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pmteam.install in Drupal PM (Project Management) 8

Install, uninstall and update functions for the PM Team module.


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 * @file
 * Install, uninstall and update functions for the PM Team module.

 * Implements hook_install().
function pmteam_install() {

  // Create and attaches fields to pmteam content type.
  module_load_include('inc', 'pmteam', 'includes/pmteam.migrate');
  variable_set('pm_permission_field_parent_reference_for_pmteam', 'pmteam_organization');

  // Parameter $sandbox is passed as a placeholder.
  $sandbox = array();
  variable_set("pm_permission_node_pmteam_enabled", TRUE);

 * Implements hook_disable().
function pmteam_disable() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'pm', 'includes/pm.install');
  $module = 'pmteam';

  // Set standardised message.
  pm_disable_message($module, 'teams');

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
function pmteam_uninstall() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'pm', 'includes/pm.install');
  $module = 'pmteam';

  // Delete items created by his module.

  // Set standardised message.
  pm_uninstall_message($module, 'teams');

 * Implements hook_update_last_removed().
function pmteam_update_last_removed() {
  return 6201;

 * Adds Drupal 7 style body field to PM Team nodes.
function pmteam_update_7100() {

  // Uncache node types.

  // Fetch a list of current node types and add a body field to PM Team.
  $types = node_type_get_types();
  node_add_body_field($types['pmteam'], 'Description');

 * Allow Project Management to override the default content type permissions.
function pmteam_update_7101() {
  variable_set('node_permissions_pmteam', 0);
  return 'PM Team permissions overridden';

 * Display message to admin regarding need to rebuild permission.
function pmteam_update_7102() {

 * Migrate PM Team nodes to field_api fields.
function pmteam_update_7103(&$sandbox) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'pmteam', 'includes/pmteam.migrate');
  if (pmteam_migrate_update_could_be_performed()) {
    return pmteam_migrate($sandbox);

 * Change team parent field cardinality to 1.
function pmteam_update_7200() {
  $field = array(
    'field_name' => 'pmteam_organization',
    'cardinality' => 1,

 * Set pmpermission_field_parent_reference_for_pmteam variable.
function pmteam_update_7201() {
  variable_set('pmpermission_field_parent_reference_for_pmteam', 'pmteam_organization');

 * Use pm_entity_reference_user_filter for pmteam_user.
function pmteam_update_7300() {
  $entity_type = 'node';
  $field_name = 'pmteam_user';
  $bundle_name = 'pmteam';

  // Get defaults from the configurations.
  // Update Field Base.
  module_load_include('inc', 'pmteam', 'includes/pmteam.field_base');
  $field_bases = pmteam_default_field_bases();
  $field_base = $field_bases[$field_name];
  $base_info = array(
    'field_name' => $field_name,
    'settings' => $field_base['settings'],

 * Implements hook_update_dependencies().
function pmteam_update_dependencies() {

  // pmperson_update_7104() migrates pmperson data to drupal user.
  // pmteam migration depends on its completion.
  $dependencies['pmteam'][7103] = array(
    'pmperson' => 7104,
  return $dependencies;


Namesort descending Description
pmteam_disable Implements hook_disable().
pmteam_install Implements hook_install().
pmteam_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
pmteam_update_7100 Adds Drupal 7 style body field to PM Team nodes.
pmteam_update_7101 Allow Project Management to override the default content type permissions.
pmteam_update_7102 Display message to admin regarding need to rebuild permission.
pmteam_update_7103 Migrate PM Team nodes to field_api fields.
pmteam_update_7200 Change team parent field cardinality to 1.
pmteam_update_7201 Set pmpermission_field_parent_reference_for_pmteam variable.
pmteam_update_7300 Use pm_entity_reference_user_filter for pmteam_user.
pmteam_update_dependencies Implements hook_update_dependencies().
pmteam_update_last_removed Implements hook_update_last_removed().