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namespace Drupal\Tests\poll\Functional;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\poll\PollInterface;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
class PollVoteTest extends PollTestBase {
function testPollVote() {
$edit = array(
'choice' => '1',
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
->assertText('Your vote has been recorded.');
->assertText('Total votes: 1');
$elements = $this
->xpath('//input[@value="Cancel vote"]');
->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]), "'Cancel your vote' button appears.");
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), array(), t('Cancel vote'));
->assertText('Your vote was cancelled.');
->assertNoText('Cancel your vote');
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), [], t('Vote'));
->assertText('Your vote could not be recorded because you did not select any of the choices.');
$elements = $this
->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]), "'Vote' button appears.");
$edit = array(
'choice' => '1',
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
->assertText('Your vote has been recorded.');
->assertText('Total votes: 1');
$elements = $this
->xpath('//input[@value="Cancel your vote"]');
->assertTrue(empty($elements), "'Cancel your vote' button does not appear.");
$assert_session = $this
->elementContains('css', 'tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)', 'Yes');
->elementContains('css', 'tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(3)', 'Off');
$edit = array(
'runtime' => 172800,
'anonymous_vote_allow[value]' => TRUE,
->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
->assertText('The poll ' . $this->poll
->label() . ' has been updated.');
$date = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
->getCreated() + 172800, 'short');
$output = 'Yes (until ' . rtrim(strstr($date, '-', TRUE)) . ')';
->elementContains('css', 'tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(2)', $output);
->elementContains('css', 'tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(3)', 'On');
->elementContains('css', 'tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(5)', '1');
$anonymous_role = Role::load(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID);
->grantPermission('access polls');
$edit = [
'choice' => '1',
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
$xpath = "//tr[1]/td[@class='views-field views-field-votes']";
->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, 2);
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), [], t('Cancel vote'));
->assertText(t('Your vote was cancelled.'));
$xpath = "//tr[1]/td[@class='views-field views-field-votes']";
->assertFieldByXPath($xpath, 1);
->drupalGet('poll/' . $this->poll
$elements = $this
->xpath('//input[@value="View results"]');
->assertTrue(!empty($elements), "'View results' button appears.");
->drupalGet('poll/' . $this->poll
$elements = $this
->xpath('//input[@value="View results"]');
->assertTrue(empty($elements), "'View results' button doesn't appear.");
public function testClosedPollVoteCancel() {
$poll = $this
$choices = $poll->choice
->drupalGet('poll/' . $poll
$edit = array(
'choice' => $choices[0]['target_id'],
->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Vote'));
$elements = $this
->xpath('//input[@value="Cancel vote"]');
->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]), "'Cancel your vote' button appears.");
->drupalGet('poll/' . $poll
->id() . '/edit');
$edit = [
'status[value]' => FALSE,
->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
->drupalGet('poll/' . $poll
$elements = $this
->xpath('//input[@value="Cancel vote"]');
->assertFalse(isset($elements[0]), "'Cancel your vote' button not appears.");
public function testAnonymousCancelVote() {
user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, array(
'cancel own vote',
'access polls',
$edit = array(
'choice' => '1',
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
'hostname' => '',
->condition('uid', \Drupal::currentUser()
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
->assertText(t('Total votes: @votes', array(
'@votes' => 2,
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
->assertText(t('Total votes: @votes', array(
'@votes' => 3,
->drupalPostForm(NULL, array(), t('Cancel vote'));
->drupalPostForm('poll/' . $this->poll
->id(), $edit, t('Vote'));
->assertText(t('Total votes: @votes', array(
'@votes' => 3,