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pmproject indexing in Drupal PM (Project Management) 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 pmproject/pmproject.module \pmproject_index

Functions to maintain pmproject indexing.


pmproject/pmproject.module, line 218
Main module file for the PM Project module.


Namesort descending Location Description
pmproject_build_node_index pmproject/pmproject.module Builds and inserts pmproject index entries for a given node.
pmproject_delete_node_index pmproject/pmproject.module Deletes pmproject index entries for a given node.
pmproject_node_delete pmproject/pmproject.module Implements hook_node_delete().
pmproject_node_insert pmproject/pmproject.module Implements hook_node_insert().
pmproject_node_update pmproject/pmproject.module Implements hook_node_update().