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namespace Drupal\poll in Poll 8

Classsort descending Location Description
PollAccessControlHandler src/PollAccessControlHandler.php Defines an access control handler for the poll entity.
PollChoiceInterface src/PollChoiceInterface.php Provides an interface defining an poll entity.
PollChoiceTranslationHandler src/PollChoiceTranslationHandler.php Defines the translation handler for poll.
PollChoiceTranslationMetadataWrapper src/PollChoiceTranslationMetadataWrapper.php Base class for content translation metadata wrappers.
PollInterface src/PollInterface.php Provides an interface defining an poll entity.
PollListBuilder src/PollListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of user role entities.
PollPostRenderCache src/PollPostRenderCache.php Defines a service for poll post render cache callbacks.
PollStorage src/PollStorage.php Controller class for polls.
PollStorageInterface src/PollStorageInterface.php Defines a common interface for poll entity controller classes.
PollViewBuilder src/PollViewBuilder.php Render controller for polls.
PollViewData src/PollViewData.php Render controller for polls.
PollVoteStorage src/PollVoteStorage.php Controller class for poll vote storage.
PollVoteStorageInterface src/PollVoteStorageInterface.php Defines a common interface for poll vote controller classes.