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10 theme calls to theme_pm_view_item() in Drupal PM (Project Management) 7

theme_pmexpense_view in pmexpense/
Returns HTML for an expense.
theme_pminvoice_view in pminvoice/
Returns the HTML code for the invoice view page
theme_pmnote_view in pmnote/
Theme function defining PM Note node view.
theme_pmorganization_view in pmorganization/
theme_pmperson_view in pmperson/
Theme function for PM Person node view.
theme_pmproject_view in pmproject/
Provides HTML markup for a pmproject node view.
theme_pmtask_view in pmtask/
Provides HTML for the task node view.
theme_pmteam_view in pmteam/
@function Theme function for the Project Management Team node view
theme_pmticket_view in pmticket/
Provides HTML markup for a pmticket node view.
theme_pmtimetracking_view in pmtimetracking/
Provides HTML markup for a pmtimetracking node view.