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PluploadWidgetTrait.php in PlUPload File Widget 8


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namespace Drupal\plupload_widget\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldFilteredMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\Core\Render\ElementInfoManagerInterface;
use Drupal\file\Element\ManagedFile;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
trait PluploadWidgetTrait {

   * Get the optimum chunk size.
  public function getChunkSize() {

    // 500 Kb per chunk does not sound bad...
    $good_size = 1024 * 500;

    // This is what the PLUPLOAD module
    // field element takes as the default
    // chunk size.
    $size = Bytes::toInt(ini_get('post_max_size'));
    if ($size > $good_size) {
      $size = $good_size;
    return $size;

   * Returns the maximum configured
   * file size for the Field stroage
   * in Bytes.
   * @return double|int
  public function getMaxFileSize() {

    // We don't care about PHP's max post
    // or upload file size because we use
    // plupload.
    $size = $this
    $size = Bytes::toInt($size);
    return $size;

