You are here in Popup 6.x


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/* ---- API ---- */

 * Renders a popup element using specified attributes. This method should be
 * used to create popups programmatically.
 * @param array $attributes
 * Attributes is a keyed array where the key is the attribute name. Acceptable
 * content related attributes are:
 * text   - Actual text to display within the popup body.
 * node   - Nid of the node to be displayed within the popup body. Additional
 *          options for the node display are:
 *            teaser-display - set to TRUE the node will be rendered as a
 *                             teaser.
 *            links          - set to TRUE the node links will be displayed.
 *            page-display   - set to TRUE will render the node with its page
 *                             value set.
 *            panel-display  - set to TRUE will render the node with a node
 *                             panel view. The Panels module is required to
 *                             render panels.
 * form   - form id of the form to be displayed within the popup block.
 * block  - Id of the block to be popped up OR a value of TRUE, indicating that
 *          a block provided by a module should be displayed. In the latter
 *          case, the following attributes should also be provided:
 *            module - the name of the module that provides the block.
 *            delta  - the delta of the module block.
 * menu   - Machine name of the menu to be popped up. Note that the menu module
 *          prefixes some menu ids with "menu-". Additional attributes for menus
 *          are:
 *            flat   - set to TRUE exposes the top level children of the menu,
 *                     while its root is not rendered.
 *            inline - causes the top level children to be displayed next to
 *                     eachother, rather than below.
 * view   - Machine name of the view to be popped up. The following attributes
 *          may be provided for views:
 *            display - the menu display to be rendered. Defaults to the Default
 *                      display.
 *            args    - a comma separated list of arguments to be passed to the
 *                      view.
 * php    - A string of php that returns rendered text to be displayed within
 *          the popup body.
 * image  - A path relative to the drupal root to an image to be used as the
 *          popup title.
 * title  - The title that should be used for the popup. This will override any
 *          of the automatically generated titles provided by each of the above
 *          popup types. If an image is provided, this will be used as the alt
 *          attribute.
 * link   - The URL to assign to the anchor of the popup. Note that this
 *          attribute will have no effect if activate is set to click, and
 *          Javascript is enabled within the client browser. It is still
 *          recommended to provide one to degrade semi-gracefully.
 * Display related attributes:
 * id     - The CSS id, prefixed with "popup-element-id-", that will be assigned
 *          to the wrapper of the entire popup element. Note that the body will
 *          be wrapped within an element with "-active" appended to the id, and
 *          class "popup-element-wrapper", before being appended to the
 *          "popup-active-overlay" at the end of the HTML body.
 * class  - The CSS class, prefixed with "class-" that will be
 *          assigned to the wrapper of the entire popup element, as well as the
 *          wrapper of the body. See above.
 * origin - The corner of the title that the popup will originate at. Acceptable
 *          values:
 *          top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right
 * expand - The direction in which the popup should expand. Acceptible values:
 *          top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right
 * effect - The name of the showing/hiding animation effect to use. Modules may
 *          provide their own effects by implementing hook_popup_effects.
 *          The popup suite provides these effects:
 *            default         - show or hide the popup with no animation.
 *            fade            - fades the popup in or out.
 *            slide-down      - slides the popup up/down.
 *            slide-down-fade - a combination of both of the above.
 * style  - The visual style to be used to display this popup item.
 * format - Predefined popup format as managed by the popup_ui module.
 * width  - Displayed width of the popup body inner in pixels.
 * Behaviour related attributes:
 * activate     - How the popup should be activated. Accepted values:
 *                  click - users must click on the popup title to reveal the
 *                          body.
 *                  hover - (Default) users activate popups by hovering over the
 *                          popup title.
 * ajax         - Causes the body of the popup to be retrieved with an AJAX call
 *                only when the body is to be shown to the user.
 *                This attribute applies to nodes, blocks, forms, views and php
 *                only.
 * ajax_extra   - a string tag that will be appended as a last argument of the
 *                ajax request url.
 * close        - Provides a close button within the popup body. Only applies to
 *                click activated popups.
 * empty-body	  - How an empty body should be handled. Accepted values:
 *									all 	- show the popup with an empty body.
 *									title - just show the popup title, default.
 * 									none	- show nothing.
function popup($attributes) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');

  // Defaults
  _popup_default($attributes['emty-body'], 'title');
  $type = array_shift(array_intersect(array(
  ), array_keys($attributes)));
  $function = '_popup_' . $type;
  $ajax_type = array_shift(array_intersect(array(
  ), array_keys($attributes)));

  // Allow modules to alter popup attributes before rendering
  drupal_alter('popup_attributes', $attributes);

  // If AJAX is to be used to populate the body, don't generate it now
  if ($attributes['ajax'] && $ajax_type && function_exists($function)) {
    return popup_element($function($attributes, 'title'), 'none', $attributes);
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    return $function($attributes);

 * Renders a popup elements' HTML
 * @param string $title
 * @param string $body
 * @param array $attributes
 * This method should be used to create popups programmatically where the title
 * and body of the popup element is known. It will automatically assign classes
 * and default behaviors. Any additional information should be passed in
 * attributes, eg. array('activate' => 'click')
function popup_element($title, $body, $attributes = array()) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');

  // Allow modules to alter popup attributes before rendering
  drupal_alter('popup_attributes', $attributes);
  $style = $attributes['style'] ? $attributes['style'] : variable_get('popup-style', 'white');
  $attributes['style-class'] = _popup_title_to_key($style);
  $style_suffix = $style ? '-' . $attributes['style-class'] : '';
  $id = _popup_id($attributes['id']);
  $classes = _popup_classes($attributes);
  $close = $attributes['close'] && $attributes['activate'] == 'click' ? '<a class="popup-close popup-close-button"><span>[X]</span></a>' : '';
  $href = $attributes['path'] ? 'href="' . $attributes['path'] . '"' : '';
  $title = $attributes['image'] ? '<img src="/' . $attributes['image'] . '" alt="' . $title . '" />' : $title;
  $ajax_type = array_shift(array_intersect(array(
  ), array_keys($attributes)));
  $popup_title = theme('popup-element-title' . $style_suffix, $title, $classes['title'], $href);
  if ($attributes['ajax'] && $ajax_type) {
    $body = theme('popup_ahah_placeholder', $ajax_type, $attributes);
  else {
  $popup_body = trim($body) || $attributes['empty-body'] == 'all' ? theme('popup-element-body' . $style_suffix, $body, $classes['body'], $close) : '';
  return trim($body) || $attributes['empty-body'] != 'none' ? theme('popup-element' . $style_suffix, $popup_title, $popup_body, $id, $classes['element'], $style) : '';

/* ---- Content generators ---- */
function _popup_text($attributes) {
  return popup_element($attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : 'Text', $attributes['text'], $attributes);
function _popup_node($attributes, $return = FALSE) {
  $node = node_load($attributes['node']);
  $title = $attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : $node->title;
  if ($return == 'title') {
    return $title;
  if ($attributes['panel-display'] && module_exists('ctools')) {
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/page_manager/plugins/tasks/';
    $body = page_manager_node_view($node);
  else {
    $body = node_view($node, $attributes['teaser-display'] == TRUE, $attributes['page-display'] == TRUE, $attributes['links'] == TRUE);
  if ($return == 'body') {
    return $body;
  return popup_element($title, $body, $attributes);
function _popup_block($attributes, $return = FALSE) {

  // Get the block from a module
  if ($attributes['module'] && isset($attributes['delta'])) {
    $block = module_invoke($attributes['module'], 'block', 'view', $attributes['delta']);
    $title = $attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : $block['subject'];
    $body = '<div class="block">' . $block['content'] . '</div>';

    // or from the block module
  else {
    $block_box = block_box_get($attributes['block']);
    $title = $attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : $block_box['info'];
    $body = $block_box['body'];
  if ($return == 'title') {
    return $title;
  if ($return == 'body') {
    return $body;
  return popup_element($title, $body, $attributes);
function _popup_form($attributes, $return = FALSE) {
  $title = $attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : 'form';
  if ($return == 'title') {
    return $title;
  $body = drupal_get_form($attributes['form']);
  if ($attributes['ajax']) {
    $body = '<div class="ajax-form-wrapper">' . $body . '</div>';
  if ($return == 'body') {
    return $body;
  return popup_element($title, $body, $attributes);
function _popup_view($attributes, $return = FALSE) {
  if (module_exists('views')) {
    $view = views_get_view($attributes['view']);
    $display = $attributes['display'] ? $attributes['display'] : 'default';
    $args = isset($attributes['args']) ? explode(',', $attributes['args']) : array();
    if ($view) {
      $body = $view
      $computed_title = $view
      $title = $attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : ($computed_title ? $computed_title : $view->display[$display]->display_options['title']);
  else {
    $body = false;
  $title = $title ? $title : 'View';
  if ($return == 'title') {
    return $title;
  if ($return == 'body') {
    return $body;
  return popup_element($title, $body, $attributes);
function _popup_php($attributes, $return = FALSE) {
  $title = $attributes['title'] ? $attributes['title'] : 'PHP';
  if ($return == 'title') {
    return $title;
  $body = eval($attributes['php']);
  if ($return == 'body') {
    return $body;
  return popup_element($title, $body, $attributes);
function _popup_menu($attributes) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');
  if (!isset($attributes['empty-body'])) {
    $attributes['empty-body'] = 'none';
  $menu = menu_load($attributes['menu']);
  $children = menu_tree_all_data($attributes['menu']);
  $menu['below'] = $children ? array_filter(menu_tree_all_data($attributes['menu']), '_popup_menu_visible') : FALSE;
  $menu['link']['has_children'] = isset($children);
  $menu['link']['title'] = $menu['title'];
  return _popup_menuelement($menu, $attributes);


Namesort descending Description
popup Renders a popup element using specified attributes. This method should be used to create popups programmatically.
popup_element Renders a popup elements' HTML