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protected static function Porter2::removeEnding in Porter-Stemmer 8

Removes a given string from the end of the current word.

Does not check whether the ending is actually there.


string $word: The word to check.

string $string: The ending to remove.

Return value

string The word without the given ending.

8 calls to Porter2::removeEnding()
Porter2::step0 in src/Porter2.php
Search for the longest among the "s" suffixes and removes it.
Porter2::step1a in src/Porter2.php
Handles various suffixes, of which the longest is replaced.
Porter2::step1b in src/Porter2.php
Handles various suffixes, of which the longest is replaced.
Porter2::step1c in src/Porter2.php
Replaces suffix y or Y with i if after non-vowel not @ word begin.
Porter2::step2 in src/Porter2.php
Implements step 2 of the Porter2 algorithm.

... See full list


src/Porter2.php, line 591


PHP Implementation of the Porter2 Stemming Algorithm.




protected static function removeEnding($word, $string) {
  return substr($word, 0, -strlen($string));