies = postal_code_validation_get_dependencies();
    $array_intersect = array_intersect($countries_without_codes, $supported_countries);
      ->assertTrue(count($array_intersect) === 0, 'No countries are listed as supported if they do not have a postal code system.' . implode(', ', $array_intersect));
    $array_intersect = array_intersect($countries_without_codes, array_keys($dependencies));
      ->assertTrue(count($array_intersect) === 0, 'No countries are listed as having no postal code system if they use the system of another country.' . implode(', ', $array_intersect));
    $array_intersect = array_intersect($supported_countries, array_keys($dependencies));
      ->assertTrue(count($array_intersect) === 0, 'No countries are listed as supported if they use the system of another country.' . implode(', ', $array_intersect));
    $array_unique = array_unique($dependencies);
    $array_intersect = array_intersect($supported_countries, $array_unique);
      ->assertTrue(count($array_intersect) === count($array_unique), 'Only supported countries are listed as being the postal code system used by another country.' . implode(', ', array_diff($array_unique, $supported_countries)));
    $missing_country_files = array();
    $missing_country_functions = array();
    foreach ($supported_countries as $country) {
      $filename = __DIR__ . '/../countries/' . drupal_strtolower($country) . '.inc';
      if (is_file($filename)) {
        include_once $filename;
      else {
        $missing_country_files[] = $country;
      if (!function_exists('_postal_code_validation_validate_' . $country)) {
        $missing_country_functions[] = $country;
      ->assertTrue(count($missing_country_files) === 0, 'Every supported country has a file in the countries directory.' . implode(', ', $missing_country_files));
      ->assertTrue(count($missing_country_functions) === 0, 'Every supported country implements _postal_code_validation_validate_COUNTRYCODE().' . implode(', ', $missing_country_functions));



Namesort descending Description
PostalCodeValidationTestCase Tests for postal_code_validation.