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public function PMTestCase::testpmAccessSettings in Drupal PM (Project Management) 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 pm.test \PMTestCase::testpmAccessSettings()
  2. 7 pm.test \PMTestCase::testpmAccessSettings()
  3. 7.2 pm.test \PMTestCase::testpmAccessSettings()

Tests access to Project Management settings pages.


./pm.test, line 51
Test definitions for Project Management.


Define a test case for Project Management.


public function testpmAccessSettings() {
    ->assertResponse(403, t('Make sure access is denied to Project Management settings page for anonymous user'));
    ->assertResponse(403, t('Make sure access is denied to Project Management settings page for anonymous user'));
  $basic_user = $this
    ->assertResponse(403, t('Make sure access is denied to Project Management settings page for basic user'));
    ->assertResponse(403, t('Make sure access is denied to Project Management settings page for basic user'));
  $privileged_user = $this
    'Project Management: access administration pages',
    ->assertText(t('Project Management'), t('Make sure the correct page has been displayed by checking that the title of the settings page is "Project Management".'));
    ->assertText(t('Project Management'), t('Make sure the correct page has been displayed by checking that the title of the settings page is "Project Management".'));