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popups.module in Popups API (Ajax Dialogs) 7

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  1. 5 popups.module
  2. 6.2 popups.module
  3. 6 popups.module


This module uses popup modal dalogs to enhance the Administration Pages by allowing pages to be shown inside modual dialogs. It also provides a hook_popups for other pages that want to use this functionality.


  • Adding Javascript into popups doesn't always work.
  • tabledrag onmouse up action.
  • user.js and teaser.js bugs.
  • Get cursor visible in Firefox 2: Ugly!
  • * Also:
  • * Might not be solvable before FF 3 comes out.
  • * Partial fix is :focus {background-color: #FFA}, but does not good for color-blind folk.
  • Cache the results of hook_popups.
  • Make the message-in-popup behavior configurable (?).
  • Taxonomy > Add vocab. Adding second item to page does not trigger d-n-d transformation. Might be a problem with Taxonomy. Menus doesn't have problem (adds d-n-d on first item).


View source

 * @file popup.module
 * This module uses popup modal dalogs to enhance the Administration Pages by allowing pages
 *  to be shown inside modual dialogs.
 * It also provides a hook_popups for other pages that want to use this functionality. 
 * @todo 
 * * Adding Javascript into popups doesn't always work.
 * *   tabledrag onmouse up action. 
 * *   user.js and teaser.js bugs.
 * * Get cursor visible in Firefox 2: Ugly!
 * * * Also:
 * * * Might not be solvable before FF 3 comes out.
 * * * Partial fix is :focus {background-color: #FFA}, but does not good for color-blind folk.
 * * Cache the results of hook_popups.
 * * Make the message-in-popup behavior configurable (?).
 * * Taxonomy > Add vocab.  Adding second item to page does not trigger d-n-d transformation.
 *     Might be a problem with Taxonomy.  Menus doesn't have problem (adds d-n-d on first item).

// **************************************************************************
// CORE HOOK FUNCTIONS   ****************************************************
// **************************************************************************

 * hook_menu
 * @return array of new menu items.
function popups_menu() {
  $items['admin/settings/popups'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'title' => 'Popups',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'description' => 'Configure the page-in-a-dialog behavior.',
  $items['popups/proxy'] = array(
    'page callback' => '_popups_proxy',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access callback' => TRUE,

  // Items for testing.
  $items['popups/test'] = array(
    'title' => 'Popup Test',
    'page callback' => '_popups_test_popups',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access callback' => TRUE,
  $items['popups/test/response'] = array(
    'title' => 'Popup Test',
    'page callback' => '_popups_test_response',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access callback' => TRUE,
  return $items;

 * hook_init
 * Look at the page path and see if popup behavior has been requested for any links in this page.
function popups_init() {
  $popups = popups_get_popups();
  if (isset($popups[$_GET['q']])) {

  // Check and see if the page_override param is in the URL.
  // Note - the magic happens here.
  // Need to cache the page_override flag in the session, so it will effect
  // the results page that follows a form submission.
  if (isset($_GET['page_override'])) {
    $_SESSION['page_override'] = $_GET['page_override'];

  // Move the page_override flag back out of the session.
  if (isset($_SESSION['page_override'])) {

    // This call will not return on form submission.
    $return = menu_execute_active_handler();

    // The call did return, so it wasn't a form request,
    // so we are returning a result, so clear the session flag.
    $override = $_SESSION['page_override'];

    // Menu status constants are integers; page content is a string.
    if (isset($return) && !is_int($return) && isset($override)) {
      print theme($override . '_page', $return);

      // Do not continue processing request in index.html.

 * hook_theme
function popups_theme($existing, $type) {
  return array(
    'popup_page' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'content' => NULL,
function theme_popup_page($content) {
  return drupal_json(array(
    'title' => drupal_get_title(),
    'messages' => theme('status_messages'),
    'path' => $_GET['q'],
    'content' => $content,

 * hook_form_alter
 * Look at the form_id and see if popup behavior has been requested for any links in this form.
 * @param form_array $form
 * @param array $form_state
 * @param str $form_id: 
function popups_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {

  //  print $form_id;
  // Add popup behavior to the form if requested.
  $popups = popups_get_popups();
  if (isset($popups[$form_id])) {

// **************************************************************************
// UTILITY FUNCTIONS   ******************************************************
// **************************************************************************

 * Build the list of popup rules from all modules that implement hook_popups.
 * @todo - Add some caching so we don't rebuild everytime.
function popups_get_popups() {
  static $popups = NULL;
  if (!isset($popups)) {
    $popups = module_invoke_all('popups');
  return $popups;

 * Attach the popup behavior to the page.
 * The default behavoir of a popup is to open a form that will modify the original page.  The popup submits
 * the form and reloads the original page with the resulting new content. The popup then replaces
 * the original page's content area with the new copy of that content area.
 * @param array $rule: Array of rules to apply to the page or form, keyed by jQuery link selector.
 * Options:
 *   noReload: Does the popup NOT modify the original page (Default: false).
 *   updateTitle: Does the popup modify the title of the current page (Default: false).
 *   surpressMessages: Don't show the messages the form returns in a popup (Default: false).
 *   targetSelector: Defines the area on the original page that will be updated (Default: system-wide setting)
 *   resultsSubselector: Defines the resulting new content to put into the targetSelector (Default: use the entire new results)
 *       TODO - come up with a good use cases for resultsSubselector and targetSelector.
 *   singleRow: Array of selectors descripting the elements inside a row to be replaced (Default: replace entire targetSelector)
 *   additionalJavascript: Array of JavaScript files that must be included to correctly run the page in the popup. 
 *   additionalCss: Array of CSS files that must be included to correctly style the page in the popup. 
 * Rule Format Example:
 * 'admin/content/taxonomy' => array( // Act only on the links on this page. 
 *   'div#tabs-wrapper a:eq(1)',  // No options, so use defaults. Note: Selector must select <a> element(s).
 *   'table td:nth-child(2) a' => array( 
 *     'noReload' => true, // Popup will not modify original page.
 *   ),
 * )
function popups_add_popups($rules = null) {
  static $added = FALSE;
  if (!$added) {
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'popups') . '/popups.css');
    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'popups') . '/popups.js');
    if (is_array($rules)) {
      $settings = array(
        'popups' => array(
          'defaultTargetSelector' => variable_get('popups_content_selector', 'div.left-corner > div.clear-block:last'),
          'defaultTitleSelector' => variable_get('popups_title_selector', 'div.left-corner > h2:eq(0)'),
          'links' => array(),
      foreach ($rules as $popup_selector => $options) {
        if (is_array($options)) {
          $settings['popups']['links'][$popup_selector] = $options;
          if (isset($options['additionalJavascript']) && is_array($options['additionalJavascript'])) {
            foreach ($options['additionalJavascript'] as $file) {
          if (isset($options['additionalCss']) && is_array($options['additionalCss'])) {
            foreach ($options['additionalCss'] as $file) {
        else {
          $settings['popups']['links'][$options] = array();
      drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
    $added = TRUE;

 * hook_popups
 * This implements hook_popups, defined in popups_get_popups.
 * It adds page-in-popup behavior to the core admin pages.
 * See the comments in popups_add_popups for explination of the options.
 * @return: Array of link selectors to apply popup behavior to.
 *          Keyed by path or form_id.
function popups_popups() {

  //  $operations = preg_replace('/[\W]+/', '-', strtolower(t('Operations')));
  return array(
    'admin/build/block' => array(
      // Blocks admin page.
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=admin/build/block/add]',
      // Add Block
      '#blocks a[href~=admin/build/block/configure]' => array(
        // configure
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
      '#blocks a[href~=admin/build/block/delete]',
    'admin/build/path' => array(
      // URL aliases admin page.
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=admin/build/path/add]',
      // Add alias
      'td:nth-child(3) a[href~=admin/build/path/edit]',
      // edit alias
      'td:nth-child(4) a[href~=admin/build/path/delete]',
    'admin/content/taxonomy' => array(
      // Taxonomy admin page.
      // TODO: If there are not more than one items to start with, d-n-d files aren't loaded into page.
      // This causes trouble when the 2nd item is added, no d-n-d.
      // Might be bug in taxonomy table building (or at least inconsistancy).
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=admin/content/taxonomy/add/vocabulary]' => array(
        // Add vocabulary
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
      '#taxonomy-overview-vocabularies td a:contains(' . t('edit vocabulary') . ')',
      // edit vocabulary
      '#taxonomy-overview-vocabularies td a:contains(' . t('list terms') . ')' => array(
        // list terms
        'noReload' => true,
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
      '#taxonomy-overview-vocabularies td a:contains(' . t('add terms') . ')' => array(
        // add terms
        'noReload' => true,
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
    'admin/content/types' => array(
      // Content Type admin page
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=admin/content/types/add]' => array(
        // Add content type
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
      'table td:nth-child(4) a, table td:nth-child(5) a',
    'admin/content/node' => array(
      // Existing Content admin page
      '#node-admin-content td a:contains(' . t('edit') . ')' => array(
        // edit
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
    'page_node_form' => array(
      // Node edit form
      'a[href$=filter/tips]' => array(
        // Fixes insane "More information..." link
        'noReload' => true,
    'admin/content/comment' => array(
      // Comments admin page.
      'table td:nth-child(2) a' => array(
        // view (TODO: popup too small)
        'noReload' => true,
        'additionalCss' => array(),
      '#comment-admin-overview td a:contains(' . t('edit') . ')' => array(
        // edit
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
    'admin/user/rules' => array(
      // Access rules admin page.
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=admin/user/rules/add]',
      // Add rule
      'table td:nth-child(4) a, table td:nth-child(5) a',
      // edit, delete
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=/admin/user/rules/check]' => array(
        // Check rule
        'noReload' => true,
    'admin/user/user' => array(
      // Manage all users admin page.

      //Add user (TODO: Can't test, keeps crashing apache!)
      '#tabs-wrapper a[href$=admin/user/user/create]' => array(
        // TODO: "translate has no properties" user.js line 16.
        'additionalJavascript' => array(
          drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . '/user.js',
      '#user-admin-account td:nth-child(2) a' => array(
        // View the user
        'noReload' => true,
    'menu_overview_form' => array(
      // Menu admin form.
      // Add Item, , edit, delete
      '#tabs-wrapper a:eq(1), table#menu-overview td:nth-child(5) a, table#menu-overview td:nth-child(6) a',
      '#tabs-wrapper a:eq(2)' => array(
        // Edit menu: update just page title.
        'updateTitle' => true,
        'noReload' => true,
    // CCK - Manage fields page.
    'content_admin_field_overview_form' => array(
      'div#tabs-wrapper a:eq(0)' => array(
        // Edit
        'updateTitle' => true,
        'noReload' => true,
      'div#tabs-wrapper a:eq(2)' => array(
        // Display fields
        'noReload' => true,
      'div#tabs-wrapper a:eq(3), div#tabs-wrapper a:eq(4)',
      // Add field, Add group
      'table td:nth-child(5) a' => array(
        // configure
        'singleRow' => array(
      'table td:nth-child(6) a',

// **************************************************************************
// ADMIN SETTINGS   *********************************************************
// **************************************************************************
function popups_admin_settings() {
  drupal_set_title("Popups Settings");
  $form = array();
  $form['popups_title_selector'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Title Selector'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('popups_title_selector', 'div.left-corner > h2:eq(0)'),
    '#description' => t("jQuery selector to define the pag'e title on your Admin theme."),
  $form['popups_content_selector'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Content Selector'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('popups_content_selector', 'div.left-corner > div.clear-block:last'),
    '#description' => t('jQuery selector to define the page\'s content area on your Admin theme.'),
  return system_settings_form($form);

// **************************************************************************
// TESTING   ****************************************************************
// **************************************************************************
function _popups_submit() {

  //  watchdog( "Debug", "_popups_submit" );
  //  drupal_set_message( "_popups_submit" );
  print theme('popups_page', 'Congratulations');
function _popups_test_popups() {
  $output = '';
  $output .= l("Pop up entire local page.", 'popups/test/response', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'class' => 'popups',
  )) . "<br />";

  //  $output .= l("Pop up entire local page.", drupal_get_path('module', 'popups') . '/test.html', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'popups'))) ."<br />";
  //  $output .= l("Pop up Google", '', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'popups-html'))) ."<br />";
  return $output;
function _popups_test_response() {
  drupal_set_title("A Popup Test");
  return "<div>Hello World</div>";


Namesort descending Description
popups_add_popups Attach the popup behavior to the page.
popups_form_alter hook_form_alter
popups_get_popups Build the list of popup rules from all modules that implement hook_popups.
popups_init hook_init
popups_menu hook_menu
popups_popups hook_popups
popups_theme hook_theme