You are here in Popup 6.x


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function popup_filter_insert_form() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'popup_filter') . '/popup-filter-admin.css');
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'popup_filter') . '/popup-filter-admin.js');
  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');
  $default = t('Format');
  $position = _popup_filter_position_options($default);
  $modules = module_implements('block', TRUE);
  $effects = array_keys(array_pop(module_invoke_all('popup_effects')));
  $activate = _popup_filter_activate_options($default);
  $views_options = _popup_filter_views_options();
  $display_format_options = _popup_filter_format_options();
  $widths = range(100, 500, 50);
  $popup_widths_formats = array(
  ) + array_combine($widths, $widths);
  $node_title_form = array(
    '#title' => t('Node title'),
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#autocomplete_path' => 'ajax/popup-filter/getnode',
    '#id' => 'popup-content-node-title',
  $variables = array(
    'text' => _popup_filter_text(),
    'position_options' => _popup_filter_options($position),
    'module_options' => _popup_filter_options(array_combine($modules, $modules)),
    'format_options' => _popup_filter_options($display_format_options),
    'width_options' => _popup_filter_options($popup_widths_formats),
    'activate_options' => _popup_filter_options($activate),
    'type_options' => _popup_filter_options(_popup_filter_type_options()),
    'view_options' => $views_options ? _popup_filter_options(array_filter($views_options)) : FALSE,
    'effect_options' => count($effects) ? _popup_filter_options(array(
    ) + array_combine($effects, array_map('_popup_key_to_title', $effects))) : FALSE,
    'node_title' => drupal_render($node_title_form),
    'menu_options' => _popup_filter_options(menu_get_menus()),
  extract($variables, EXTR_SKIP);
  include 'popup_filter_form.php';
  $form_html = ob_get_contents();
  return $form_html;

/* ---- Options ---- */
function _popup_filter_position_options($default) {
  return array(
    0 => $default,
    'top-left' => 'Top left',
    'top-right' => 'Top right',
    'bottom-left' => 'Bottom left',
    'bottom-right' => 'Bottom right',
function _popup_filter_activate_options($default) {
  return array(
    'hover' => t('Hover'),
    'click' => t('Click'),
function _popup_filter_views_options() {
  if (module_exists('views')) {
    $views = views_get_all_views();
    $views_options = array();
    foreach ($views as $view) {
      $views_options[$view->name] = $view->name;
    return $views_options;
  return FALSE;
function _popup_filter_format_options() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'popup_ui', 'includes/popup_ui.admin');
  $formats = array_keys(_popup_ui_formatter_settings());
  $display_format_options = array_combine($formats, $formats);
  array_unshift($display_format_options, 'None');
  return $display_format_options;
function _popup_filter_type_options() {
  return array(
    'block' => t('Block'),
    'form' => t('Form'),
    'menu' => t('Menu'),
    'node' => t('Node'),
    'php' => t('PHP'),
    'text' => t('Text'),
    'view' => t('View'),
function _popup_filter_options($options) {
  $rendered = '';
  foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
    $rendered .= '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $label . '</option>';
  return $rendered;

/* ---- Text ---- */
function _popup_filter_text() {
  return array(
    'title' => t('Title'),
    'image' => t('Image'),
    'image description' => t('Path to an image to use as the popup title. This path must be relative to the drupal root.'),
    'link' => t('Link'),
    'css id' => t('CSS ID'),
    'css class' => t('CSS class'),
    'format' => t('Format'),
    'format description' => t('Select the default display format of the popup. The options below will override this formats\' settings. Popup formats may be managed !here.', array(
      '!here' => l(t('here'), '/admin/settings/popup/formats'),
    'origin' => t('Origin'),
    'expand' => t('Expand'),
    'effect' => t('Effect'),
    'width' => t('Width'),
    'activate' => t('Activate'),
    'close button' => t('Close button'),
    'ajax' => t('Use AJAX to load content on demand'),
    'type' => t('Type'),
    'module' => t('Module'),
    'delta' => t('Delta'),
    'form' => t('Form function'),
    'form description' => t('The PHP function that generates the form. This is usually the same as the form ID.'),
    'menu' => t('Menu'),
    'flat' => t('Flat'),
    'flat description' => t('Select this option if you want the top level menu items to show rather than the menu root.'),
    'inline' => t('Inline'),
    'inline description' => t('Select this option if you want the top level menu items to be displayed next to each other.'),
    'node id' => t('Node ID'),
    'or' => t('OR'),
    'teaser' => t('Display teaser'),
    'page' => t('Use the page display'),
    'default' => t('Default'),
    'links' => t('Show links'),
    'panel' => t('Use panel display'),
    'php' => t('PHP'),
    'php description' => t('PHP that returns text to popup eg.<br />return my_text_function();'),
    'text' => t('Text'),
    'view' => t('View'),
    'display' => t('Display'),
    'arguments' => t('Arguments'),
    'argument description' => t('Comma seperated list of arguments to pass to the view, eg.<br />1, 3'),
    'views disabled' => t('To embed views, the views module must be enabled on the !link.', array(
      'link' => l(t('Modules administration page'), 'admin/build/modules'),
    'filter reminder' => t('Please ensure that the input format below is set to "Popup filter", or that the selected input format includes a popup filter.'),
    'insert' => t('Insert'),

/* ---- Callbacks ---- */
function popup_filter_ajax_getnode($part) {
  $result = db_query('SELECT title, nid FROM {node} where title like "%s%";', $part);
  $nodes = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $nodes[$row['title'] . ' [' . $row['nid'] . ']'] = $row['title'];
  print drupal_to_js($nodes);
function popup_filter_ajax_getdeltas($module) {
  $options = '';
  $blocks = module_invoke($module, 'block', 'list');
  if (is_array($blocks)) {
    foreach ($blocks as $delta => $data) {
      $options .= '<option value="' . $delta . '">' . $data['info'] . '</option>';
  print $options;
function popup_filter_ajax_getdisplays($view_name) {
  if (module_exists('views')) {
    $view = views_get_view($view_name);
    if (is_array($view->display)) {
      foreach ($view->display as $id => $display) {
        $options .= '<option value="' . $id . '">' . $display->display_title . '</option>';
  print $options;